الصف التاسع

طلب: برجراف عن الإنترنت

ابغي برجراف عن الانترنت بسرعه اليوم ضروري لو سمحتووو



لو سمحتو ابغيه اليوم

ما عنديش …..
أنا أبغي بعد
وانا كمان ضروري اليوم
معقوله ولا حد عنده
انت تبا بارجراف عن شو قولي بعدين بطيك ^^
لين الحين ماقلت عن شو تبااا ؟؟؟؟ !_!
وين .. البرجرااااف …؟ لو سمحتوا بدياه ضرووري …^^
me 2 wallah
انا بعد ضروري باجر
موضوع عن الانترنت و فوائده-The internet & its benefit

The internet is a world-wide network that is easily and cost-effectively accessible to anyone with: a phone line,computer, and special software.

It is actually a collection of large and fast as well as small and slow individual networks.
It’s not run or controlled by any group or organization.

The internet contains a collection of tools and services that can be useful to lots of people.

-W.W.W(World-Wide-Web): the w.w.w. is a graphical protocol that allows users t easily access , download and save information about individual or organization.

-E-mails services:People can easily and rapidly communicate with each other by using the e-mails .It’s just like a big post office for the whole world.

-Information searching: Internet is like a great library with millions of sources.People can easily find any information they need about every subject known to man.

-Different services:Many services are now provided on the Internet such as online banking,jobs seeking and applications, hotels reservations…etc.
It’s also a very effective way to buy and sell products all over the world

Communities of all types have sprung upon the internet.It is a great way to meet up with people of similar interest and discuss common issues.

The internet is truly a diverse and global technology that the whole world has access.

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