الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

أوراق عمل للصف السادس – مدرسة ابن حزم للتعليم الأساسي والثانوي

Unit 2
My time
Choose the correct word :
1 – Take this …………………out the door .
a ) computer b ) garbage c ) water
2 – ……………… your homework .
a ) Do b ) Does c ) Did
3 – My brother likes to mow the …………………….
a ) computer b ) garbage c ) lawn
4 – My sister always ………….. the table for us .
a ) sets b ) makes c ) takes
5 – I ……………… the floor after school .
a ) water b ) sweep c ) do
6 – Before going to school , I ………………… my bed .
a ) set b ) make c ) take
7 – I can´t…………….. the clothes .
a ) watch b ) wash c ) do
8 – When I finish my chores , I will be ……………….
a ) busy b ) feed c ) free ************************************************** ***********
Fill in the spaces :
chess – club – grocery store – piano – once
1 – I go to the ……………….. to play soccer .
2 – I go to the park ………………. a week .
3 – I help my father in his ……………….
4 – My friend is going to start ……………. lessons this week .
5 – I play a ………….. with my friend .
جزاك الله خيرا
شو مفش غير هدول الله لا يعطيك عافية

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