http://<a href="… border=0></a> هذه دمى الفار والتنين والسمكة مسرحية قصيرة على حلقات استخدمها كاحماء قبل بدء الحصة تربط بموضوع الدرس والتفاصيل فيما بعد باذن الله
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الفأر هو ماوس كمبيوتر معطل والتنين دمية تنقصها اجنحة كان الاولاد يلعبون بها داخل الصف فاقترحت عليهم ان نخترع منها شخصية مسرحية فرحبوا بالفكرة والسمكة حامل اقراص مدمجة
الفكرة من الوحدة السابعة invention حيث يوجد سؤال عن امكانية اختراع اشياء جديدة من دمج او استعمال اشياء معطلة . والحوار الذي دار بين التنين والفأر
الفكرة من الوحدة السابعة invention حيث يوجد سؤال عن امكانية اختراع اشياء جديدة من دمج او استعمال اشياء معطلة . والحوار الذي دار بين التنين والفأر
في الفصل الاول من المسرحية هو :
A flying dragon : I am hungry Ican see a mouse I will go down and eat him
Where are you going you little small thing (blowing fire from his mouth) said the dragon
The mouse knew that the dragon would eat him so he decided to play a trick on him
I am not good enough to be a meal for you , but I know a lake full of fish you can eat them because they swim near the surface of the lake .
Where is that lake ?? tell me ? where is it ? hurry up tell me ??
( you have to show me that you are strong enough to eat all that fish /said the Mouse
How can I do that ?? replied the Dragon .
If you can put your big foot in this hole < then you are strong enough. Just by then I will tell you .
The hole was small . The dragon tries hardly to put his foot inside the hole untill it stucks in and couldn’t take it out easily.
The Mouse said : ah aha ;aha haha ah . I fooled you ,you stupid . Then the Clever Mouse mangaged to esacpe l
A flying dragon : I am hungry Ican see a mouse I will go down and eat him
Where are you going you little small thing (blowing fire from his mouth) said the dragon
The mouse knew that the dragon would eat him so he decided to play a trick on him
I am not good enough to be a meal for you , but I know a lake full of fish you can eat them because they swim near the surface of the lake .
Where is that lake ?? tell me ? where is it ? hurry up tell me ??
( you have to show me that you are strong enough to eat all that fish /said the Mouse
How can I do that ?? replied the Dragon .
If you can put your big foot in this hole < then you are strong enough. Just by then I will tell you .
The hole was small . The dragon tries hardly to put his foot inside the hole untill it stucks in and couldn’t take it out easily.
The Mouse said : ah aha ;aha haha ah . I fooled you ,you stupid . Then the Clever Mouse mangaged to esacpe l
ثم بعد ذلك سألت بعض اسئلة الاستيعاب واخبرتهم ان يترقبوا الفصل القادم من المسرحية لا تتخيلوا زملائي الكرام كم كانت سعادة الاولاد وانا اروي القصة وأغير من نبرة صوتي بتغيير الادوار
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Thank you very much for this useful contribution
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مشكور استاذ اسماعيل على كل الجهود التي تبذلها والعمل الدؤوب الواضح في جميع اعمالك.
استاذ انجليزي.
استاذ انجليزي.
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