الإذاعة المدرسية

طلب اذاعه بالانجليزي

السلام عليكم

ممكن اذاعه او اي شي يخص الاذاعه بالانجليزي مثل مسرحيات واشياء ثانيه

نعم انا عندي اتفضلي وان شاء الله تعيبج
In the name of Allah
Wellcom every body in my school
The New Year
The old year is over . The New Year is opening it’s arms and it is just beginning. When all is said and done, It is the time to learn from the past and to look forward to our future . It is the time to forgive each other and work together

We start our broadcast by some verses of the Holy Qur’an by………………………..
Now we will listen to the Establishing Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with …………………………………………………………
Establishing Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
When all regions became calm and no violence at all appeared, after becoming the Sultan of Najd in 1921 and King of Hijaz in 1926. He announced the establishing of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 23rd September 1932. That day became the national day of the country.
Thank you my dear for this topic to know more about your The national day.
More and more with …………

King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Faisal Al Saud (Mercy be upon him ) is considered the first founder of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He was one of the greatest leaders and kings in the twentieth century and one of the supreme history makers in the modern ages. King Abdul Aziz was the first Arab and Muslim leader who unified a nation of the land of the Arabian Peninsula since the end of the early period of Islam up to now.
King Abdul Aziz was born in Riyadh on the twenty-first of October 1880. He was learnt the skills of reading, writing and the Islamic principles in the region from Sheikh A. Al-Kharji under the supervision of his father Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal Al- Saud. In 1891, when he was eleven years old, he was forced to leave Riyadh to Kuwait with his family. Although he was young, he was aware of what he saw and was full of faith and enthusiasm to recapture Riyadh one day. Ten years later when he became twenty-one, he insisted to reconquer his family’s Najdi lands and the capital of his ancestors to fulfill his noble goals in the region.
Thanks now lets know more about /
The Most Important Battles for Abdul Aziz:/ with ………….
1. Opening Riyadh 15.1.1902.
2. Union with Al-Kharj, Al-Hota, Al-Hareeq and Al-Aflaj in 1903.
3. Al-Kharj battle in 1903.
4. Union with Washm, Sho’aib, Zulfi and Sudair except Majma’a in 1904.
5. Faida Al-Ser battle in 1904.
6. Union with Unaizah in 1904.
7. Bekaireyyah battle in 1904.
8. Al-Shenana battle in 1904.
9. Rawdat Mohanna battle in 1906.
10. Al-Tarafiyyah battle in 1907.
11. Union with Buraidah in 1908.
12. Union with Al-Majma’ah in 1908.
13. Ne’am battle in 1909.
14. Hedya battle in 1910.
15. Union with Al-Ahsa in 1914.
16. Jarab battle in 1915.
17. Union with Asir in 1920.
18. Union with Ha’il in 1921.
19. Union with Ta’if in 1924.
20. Union with Makkah Al-Mukarramah in 1924.
21. Union with Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah in 1925
22. Union with Jeddah in 1925

Finally thanks a lot and I hope every one enjoy
with my best wishes

وأنا بغيت خواتي إذاعة باللغة الانجليزية عن اليوم الوطني بارك الله لكم أعمالكم

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