الصف الثاني عشر

بغيت مساعدتكم في مواضيع التعبير

السلام عليكم
انا طالبه منازل ولا اعرف شو المواضيع اللي مقرره هالفصل ولا اعرف شي عن طريقة الامتحان ارجوا المساعده
والله يااختي احنا بالمدارس ما نعرف شو بييناا؟؟

ع العموم إللي قالته المس :

– عن الهوم ورك .. الواجبات يعني تعطين نصائح شلون الواحد يحل واجباته.. وهكذا ..
– عن واحد من الحيوانات اللي درسنه عنهم ..


والسموحة ع القصور ..

مشكوره يالغاليه
يارب تيبين النسبه اللي تتمننها
قالو موضوع التعبير او المقال بيكون نفس الدروس الي خذتوها بالمدرسه .
انزي شو هي الدروس تتوقعون عن شو بيكون المقال
ساعدونا جزاكم الله خير
أتوقع عن نمط الحياة الصحي ((Healthy life style))
Healthy life style

In our life, we should care about a lot of things , such as our healthy life style , so my dear friend listen to me and to my advice for you.
Play sports every day. we all know that. playing sports is very important for our body, so if you play sports daily , you will have a strong and healthier body.
Care about your food. You cannot do any work or job without energy , and your energy comes from food . but be careful ! not all food are healthy , some food help to get fat , like junk food especially if you eat it a lot , so you have to choose the right food such as vegetable .
Stay away from unhealthy places. A dangerous place is every where, here and there, so we must stay away from it . do you remember when we planned to visit a park , to do some sports and enjoy the fresh air , that is a safe place , but when we walked near the man who was smoking, we felt that we would get sick , that became a dangerous place , it may affect our health .
Our health is very important . we can not buy the health ! so you must remember that .. care about your health . The god gave you this health to work and to do good things , so do your work well .

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