الصف الحادي عشر

إلى طلاب مدرسة غنتوت

أرجوكم أت تضعو لي نماذج امتحانات الامسا الانجليزية التي تدربتم عليها او حتى أي أسئلة تتذكرونها من النماذج اللتي اخذتوها أو التي قالها الاستاذ
ارجووكم سا عدوني
النماذج المقترحة من قبل الوزارة مثبتة فوق وما في
نماذج اكثر مصداقية منها
رح ادرب عليهم
بس صحيح مدرستي بتتبع مو الوزارة المجلس من الشراكة فحيكون غير
وين نلاقي هذة النمااذج بالضبط
بليييييييييز ساعووني
ولكم جزيل الشكر
الصف الحادي عشر

طلب:: براغرافات

بغيت براغرافات االمتوقعة يأتي ف الامتحان فصل الثاني ..
آخر حد يوم الأثنين لأنه الامتحان يوم الثلاثاء .. بغيتهـ بسرعهـ ..!
إذا ممكـــــــــــــــــــــــن ..
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)
وانا بعد الله يخليكم ..
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)
اناا بعد!!!!
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)
برجراف عن يور كنتري وسيفتي ان اسبورت
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)
حد يحطهٍ
بلييزٍ نحن باجر امتحانهٍ
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)
اتفضلو ..

دعواتكم ربي لا هانكم ..

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)
الله يبارك فيك ويوفقك
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)
البرجرااافات ….. بالتوفيق ادعولي بالخير والتوفيق ..
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)
مشكووورررررررين ماقصرتواا

وبالتوفيج ان شاء الله .

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)
يســـلمو علــى البرغـــرافـــات
وان شـــاء الله الكــــل يســــتفيد منــــها …
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)

وأن شاء الله في ميزان حسناتكم

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)
كل الشكر لكم جميع..
بالتوفيق يا رب..
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)
ثااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااانكس ،،،~
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)
تسلمون بس هي اي جزء
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)

~(* الــسلاإأآأم عــليـــكـم )^
~(* بـــآأإأآأركـــ الله فـــيـكـم جميعا)^
~(* جــعـــله الله بمـيزان حسناتك }^
(*^ بالتــــوفيق للجــــميع }^^

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)
مشكور أخوي عنيد وأختي طالبه على البرجرافات
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc parg1.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 478)
نوع الملف: doc parg2.doc‏ (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 348)
نوع الملف: doc parg3.doc‏ (25.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 302)
الصف الحادي عشر

لي يبغي اي شي في الكتابين أنا حاضر ^ ج2

اطلبواااااا حل اي صفحة وفالكم طيب


لاتنسوني بدعاء التوفيج

حل من كتاب التمارين ص 27

1-has started

2- hasnt visted

3- blew

4- have you written

5- went


1- has known

2- became

3- bought

4- has seen

5 has visited


حل ص 28
1- for

2- since

3- since

4- since

5- for


حل ص 30 و 31













حل ص 32

2- ripped off

3- swirled around

4- swayed

5- crashed into

6- sha hered

7- snapped

8- jumped

<div tag="2|80|” >جزاك الله كل خير

حل صفحة 33 و 34 و 35 لو سمحتوو
لوسمحتوااااا أبي حل صفحة 52 من كتاب الطالب الله يخليكم ضروووووووري ابيه
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة نور الأرض الشارقة
لوسمحتوااااا أبي حل صفحة 52 من كتاب الطالب الله يخليكم ضروووووووري ابيه

السموحة ماحليته ..

ابغي حل كتاب التمارين ص 35 بسرعة
حتى انا ابي ضضرووووووي باجر الله يخليييييكم
شحآلج مريوومه
لو مآعلييج آمر
ممكن تحطين آجوبه صفحه 48
فآلكتاب المب ملون
ابى صفحة 37 ضرررررررررررررروي اليوم اباه باكر
بليز ابغى صفحة 48 كتاب الانجليزي مب ملونه
ضروري الله يخليكم
بدي حل صفحة 77 كتاب student bookيعني الكتاب الملون ويا ريت اليوم
quickly please and tank you
حل كتاب الغير الملون ص49 الحادي عشر أدبي اليوم
كتاب التمارين صـ 72 دخيلكم ضروري ابا الحل اليوم اليوم اليوم
مشكورة واااااااااااايد
لو سسسمحتووو بغييت الوورك بوك صفففحه 15
الصف الحادي عشر

امتحان تجريبي English -Grade 11جديد لتعليم الكبار

هذا امتحان تجريبي جديد للصف الحادي عشر للفصل الدراسي الثاني 2022-2011

نرجو الفائدة للجميع . والله يوفق جميع طلابنا وطالباتنا


جزاك الله خيرا
هذا النموذج من منطقة ابو ظبي التعليمية
بس ايضا حيكون مفيد ان شاء الله
مشكووووووووووووور و جزاااااك الله ألف خير الشارقةالشارقة


شكررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررا الله يجزيك
جزاك الله خير

انا معلمة وليس أستاذ . أشكر مروركم وان شاء الله نفيدكم دائما ونوافيكم بالمزيد. الله يوفقكم جميعا.


~(* الــسلاإأآأم عــليـــكـم )^
~(* بـــآأإأآأركـــ الله فـــيـكـ )^
~(* جــعـــله الله بمـيزان حسناتك }^
(*^ بالتــــوفيق للجــــميع }^^

جزااااااااااااااااااااك الله خيرا
بس لو سمحتوا بغيت خمس جمل
مابطلب اكثر
جزاكم الله خيرا لجزاء
مب راضي يفتح عندي .. ليش !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! الشارقة
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة موفق مقبل الشارقة
هذا امتحان تجريبي جديد للصف الحادي عشر للفصل الدراسي الثاني 2022-2011

نرجو الفائدة للجميع . والله يوفق جميع طلابنا وطالباتنا



اتمنى لكم النجاح وللامام دوماً
في ميزااان حسااناتك اخوي,,
يا ويلي عالامتحان
مشكورُ ، مآ تقصر : –
يزآك آلله خير الشارقة . . . ]

. . . . . . جَج‘ـآري آلتح‘ـِميلُ

سههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههل مييية
الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير عن food chain

Food chain
Islam sayed ahmed zayed
11 1 Scientific

The food chain comprises all living things and is a true reflection of their interdependence and the complex balance of life. If one animal’s source of food disappears, such as from over-fishing or hunting, many other animals in the food chain are impacted and may die.
Breaking one link on the chain means all of the organisms above that link are in threat of extinction (like the domino effect). Since the food chain provides energy that all living things must have in order to survive, it is imperative that we protect it.
Why should I be aware of this?
A significant portion of the Pacific Ocean, twice the size of Texas, is full of plastic. Some of these minuscule pieces of plastic are so small that they are barely visible to the eye. As they swirl in the seas and oceans, they resemble fish food and are eaten by the small fish. The plastic thus enters the food chain.
Evidences of plastic’s entry into the food chain were seen when dead bodies of a large number of seabirds that had been washed ashore were found to contain plastic: things like bottle caps, cigarette lighters, tampon applicators, and colored scraps. Apparently these resemble baitfish to the seabird. Scientists say these toxins cause obesity, infertility and other problems amongst humans.
How does this affect me?
In recent times, directly or indirectly man has caused the maximum damage to the food chain. He has hunted animals, razed forest for farming and development, and wreaked havoc everywhere. This adverse impact on the food chain might affect our health, the environment and our planet.
When we spray pesticides, we not only put the food chain in danger, but also affect out health by introducing chemicals in our food.
All about food chain
The food chain consists of four main parts:
• Sun — The sun is the source of energy for all activities on the earth.
• Producers — This includes all plants, which harness the energy of the sun and make their own food.
• Consumers – These include all organisms that cannot manufacture their own food and eat food manufactured by something else. While herbivores are primary consumers and the second largest biomass in an ecosystem, carnivores or animals that eat the herbivores make up the third largest biomass, and are also known as secondary consumers. Consumers include
• herbivores –animals that eat plants.
• carnivores — animals that eat other animals.
• parasites –animals that live off of other organisms by harming it.
• scavengers — animals that eat dead animal carcasses.
• Decomposers: These mainly comprise bacteria and fungi that convert dead matter into gases such as carbon and nitrogen to be released back into the air, soil, or water. Without decomposers, the earth would be covered in trash. Decomposers also recycle the nutrients so that it can be used again by producers.
Both the sea and the land have a complex food chain.
On Sea
All sea creatures rely on other sea creatures for food. At the bottom of the food chain here are the sea plants, krill and plankton. These are eaten by many types of fish and animals such as the snail, shrimp, jellyfish, and sea star. These small animals and fish in turn become food for larger fish, such as the tuna and mackerel, which are then eaten by larger fish and animals, such as the shark and dolphin. Sharks are much needed to maintain the balance of the marine ecosystem. However, they are killed for food and other things.
On Land
On the land plants or bugs are eaten by smaller animals who in turn are eaten by larger animals. At the top of the food chain on land are humans who eat many of the plants and animals on earth. A break in the food chain can impact everyone, humans also. To understand the food chain in the wild, take the example of the zebra and the grass. The zebra eats the grass. Larger predators like the lion eat the zebra.
Food chain and the environment
Air Pollution
Human activity cause air pollution and lead to global warming. Apart from increasing the sea levels, rise in earth’s temperatures can cause other alterations in the ecology, including modifying the quantity and pattern of rainfall — which can have its own ramification on the food chain.
Lower agricultural outputs, glacier melting, lesser summer stream flows, genus extinctions and rise in the ranges of disease vectors are likely to be the other consequences. Global warming has already made species like golden toad, harlequin frog of Costa Rica extinct and a number of species are threatened with extinction.
The rise of carbon dioxide emissions and the resultant climate warming from the burning of fossil fuels are making oceans warmer and more acidic which in tuen are damaging coral reefs, the world’s most diverse marine ecosystem.
Plastic pollution
The plastic pollution is not just a cause of alarm because it is not biodegradable but it is also making its way into the food chain. Its obvious victims include dead seabirds that have been found on shores, their stomachs full of small plastic items such as bottled water caps, cigarette lighters, tampon applicators, and colored scraps that, to a foraging bird, resemble baitfish. These small plastic waste items are not just affecting sea birds but the entire marine foodchain from whales down to zooplankton. There is a growing and disturbing proof that we are ingesting plastic toxins constantly, and that even slight doses of these substances can severely disrupt gene activity.
By hunting animals nearly to extinction, everything above the animal in the food chain is put in danger. A ‘chain reaction’ in the food chain can be perilous!
As overfishing depletes prized species like tuna, cod and swordfish, commercial fishermen are moving farther down oceanic food webs in search of a catch, it has been observed. If this quest is pursued to its logical end, scientists warn, it will lead to a wholesale collapse of marine ecosystems.
A team of Canadian and American scientists say that the overfishing of large sharks has led to an explosion of small predators that are devastating populations of shellfish.
The steep drop in shark numbers along the U.S. Atlantic coast since 1970 has caused an increase in 12 of 13 species – rays, skates, and smaller sharks eaten mainly by large sharks.
The abundance of one of these species, the cownose ray, has increased 20 times and its prey – scallops, clams, oysters, and other shellfish – have been reduced. The loss of scallops has reduced water quality because scallops and other shellfish filter sea water. And the cownose ray is now feeding voraciously on other shellfish, like oysters and clams.
90 degrees
An iceberg more than four times the size of Greater London is damaging marine wildlife off the coast of Antarctica by blocking sunlight to a huge expanse of ocean, It has created a build-up of sea ice that has killed the tiny marine phytoplankton – a key element in the Antarctic food chain.
Phytoplankton turns sunlight into food for smaller marine life, notably the shrimp-like krill which is an important source of food for fish, which are in turn eaten by seals and penguins. Sea ice stops sunlight getting to the shallower depths of the sea where phytoplankton grow. The result is that the C-19 iceberg has created the equivalent of a desert.
Copper Bytes
• One sea animal dissected by Dutch researchers contained 1,603 pieces of plastics.
• One symptom of this practice of fishing down the food chain is that second-level creatures normally preyed upon by the fish at the top of the chain are increasingly appearing on restaurant menus.
• An iceberg more than four times the size of Greater London is damaging marine wildlife off the coast of Antarctica by blocking sunlight to a huge expanse of ocean. This build-up of sea ice has killed the tiny marine phytoplankton – a key element in the Antarctic food chain.
• Human activity is currently responsible for emitting 30 million tons of CO2 each year, 12 million tons of which accumulate in the atmosphere.

يللا جماعه فين الردود الحلوة
ثآآآآآآآنكس على التقرير^^"
thanks soooooooo much
شكرا جزيلا
ميرسي ع ريبورت
تسلم ايدك يا اخي علي التقرير
الصف الحادي عشر

Help Me !! Plz ساعدوووني

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ..

إخواني ساعدوني في كتابة خمس جمل على الصورة اللي في الكتاب ص75 في وحدة Lets Debat

Write 3 compound 2 simple

unit الشارقة lets debat ) page : 75

student book

جمل عن الوجبات السريعة

1. Everyone needs food.

2. Junk food is not healthy.

3. Junk food must be banned because it causes health problems.

4. We need to eat healthy food, at the same time, we have to exercise.

5. Eating healthy food is good; therefore, we should avoid junk food.

جمل عن التلفون

1. The cell phone is useful.

2. It changed our life a lot.

3. It has many benefits, but it has bad effects as well.

4. Some people misuse it, while others use it well.

5. I think everyone should have it because it is essential.

جمل عن الرياضة

1. Footballers get too much money.

2. Sport is good for health.

3. Sport is good, but sometimes it cases injuries.

4. People must exercise, because it is good for the body.

5. Sport is essential and we must do it.

الصف الحادي عشر

الفصل الثالث براجرافات مساعدة

اخواني وخواتي

ممكن مساعدة انا ادرس منازل

وابا براجرافات للوحدة الخامسة والساااااادسه

سااااااااااااااعدوني الله يخليكم


سبحان الله والحمدالله الله اكبر

اللي عنده براجارفات بليز لا يبحل علي خاصة انا رسبت في الفصل ثااني الشارقة

انا حصلت مال good citizen
ابا اكثر وشكرا


جمل عن الوجبات السريعة

1. Everyone needs food.

2. Junk food is not healthy.

3. Junk food must be banned because it causes health problems.

4. We need to eat healthy food, at the same time, we have to exercise.

5. Eating healthy food is good; therefore, we should avoid junk food.

جمل عن التلفون

1. The cell phone is useful.

2. It changed our life a lot.

3. It has many benefits, but it has bad effects as well.

4. Some people misuse it, while others use it well.

5. I think everyone should have it because it is essential.

جمل عن الرياضة

1. Footballers get too much money.

2. Sport is good for health.

3. Sport is good, but sometimes it cases injuries.

4. People must exercise, because it is good for the body.

5. Sport is essential and we must do it.

حدث غير حياتي

I have a good family. Being the youngest of three children guaranteed that I get the most attention. Whenever a new product came out all I had to do was to make a hint to my parents and sooner than later the new thing would be mine. I never knew what lack was and how spoilt I had become until one day I was witness to an incident that just about changed my life completely.

It began on a beautiful evening when I accompanied my mother to a shopping mall to do some shopping. Shopping usually meant buying a lot of things without regard whether we really needed them or not. We could go on spending and spending without worrying whether we could pay for the things. My father would settle everything. So there we were buying things without a care. Finally when we had enough for the day we came across a scene that really touched my heart.

Right next to the entrance to the shopping mall where throngs people come and go was a very shrunken old man. I had seen many beggars before but never took more than a cursory look at them. This one caught my attention. He had no legs! He only managed to slide along the ground with the help of his thin hands. For a long moment I stood there looking at him. Something inside me was deeply moved. Tears flowed out of my eyes and I had to run into my car to avoid embarrassment..

From that time on, I learned to help people and to give them some of the money I spend. I cried all the way home. My mother was moved too and we shed tears while our surprised driver could do nothing but to drive us home.

Should junk food be banned in schools هل يجب منع الاطمة السريعة في المدارس

Wherever you walk you can see advertisements of tasty delicious hotdogs, pizza, and burger. To keep healthy and safe we have to avoid these kinds of food which are called junk food and eat fresh cooked food instead.

The taste and shape of junk food tempt people to hurry and eat it. But unfortunately, this kind of food is full of fat and other harmful components that can harm the body and cause diseases. Diabetes and obesity are common diseases between students who depend on junk food in their diets. They suffer from high blood pressure and problems in cholesterol.

To sum up, parents and teachers have great responsibility to advise and students tell the dangers of eating junk food. Instead of it they must look for vegetables, fruits, and cooked food because they are rich of healthy natural items.

حدث غير حياتي

it has been my hobby to ,ince youngSMy life has been full of fun and excitement. foolingpeople around me. One of the best ways for me to refresh myself is by trick of my victims. reaction theis when I saw trickingsomeone. To me, the best part about But that soon was to change.

and told me One day while I was guiding my blind grandmother, a boy passed by that there was a serious accident around the corner. I was curious to see the accident, so I told my grandmother to stop and wait for me and she said nothing. When I reached the place I realized that the strange boy was lying. I ran back to my grandmother. Fortunately, she was good and still smiling. I was afraid that boy would trick her.

Since that day, I completely changed. I never thought to trick anyone again. I learned a lesson that I’ll never forget. I felt happy because I changed.

school uniforms الزي المدرسي الموحد

Some people think that the debate about school uniforms is just about whether or not students look cool. In reality, this issue is related to other issues, such as student performance, money, and personal choice. The school uniform debate is very important to parents, teachers, and school officials—and to students, too!

Many students argue that school uniforms would save their parents money. Kids whose families don’t have a lot of money wouldn’t be teased for their unfashionable clothes. Furthermore, some students are convinced that uniforms would help them focus on learning. I think it’s a great idea. Wearing uniforms would teach students that schoolwork is more important than looking good.

Others believe that school uniforms would help students perform better academically. If all students have to wear the same uniform, they will try to impress others with their schoolwork and grades, not their clothes. Some students are against school uniforms. They argue that uniforms would actually cost their parents more money. “Uniforms are expensive and can only be worn at school. Moreover, school uniforms don’t allow personal choice.

It is said that uniforms don’t allow students to be creative or express their own decisions about what to wear. Finally, many students say that uniforms are uncomfortable. Students like to wear comfortable clothes, and each student’s idea of comfort is different..

cell phones الهواتف الخلوية في المدرسة

Many young Emiratis own cell phones, for some of them; their use is for safety to be in touch with family and friends. School officials think that cell phones cause distraction in an educational environment. Cell phones have also been used in dishonest acts such as annoying people and cheating on exams. Some people think that cell phones are useless at schools because all students are in the same building and can find each other in the break or after school if they need to.

In real emergency parents can easily call the school office or head teacher and get a message through to the student’s classroom. Moreover, I agree that some students who suffer from certain diseases should be allowed to have their mobiles with them in case of urgent incident. In conclusion, there should be a strict control concerning students having cell phones at schools. Cell phones may be allowed in certain demanding cases when a student wants to call parents for necessary things, and I believe not all students should have cell phones but those who are badly in need of them.

Write about an incident that you never forget

حدث لن انساه ابدا

Last year when I was going with my friends to a festival in Dubai, many bad strange things happened to us. It was an unforgettable day.

First, the car broke down when we were in the middle of the way. We called a tow truck and moved to a garage. We left it there and rent another car. Then, we arrived to the festival place. It was very interesting to see people having fun there. But unfortunately our friend Ali lost his wallet. We started looking for it here and there but in vain. Meanwhile Ahmad shouted, "Ali disappeared". So we began looking for Ali for more than an hour. At last, we decided to leave without our lost friend. Then, we were shocked when we saw Ali standing besides the car waiting for us.

In fact, we were very unlucky that day. Everything went the wrong way. But we thanked Allah that we came back home safe. I will never forget that day all my life.

قصدي "تفضلي"
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة alghoul الشارقة

جمل عن الوجبات السريعة

1. Everyone needs food.

2. Junk food is not healthy.

3. Junk food must be banned because it causes health problems.

4. We need to eat healthy food, at the same time, we have to exercise.

5. Eating healthy food is good; therefore, we should avoid junk food.

جمل عن التلفون

1. The cell phone is useful.

2. It changed our life a lot.

3. It has many benefits, but it has bad effects as well.

4. Some people misuse it, while others use it well.

5. I think everyone should have it because it is essential.

جمل عن الرياضة

1. Footballers get too much money.

2. Sport is good for health.

3. Sport is good, but sometimes it cases injuries.

4. People must exercise, because it is good for the body.

5. Sport is essential and we must do it.

حدث غير حياتي

I have a good family. Being the youngest of three children guaranteed that I get the most attention. Whenever a new product came out all I had to do was to make a hint to my parents and sooner than later the new thing would be mine. I never knew what lack was and how spoilt I had become until one day I was witness to an incident that just about changed my life completely.

It began on a beautiful evening when I accompanied my mother to a shopping mall to do some shopping. Shopping usually meant buying a lot of things without regard whether we really needed them or not. We could go on spending and spending without worrying whether we could pay for the things. My father would settle everything. So there we were buying things without a care. Finally when we had enough for the day we came across a scene that really touched my heart.

Right next to the entrance to the shopping mall where throngs people come and go was a very shrunken old man. I had seen many beggars before but never took more than a cursory look at them. This one caught my attention. He had no legs! He only managed to slide along the ground with the help of his thin hands. For a long moment I stood there looking at him. Something inside me was deeply moved. Tears flowed out of my eyes and I had to run into my car to avoid embarrassment..

From that time on, I learned to help people and to give them some of the money I spend. I cried all the way home. My mother was moved too and we shed tears while our surprised driver could do nothing but to drive us home.

Should junk food be banned in schools هل يجب منع الاطمة السريعة في المدارس

Wherever you walk you can see advertisements of tasty delicious hotdogs, pizza, and burger. To keep healthy and safe we have to avoid these kinds of food which are called junk food and eat fresh cooked food instead.

The taste and shape of junk food tempt people to hurry and eat it. But unfortunately, this kind of food is full of fat and other harmful components that can harm the body and cause diseases. Diabetes and obesity are common diseases between students who depend on junk food in their diets. They suffer from high blood pressure and problems in cholesterol.

To sum up, parents and teachers have great responsibility to advise and students tell the dangers of eating junk food. Instead of it they must look for vegetables, fruits, and cooked food because they are rich of healthy natural items.

حدث غير حياتي

it has been my hobby to ,ince youngSMy life has been full of fun and excitement. foolingpeople around me. One of the best ways for me to refresh myself is by trick of my victims. reaction theis when I saw trickingsomeone. To me, the best part about But that soon was to change.

and told me One day while I was guiding my blind grandmother, a boy passed by that there was a serious accident around the corner. I was curious to see the accident, so I told my grandmother to stop and wait for me and she said nothing. When I reached the place I realized that the strange boy was lying. I ran back to my grandmother. Fortunately, she was good and still smiling. I was afraid that boy would trick her.

Since that day, I completely changed. I never thought to trick anyone again. I learned a lesson that I’ll never forget. I felt happy because I changed.

school uniforms الزي المدرسي الموحد

Some people think that the debate about school uniforms is just about whether or not students look cool. In reality, this issue is related to other issues, such as student performance, money, and personal choice. The school uniform debate is very important to parents, teachers, and school officials—and to students, too!

Many students argue that school uniforms would save their parents money. Kids whose families don’t have a lot of money wouldn’t be teased for their unfashionable clothes. Furthermore, some students are convinced that uniforms would help them focus on learning. I think it’s a great idea. Wearing uniforms would teach students that schoolwork is more important than looking good.

Others believe that school uniforms would help students perform better academically. If all students have to wear the same uniform, they will try to impress others with their schoolwork and grades, not their clothes. Some students are against school uniforms. They argue that uniforms would actually cost their parents more money. “Uniforms are expensive and can only be worn at school. Moreover, school uniforms don’t allow personal choice.

It is said that uniforms don’t allow students to be creative or express their own decisions about what to wear. Finally, many students say that uniforms are uncomfortable. Students like to wear comfortable clothes, and each student’s idea of comfort is different..

cell phones الهواتف الخلوية في المدرسة

Many young Emiratis own cell phones, for some of them; their use is for safety to be in touch with family and friends. School officials think that cell phones cause distraction in an educational environment. Cell phones have also been used in dishonest acts such as annoying people and cheating on exams. Some people think that cell phones are useless at schools because all students are in the same building and can find each other in the break or after school if they need to.

In real emergency parents can easily call the school office or head teacher and get a message through to the student’s classroom. Moreover, I agree that some students who suffer from certain diseases should be allowed to have their mobiles with them in case of urgent incident. In conclusion, there should be a strict control concerning students having cell phones at schools. Cell phones may be allowed in certain demanding cases when a student wants to call parents for necessary things, and I believe not all students should have cell phones but those who are badly in need of them.

Write about an incident that you never forget

حدث لن انساه ابدا

Last year when I was going with my friends to a festival in Dubai, many bad strange things happened to us. It was an unforgettable day.

First, the car broke down when we were in the middle of the way. We called a tow truck and moved to a garage. We left it there and rent another car. Then, we arrived to the festival place. It was very interesting to see people having fun there. But unfortunately our friend Ali lost his wallet. We started looking for it here and there but in vain. Meanwhile Ahmad shouted, "Ali disappeared". So we began looking for Ali for more than an hour. At last, we decided to leave without our lost friend. Then, we were shocked when we saw Ali standing besides the car waiting for us.

In fact, we were very unlucky that day. Everything went the wrong way. But we thanked Allah that we came back home safe. I will never forget that day all my life.

شكرا جزيلا

الصف الحادي عشر

أريد حل سؤال

أريد حل سؤال 26 / 28/ 30 في كتاب التمارين ص24 للصف 11ع
بسأل عنه وبرد عليش
سؤال 26

y = a ( x – 0 ) ^ 2 + 0
10 = a ( -2 -0 ) ^ 2 + 0
a= 10 / 4
y = 2.5 x^2

نقطة الرأس ( 0 , 0 ) والنقطة ( 10 , 2 – ) ونأخذ النقطة ( 10 , 2 ) من التماثل ونرسم
سؤال 28 نفس الطريقة نجد a وفر الرسم نأخذ النقطة ( 2 – , 7 – ) مفتوح للأسفل
سؤال 30 نفس الطريق المقطع الصادي أي النقطة ( 3 , 0 ) والنقطة ( 3 , 2 – )

الصف الحادي عشر


ممكن يا جماااااعة مشرووع رياضيات 11/ع ضروري

بس يا ريت بسرعة قبل الوقت ما ينتهي

مع جزيل الشكر

الصف الحادي عشر

ممكن مساعدة يا 11ع في سؤال

ممكن حل سؤال 18 صفحة 34 في كراسة التمارين لمادة الرياضيات للصف 11ع ضروووووووووري باجر التسليم
انا اسف كتاب النشاط مو معي

نسيتو عند صاحبي

بكرا مليون بلمية بكون الجواب عندك

انا اسف


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة sammour الشارقة
انا اسف كتاب النشاط مو معي

نسيتو عند صاحبي

بكرا مليون بلمية بكون الجواب عندك

انا اسف


إن شاء الله
خلاااص أنتظر الجواااب
ومشكووووووووور دومك أنته إلي تحل اسألتي
والباقيييييييين ما يعطوني سالفة

سلوك طرفي الدالة(↑↓)
المقطع الصادي عندy=o x=o
المقطع السيني عند y=o
x³-x²-12x = 0 تعويض عن قيمة y
x (x²-x-12) = 0 نأخذ عامل مشتركx
x(x-4)(x+3)=0 نحلل
x=0 , x=4 , x=-3


مرسي على الاجوبة