الصف الرابع

امتحان رابع ف 2

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وزارة التربية والتعليم اليوم:الثلاثاء
منطقة العين التعليمية التاريخ: /11/2008
مدرسة الطليعة للتعليم الأساسي والثانوي
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Reading comprehension(10)
Read the following paragraph then answer the the question below:
Reem lives in an apartment. she likes to go to the movie theater, and the skating rink .she has a bird and a cat. every day she has to feed them after school . Her friend Sara lives on a farm .she likes to play in the fields and fish in the lake .every day Sara has to feed her chickens before school .Sara likes the country very much .
A) Read then mark with true or false:
1-Reem lives in the city . ( )

2-Ream has a dog . (——–)

3-Ream has to feed her bird after school (——–)

4-Sara has to go to the movie theater . (——–)

5-Sara has to feed her chickens before school (——-)

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Text two :Read the passage then answer the question below; ( 10 )
Mona is ten years old .she is in grade four. She lives in AlAin .At 6:00 in the morning she gets up .then she gets dressed . she brushes her teeth after she eats her breakfast . Mona goes to school to at 7:00 . she reads and writes there . At 2:30 she comes back home .After she eats lunch, she does her homework .At 8:00 she watches TV .Then she goes to bed .

Choose the right answer from a , b ,c ,or d :
1-Mona lives in ————
a-Dubai b-Al Ain C-Abu Dhabi

2-Mona gets dressed —————-
a-before school b-at school c-after school

3- breakfast line 2 means food we eat in the
a- morning b-afternoon c-evening

4-she line 1 refers to———–
a-school b-Mona c-family

5-this text is about ————————
a-Mona’s school b- Mona’s day c-Mona’s family
vocabulary: ( 15)
A): Circle the correct word: (10)
1-we always see————-in the city.
a-farms b-fences c-museums

2-she always————-and writes at school .
a- sleeps b- reads c-watches

3-My cousin is a—————-.He fights fires .
a-fire fighter b-teacher c-barber

4-The father of my father is my———
a-grand father b-uncle c-grandmother

5-He has to ————-his chickens
a-feed b-take c-bed

6-I ————-the bus to the school every day .
a-take b-comb c- clean
7-My mother is a mail carrier .she always brings ————
a-books b-food c- mail

8-you can fish and swim in the————-
a-lakes b-buildings c-movie theater

9-I have to ————-the plants right now .
a-water b- paint c-do

10-He has to wash the ———–
a-bed b- dishes c- plants

B) :Classify the following: (5)
Department store , movie theater ,house ,parks ,fence
City country

Structure (20)
1- I have to ————–my homework.
a-does b- do c- did
2-There ————ponds in the country .
a-is b- are c-am

3-My aunt types letters. ———is a secretary.
a-He b-She c-they

4-Ali ————-water the plants every day
a- has to b- have to c- had to
5-I go to school every day ————-7:00
a- on b- in c- at

6-My father ———–a doctor
a-is b- are c- am
7-Dana ———— up at 6:00 every day
a- gets b- got c- getting

8-they always ———lunch at 3:00
a-eat b- eats c- eating

9-She has to ———–the goldfish
a- feed b- fed c- feeding

10——–Thursday , she usually goes shopping with her mother
a- on b- in c- at
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B) Correct the words between brackets :
1-Tim has to ( goes ) —————-to bed .

2-my father is a coach .He ( teach )—————–sports.

3-there are ( a fence )—————-in the country.

4-lets ( playing )—————soccer

5- I( has )to———– brush my teeth.

Writing (15)
A) Fill in the missing letter

1- there are re_turants in the ci _y.
3- My mother is a dent_st .she fi _es people tee_h .


Write the following sentences in neat hand writing:

There are department stores in the city

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……..

C)read about Mario mother and write about your father;

MY mother is a doctor .she usually works five days a week.
Sometimes she works at night.

مع جزيل الشكر و اتمنى التوفيق للجميع

thanks for sharing your test
مع خالص الشكر والامتنان
مشكور بن عمك على الموضوع الجيد
بالتوفيق دائماً….الله يعطيكـــــ العافية
ويجعله في ميزان حسناتكـــــــــــ
في ميزان حسناتج
مشكورةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةة ةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةة
شكرا جزيلا وبارك الله فيك
الشارقة شكرا جزيلا على هذه المشاركة الطيبة الشارقة

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