الصف السابع

اباا برجراف

Bergrav About UAE بليز اليوم احين الشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقة
بصرعه ردو عليه
؟ كوكلي بليز اي ونت اليوم تمور امتحان انجليزي
ماعندي يالغلا
My name is …………….. I am thirteen years old. I am Emirati. I am from RAK. I attend Emirates School. I am a student in Grade 7.
I like school very much. My favourite subjects are Science and Arabic. I try hard to improve my English because it is very important.
Out of school, I have a lot of interests. I play football in a famous club. I attend drama lessons. I am a hard-working student.

Rainforests are located in different parts of the world. They are found in countries closest to the Equator. The Equator has hot temperature, lots of sun and lots of rain. This is why they are called rainforests. There are many kinds of animals and plants in the rainforests. People have to protect them so that generations to come can benefit the rainforests’ riches.

Your country
I am from The UAE. It is a small country in Asia. There are seven emirates in my country. Its capital is Abu Dhabi. The second largest city in the UAE is Dubai. There are some mountains in my country. There aren’t any rivers. My country is rich in oil. I like my country very much.

Your favourite job
I always dream of a good job with a good income. I would like to a teacher of English. I like teaching. It is an interesting job. It is the job of prophets. I can explain things to the others. I can deal with children. I like English and I am good at it. I will do my best to be a teacher.
Your School

Your School

I attend ……………..School. It is a big school. It has four blocks. There are four teachers’ rooms. There are a science lab and a computer lab. There is also a large library with lots of books. There is a big playground. We have a big canteen. There is a large theater.
The school day starts at 7:30. We have seven lessons every day. We have a break after the third period. At school, we read and write. We study eight subjects. The school day ends at 2:10. Schools are open from Sunday to Thursday. I like my school very much.

A school Journey

Last week I went with my friends on a school journey. We went by bus. We went to the park. It was a sunny, warm day. The weather was fine. At the park we saw many tall beautiful trees and flowers. We also saw some birds. We played many games and sang a lot of songs. When we returned home we were tired but we were happy

ابي برجراف عن ليش الامارات حارة
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شكرررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررراااااااااااااااا ااااااااااااااااا
عايز برجراف عن nature
انا عندي برقراف عن الناتشر بس ويت بكتبه لكمـ ..~
nature is very beautiful in UAE . it is hot and dry in summer . it is cold and riny in winter . it is windy in autumn .it is cool in spring . we dont have any rivers,lakes or forests . you can see wonderful mountains ,beaches and deserts in the UAE . we always keep our environment clean


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  1. الشارقةثينكسسسسسسسسسسسسس واااااااااااااااااااااايددددددددددد؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟الشارقة

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[اهل مزيرع يرحبو بكم في مدينتهههههههههههههم الغالية
عن الاشجار
Bergrav About UAE
There is a big difference in the education in the UAE between the past and present in many aspects. The education in the past and present is different in subjects, teachers, classroom, students, schools, transportation, and financial support.
The education in the past differs from the education in the present in many aspects. In the past, the education was very simple. There were no universities, schools, and teachers. The teacher was a person who was called Al-Mutawa. Al-Mutawa was teaching the boys and girls only three subjects which are: reading, reciting the Holy Quran, and math. Al-Mutawa was paid by boys’ and girls’ parents. Actually, they paid to Al-Mutawa by giving him food, clothes…etc. The Al-Mutawa’s house was the class where the boys and girls were learnt. Also, the boys and girls did not have to attend everyday in order to learn in the past.
The education in the present differs from the past in many things. There are two reasons that lead to the developments in education in the UAE which are: discovery of oil in the UAE and unity of the seven emirates in 1971. Nowadays, there are universities, schools, teachers, institutes, and colleges. There are many universities in the UAE covering most of the disciplines and majors such as engineering, arts, sciences, law, business, architecture…etc. Also, these universities provide opportunity for the students who want to pursue the postgraduate studies such as master and PhD. In the present, the government attracts the qualified teachers and professors to teach different subjects such as English language, Arabic language, history, geography, chemistry, biology, psychology …etc in the schools and universities. The government is supporting the education nowadays. It builds the modern schools, labs, universities, and institutes to provide an appropriate environment for studying. Also, it provides the adequate transportation for students to facilitate their movements and safety.

At the end, the education in the past and present is different in many phases such as subjects, teachers, classroom, students, schools, transportation, and financial support. And there are two reasons that lead the development in education in the United Arab Emirates . And we know that country doing many things such as schools, university , and college .

ابا برجراف للصف السادس بلييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييز
مشكورين على كل هذي المواضيع
Bergrav About UAE
There is a big difference in the education in the UAE between the past and present in many aspects. The education in the past and present is different in subjects, teachers, classroom, students, schools, transportation, and financial support.
The education in the past differs from the education in the present in many aspects. In the past, the education was very simple. There were no universities, schools, and teachers. The teacher was a person who was called Al-Mutawa. Al-Mutawa was teaching the boys and girls only three subjects which are: reading, reciting the Holy Quran, and math. Al-Mutawa was paid by boys’ and girls’ parents. Actually, they paid to Al-Mutawa by giving him food, clothes…etc. The Al-Mutawa’s house was the class where the boys and girls were learnt. Also, the boys and girls did not have to attend everyday in order to learn in the past.
The education in the present differs from the past in many things. There are two reasons that lead to the developments in education in the UAE which are: discovery of oil in the UAE and unity of the seven emirates in 1971. Nowadays, there are universities, schools, teachers, institutes, and colleges. There are many universities in the UAE covering most of the disciplines and majors such as engineering, arts, sciences, law, business, architecture…etc. Also, these universities provide opportunity for the students who want to pursue the postgraduate studies such as master and PhD. In the present, the government attracts the qualified teachers and professors to teach different subjects such as English language, Arabic language, history, geography, chemistry, biology, psychology …etc in the schools and universities. The government is supporting the education nowadays. It builds the modern schools, labs, universities, and institutes to provide an appropriate environment for studying. Also, it provides the adequate transportation for students to facilitate their movements and safety.

At the end, the education in the past and present is different in many phases such as subjects, teachers, classroom, students, schools, transportation, and financial support. And there are two reasons that lead the development in education in the United Arab Emirates . And we know that country doing many things such as schools, university , and college .

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