الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

حصة استراتيجية

اخواني انا ان شاء الله عندي حصة استراتيجية الاسبوع الياي عن ال shopping فياريت تفيدوني بافكاركم الحلوةالشارقة
انشااااااء الله اكووووون خير المشاركين بهالمنتدى
<<<<<<<<معاااكم مدير كليه الحب>>>>>>>>
اخواني الله يخليكم ابا افكاركم عندي جصة استراتيخية لكتشاف الفائقين والموهوبين هالاسبوع ارجو تساعدوني
ok i can help you with the shopping
first start with a game which is called the chain game ..get 5 students n tell them to start saying i bought shirt n then the first one sart sayin i bought a shirt and a…. n she should say something else n then the second one will say all what was said before n then she add something more….it will train their memory , the one who will forget to say them in order she has to go out of the game..the winner who will remember to list them all as they were said……
ok after that tell some one to go n wear a very looose shirt n come back n show it to the students n ask them what is wrong with this shirt n then ask them then tell me how do u shop.,..what do you do when u want to buy a shirt…if u have in your lesson about the designs of clothes u can give them a worksheet drawn on it a plane shirt n write some de******ion for it like it has collar, its flowered n so on n the students in groups should draw in the shirt
mmmm welll tell me more about your lesson i will tell u more activities

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