paragraph about your father’s job
4 مشااااااااااااهدات ولارد
ابغى البرقراف ضروري
14 مشاهدة ولا رد
آسسسفه ،،، بس عالعمووووم بدور لج ^^" ،، ولو نحن بالخدمــــه !؟!؟
بااااكز ،،، يبتلج براقرااااف بس اتمنى انه يكوووون مثل الي تبيـنه !!!
اوك ! سامحينا ع القصوووور خيتووو ؟!
My father was born in Bolivia, a very underprivileged country. As a child he didn’t experience such a luxurious life. He had a large family; twelve children including him, as well as his mother and father. My grandparents had a daily struggle to keep food on the table and provide their best for the children. They had a very difficult life; they shared rooms and clothes because more could not be afforded. He once told me about his shoes that were filled with holes and falling apart, but still wore them because he had no others. He wanted a better life for himself as well as his children that he would soon have. For these reasons, he moved to the United States. Shortly after moving to the US, he met my mother who also was from Bolivia and went through struggle and wanted better, wanted more. Together they both struggled to make a good life for themselves. When they were somewhat stable my brother and I were born. My mother worked at soldiering jewelry and after many jobs my father finally found a job which he enjoyed at White Manufacturing. They both continued their jobs. My father and his boss grew a very tight bond. His boss, Mr. White, donated us clothes and other necessities we were in need of. He helped bring my three half brothers from Bolivia and helped my parents become citizens of the United States. Tragically, this year Mr. White has passed away. After 15 years of employment, my father remains loyal to the company and Mr. White and is determined to work there for the rest of his life. Because of my father, my mother was able to take classes which enabled her to open her own business, a home daycare. He has brought our family all the way from the bottom to now living comfortably in our own house.
My father’s perseverance to give his children the best made this possible. He wanted us to have everything that he desired as a child but couldn’t financially afford. He has inspired me to get the most I can out of life and try my best to be successful. I’ve learned through him to push myself and challenge myself constantly. I am now an over-achiever and do my best at any obstacle that is thrown to me. I’ve learned to be determined and never give up. My goal is to be successful in life. I want to show that I am capable of the goals that he once wanted to reach and beyond those. Today, I have more opportunities than he ever had and if he reached his goal under his circumstances, I can do it without a problem.
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