الوسم: الآول
الله يخليڪم ابـﮩـغيـﮯ حل لڪــﮩتاب التمـﮩـارييييييييييييين للـﮩفصـﮩل الآول
الي عـﮩنده لآ يـﮩبخـﮩل عليـﮩنآ
يآآلسه أدؤر !
بلييز آللي عنده بيحصل أجرر فينه !!
بلييز لآ تبخلؤون علينه !
خآلد آنت يآلسسه آدور ..! هع
آلي يلقى يحطي آلحـل آنذيين ^^"
الحلووووول ,,
الكيمياء علم فيزيائي
اختيار من متعدد
اجابة قصيرة
أ- هو علم يدرس المركبات التي تحتوي على مادة الكربون
ب-علم يدرس المادة و علاقتها بالطاقة
ج-علم يدرس محتويات المادة و مكوناتها
د-علم يستخدم الرياضيات و الحواسيب
* أشيـآء صغيرة جدا لـآ ترى بالعين المجرده ,,
5-هي مادة لها تركيب محدد
6-هي دراسة تركيب المادة و معرفة خواصها و التغيرات التي تخضع لها
المادة و خواصها
بث تعبت بكمل باجر
يشتمل التغيير الكيميائي على اعادة ترتيب العناصر في مادة معينة لتشكل مواد جديدة لها خواص مختلفة .
التغيير الفيزيائي يمكن أن يغير الخواص الفيزيائية للمادة مثل اللون _ الشكل والحجم وحالة المادة ولكنه لا يغير تركيبها.
4 _ قارن … العبارات التالية :
أ – المادة والكتلة
تتألف جميع الأشياء من مادة .
الكتلة هي مقياس لكمية المادة .
ب _ الذرة والمركب
تتألف المواد جميعها من ذرات وهي أصغر الوحدات العنصرية التي تحتفظ بخواصه . يمكن للذرات أن تتحد لتشكل المركبات.
ج _ الخاصة الفيزيائية والكيميائية
الخاصة الفيزيائية هي الصفة التي ترى او تقاس دون احداث تغيير في هوية المادة أي انها الصفة التي تتصف بها المادة نفسها وليس كيفية تحولها الى مواد اخرى .
الخاصة الكيميائية ترتبط بقابلية المادة لتغيرات يمكن أن تحولها الى مواد اخرى .
د _ خليط متجانس وخليط متغاير
الخليط المتجانس يحتوي على نسة المكونات نفسها في عينة تؤخذ منه.
الخليط المتغاير هو الخليط الذي لا تتشابه مكوناته في العينات المختلفة التي تؤخذ منه .
5 _ ارسم شكلاً ….. والحالة الغازية .
الشكل الاول تكون الاحجار متقاربة جداً ولا تحوي اي فتحات .
الشكل الثاني تكون كمية قليلة من الاحجار متقاربة و كمية ثاني متقاربة ولكنها بعيدة عن الاولى بمعنى ثاني ارسمو خمس حجارات متقاربات و خمسة ثانية بعيدة عن الاولى .
الشكل الثالث ارسمو كل حجارة لحالها و ثلاث حجارات خارج الوعاء يعني غاز منتشر بالهواء و الوعاء .
6 _ ماذا يحدث للطاقة ….
الطاقة تمتص او تتحرر خلال التغيرات الكيميائية و الفيزيائية ولكنها لا تفنى ولا تستحدث .
مراجعة القسم 1-3
إجابة قصيرة … المحدد .
1 _ الدورة .
2 _ B .
3_ الفلزات .
4 _ اللافلزات .
5_ المجموعة .
6_ قابلية الطرق .
7_فلز .
8 _ الغازات النبيلة .
9 _ صلبة .
10_ سم ثلاث ميزات لمعظم اللافلزات
سريعة الكسر – موصلة ضعيفة للكهرباء والحرارة – درجة غليانها منخفضة
11- سم ثلاث ميزات للفلزات
قابلة للطرق والسحب – موصلة جيدة للحرارة والكهرباء – لها لمعان
12 – ثلاث ميزات لاشباه الفلزات
صلبة عند درجة حرارة الغرفة – قابلة للطرق
13 – ميزتين للغازات النبيلة
غير نشطة كيميائيا – توجد في حالة غازية عند درجة حرارة الغرفة
14_ القاسم المشترك … الدوري ؟
تشترك عناصر المجموعة الواحدة في خواص كيميائية متشابهة .
15- القاسم المشترك بين عناصر الدورة ؟
تميل العناصر القريبة من بعضها في الدورة الواحدة الى ان تكون متشابهة اكثر من العناصر البعيدة عن بعضها وتتغير الخواص الفيزيائية والكيميائية بعض الشيء وبانتظام خلال الدورة .
16-انت تحاول تصنيع …… البديل المناسب ؟
سنعتمد في اختيارنا عنصرا من العمود الرئسي نفسه اي من المجموعة ذاتها لان عناصر تلك المجموعة لها الخواص المتشابهة نفسها .
17-ما الفرق … نفسها ؟
العائلة هي اسم اخر لمجموعة العناصر في العمود الرأسي نفسه أما عناصر الدورة فهي التي تقع في صف افقي واحد ولكنها موزعة على مجموعات مختلفة .
18 – اكمل الجدول .. المحدد .
اسم العنصر رمزه
المنيوم Al
كالسيوم Ca
منجنيز Mn
نيكل Ni
فوسفور p
كوبالت Co
سيليكون Si
هيدروجين H
نكمل مراجعة متنوعة
إجابة قصيرة .
1.صنف كلا من التالي ….. غير متجانسة . أ- متجانس
ب- ….
ج- متغاير
2.من بين الخيارات التالية …… لكل من الحقول.
أ- كيمياء تحليلية
ب- نظرية
ج- حيوية
د- عضوية
هـ- تحليلية
و- حيوية
3.لكل من أنواع الأبحاث الكيميائية …. تكنولوجيا
أ- بحث أساسي
ب- تطبيقي
ج- تطبيقي
د- تطبيقي
4- استعمل الجدور الدوري ….التالية :
أ- الدورة الثالثة / المجموعة 17
ب- الدورة الثالثة / المجموعة 8
ج- الدورة السادسة / المجموعة 6
د- الدورة الرابعة / المجموعة 8
ه- الدورة الرابعة / المجموعة 4
5. ما الفرق … كمية المادة ؟
تختلف الخواص المعتمدة على كمية المادة بتغير تلك الككمية كالحجم و الكتلة أو الخواص غير المعتمدة فتبقى ثابتة بالنسبة إلى المادة الواحدة كالكثافة ودرجة الغليان .
6- أي العمليتين التاليتين ….. عللك اجابتك .
احتراق البنزين تغير كيميائي لانه تحول الى مواد جديدة .
تبخر البنزين تغير فيزيائي لان ماهية البنزين تبقى كما هي دون تغيير .
7. صف الفرق بين خليط …. كل منهما.
الخليط المتغاير مثل الدم يتألف من مكونات ذات خواص فيزيائية مختلفة أما الخليط المتجانس مثل الفولاذ له مجموعة واحدة من الخواص الفيزيائية.
مشكورة ختية
يزااااااااج الله الف خييييييييييييييير هع هع …….. =)
وربي يوفقج إن شاء الله
ويوفق الجميــــع
و مشكوووره
^^ ,,
نحن ابلتنا ماتفهم والله خخخ بعدني انا بفهم احسن عنها
اونه ترمس ترمس عقب وهكذا فهمتوا ونحن o.o
والله مانفهم شي وتبتسم بروحها خخ
. . ، يعطيج ألع‘ـآفيهـٍ !
نترقب ألزؤدٍ من يْدأج . . ^^‘
يزاج الله خيـــــــــــــــر
<div tag="7|80|” >اللهم صلي و سلم على نبينا محمد
الله يخليج ساعدينا يا المزيونه وغير المزيونه
ومشكورة ……………..
ورقة عمل انجليزي الفصل الآول
ورقة عمل…doc (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 111) |
ورقة عمل…doc (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 111) |
وشكرا عالمرور.ّ.
ورقة عمل…doc (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 111) |
ورقة عمل…doc (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 111) |
لكِ جزيل الشكر..
ورقة عمل…doc (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 111) |
ورقة عمل…doc (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 111) |
ورقة عمل…doc (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 111) |
ورقة عمل…doc (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 111) |
ورقة عمل…doc (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 111) |
عليكم السلام
الحمدالله ..
ورقة عمل…doc (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 111) |
Grade 8
Read the following passage, and then answer the questions below:
Norwalk virus is called the “winter virus” because it is common in winter. You can get it from shellfish. But the virus can also pass from a person to fresh vegetables. A cook with dirty hands can cause an outbreak. In an outbreak, hundreds or even thousands of people get ill at the same time. Outbreaks usually occur in hospitals, hotels or schools.
The virus is named after the town of Norwalk, in the northern USA. In 1968, more half the students and teachers at the primary school became ill. Scientists found the cause after four years. Now many different viruses in food are called Norwalk, Norwalk-like or Noroviruses.
If you cook shellfish properly, you will kill the virus. If you wash your hands before cooking, you will not pass the virus on. People usually become ill within 48 hours. The symptoms last for two or three days. The illness is not fatal People recover with no long term problems.
A- Complete the following sentences with the correct answer:
1- The text is about————————
a)virus b) hospitals c- food d- doctors
2- Norwalk virus is common in —————
a) Winter b- Summer c- Spring d- Autumn
3- Norwalk usually appears in————————– food
a) shellfish b) – frozen c)- fats d)- carbohydrates
4- If you cook shellfish properly, you will the———————- virus.
a) pass b) kill c) cure d) find
B- What do the underlined words in the passage mean?
1 -The word (dirty) line 2 means———————
a- clean b- not clean c- pure d- good
2 -The word (occur) line 4 means———————-
a- happen b- recover c- finish d- start
3 – How long do the symptoms of the illness last?
a-one day b- two or three days c- five days d- four days
4 -Where was first the virus discovered?
a-USA b- Canada c-UK d- UAE
Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
Faisal was born in 1905. He was the third son of Abdulaziz Bin Saud. His father was called lbn Saud by most people. He was the first king of Saudi Arabia.
Faisal’s mother, Tarfà died when he was young. He lived in the house of his mother’s father; he taught Faisal the Holy Qumran
In 1981, at the age of 13, Faisal became a soldier. Five years later, he was commander of the army in Asir province. In 1926 he became governor of Hijaz. This area has the city of Makkah. In 1932 he became minister of Foreign Affairs and in 1958 he was prime minister. Faisal became king on November 2’ , 1964 Faisal introduced many changes to the country, including schools for girls.
Faisal had 44 sons. In 1975 Faisal was killed at the age of 70.
B) Fill in the missing information in the following table
Name Faisal
Birth ———————-
Died ———————-
Mother ————————
B) Mark the following sentences (TRUE) or (FALSE)
1-Ibn Saud was the first king of Saudi Arabia ( )
2-Faisal was prime minister in 1975 ( )
3-In 1962 Faisal became governor of Asir province. ( )
C) Choose the correct answer from a ,b , c or d to complete the statements.
1-At the age of 13 Faisal became —————————-
a-king b- minister c- governor d- soldier
2-Faisal was first prime minister at the age of
a) 58 b- 53 c) 64 d) 75
3– Faisal’s ———————-name was Tarfa.
a) father b) son c) mother c) sister
1- I ————– in 1971 in Abu Dhabi.
a- born b- birth c- was born d- was borned
2- Most students ————absent yesterday.
a- are b- were c- was d- have been
3-Anybody can mend the car, can’t ———?
a-he b- she c- they d- it
4- They were flying at about 25 meters when the propeller ————
a- break b-broke c- broken d- breaks
5-How ————–does it take to get to the school?
a- long b- much c- many d- often
6- There———- some rice in the cupboard.
a- is b- are c- were d- have
7- —————-is the wettest month in your country?
a- who b- which c- what d- where
8-The month of July ————-about 200mm of rain on average.
a-has b-is c-was d-have
9-The story made her————–
a- laugh b- laughing c- laughs d-laughed
10-The late H. H. Shaikh Zayed————- in 2022.
a- died b- has died c- dies d-is dying
B) Re-order to make meaningful sentences:
I- collect / you / do / stamps / ?
2- would / like/ what / eat / you/ to?
3- find / I / documentaries/ interesting
4 – accident / have/ had/ you / ever / an?
5- hi s / mother/ John / gave/ mother/ a present
1) Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentences:
1- – who is the—————————– footballer in the world?
a- famous b-more famous c- most famous d- famouser
2- Planes usually —————–from airports.
a- take off b- sail c- fly d- drive
3-The film was very ————–. We all enjoyed watching it.
a- interested b- interest c- interesting d-interestingly
4-Are there any more carrots ? Yes, there are—————–
a- a few b- much c- little d- a little
5- 1 usually have —————cake in the evening.
a- few b- a few c- a little d- many
6- Cars are————— than planes.
a- safer b- safe c- safest d- the safer
2-Write the words in the correct places
(bicycles, stamp-collecting, boats, bird watching, motorbikes, gardening ,)
Form of travel Hobby
—————— ——————————
———————– ——————————
————————– —————————–
A- Add the missing letters:
I-Diana di__d in 1997.
2- Najeeb Mahfoz was a famous novel__ st
3-Ahmad is sitting betw__en Salim and Ali.
4-I would like a c__p of tea.
B- Write three sentences about nutrition and health:
1- ———————————————————-
C- Read the notes about the late H. H. Sheikh Zayed. Write a paragraph using these notes.
Born 1918
Study The holy Quran and the biography of prophet
sons 19
d. 2004
1971 The UAE was formed under his leadership
Famous for Bravery, wisdom and generosity
Achievements Schools hospitals ,roads and housing
I. Read the following passage. then do as required.
Habits, good and bad, are all formed in the same way. They are formed and made by repetition. We do something in a special way. We do it again in the same way. We do it more and more in that way. At last, it becomes a habit to do in that way
Our habits are important. They form our characters. Character is just a bundle of habits not only a single one. Repeated acts form habits; habits make up character; character decides one’s success or failure in life. The thought, and reap the act. "Sow the act, and reap the habit. Sow the habit, and reap the character. Sow the character, and reap your fate.” Exactly like any plant; as you sow, so shall you reap".
Habits can be good or bad. Good habits form a good character. Bad habits form a bad character. So we must try to form only good habits.
A. Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
1- The main idea of the passage above is about ———————
a- . How good characters are formed.
b. How bad characters are formed.
C. How to be a failed character.
D. How habits are formed.
B. Choose the correct answer from a. b. C or D
1. Our good or bad habits are formed by——————-
a. characters b. repetition c. failure d. success
2-If a person sows the thought, they will reap the—————
a. habit b. character c. mother d. act
3. According to the passage, good habits form————————– characters
a. good b. bad c. failed d. boring
C) What do the underlined word(s) mean?
1. The word (bundle) in the passage means:
a. people b. character r c. group d. way
2-. The word (sow) in the passage above means: to———–
a. plant b. fail c. form d. repeat
Choose the most suitable answers from a.b.c or d::
1. What must we try to be good people with good characters?
a. only good habits. b. only bad habits. c. good and bad habits d. nothing
2- How are habits formed?
a. by writing b. by repetition. C. by eating d. by playing
Choose the correct answer from a.b.c or d
1- The population of Europe———————— falling now.
a. is b. am c. are d. were
2- ————— 1870, Charles Dickens died.
a. on b. in c. at d. for
3-. Look I That man is eating very————-
a. slow b. slowly c. to slow d. slowed
4-I don’t like ——————–a football match alone
a. watch b. watches c. watching d. watched
5- Do you————— that all people can swim?
a. think b. thought c. thinking d. thinks
6. The woman paid ——————-$ 100 for the painting.
a. he b. him c. his d. he’s
7.————–you speak English? Yes, I do
a. Do b. does c . Did e. Was
8. Everybody ————————to the cinema at the weekend.
a. go b. goes. C. going d. to go
9- The guest gave a present——————— the woman.
a. with b. from c. to d. of
10-How ——————–glasses of milk do drink every day?
A) much b. far c. often d . many
11- How ————-milk do you drink every day?
A) much b. far c. often d. many
12- This is my ———————–book.
a. father b. father is c. fathers d. father’s
13. Has she given you her CD player? No, she ————–
a. does b. has c. haven’t d. hasn’t
14. From time ——————time, I watch a horror movie.
a. at b. to c. for d. at
15- lam going to——————– my little brother to swim in the pool.
a. take b. takes c. is taking d. took
B. Reorder to make meaningful sentences. Put commas and capital letters if necessary.
1- . expectancy / still / is / in I Europe I rising / life I.
2- we I the / museum / visited / yesterday I.
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
3- in I Renaissance / the / people I were / most I dead / at /37.
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
4- death /the / of/ the ? princess / tragic / was /
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
A. Write the correct missing letters.
1. Th__ nk you for your help.
2. Are you marr__ ed?
3. Congratulati __ns! You are the winner of the day.
4. In our cult __re, we don’t buy a stone when someone dies.
B) Write three meaningful sentences about life events (birth, marriage, death) in your culture.
1- ————————————————————————————–
2- ————————————————————————————–
Choose the correct answers from a, b. c or d
1. My dad my mother when he was 18.
a. married b. marriage c. marrying d. was married
2. I am going to invite my friends to a birthday————– in our villa.
a. test b. party c. game d. match
3. My dad’s—————to me was a nice book and an expensive pen.
a. homework b. film c. present d. letter
4. How do you think we can ——————-our parents for taking care of us?
a. think b. thank c. tie d. throw
5. Dinosaurs go back to the Stone —————-
a. years b. minutes c. Ages d. seasons
6- Excuse me! Are you————— . or married?
a. single b. double c. group d. family
7- Life —————–is rising in some Western countries, isn’t it?
a. prices b. expectancy c. age d. customs .
A. Write a Biography about King Faisal.
Name Faisel Bin Abdul aziz
born 1905/ Riyadh
king 2/11/1964
died 1975
sons 44
mother Tarfa
wives Sultana / Effa t/ Haya
choose the correct answer from a. b, c or d.
1-Would you————— paint your old car?
a. like b. liked to c. like to c. likes
2. In Geography, we learnt————— valleys .
a. about b. to c. because d. how to
3. Did you—————– to the party last night? Yes, I did.
a. go b. going c. went d.. goes
4. 1 like ——————T.V. with my family.
a. watch b. watches c. watching d. watched
5. Do you think that all people can——–?
a. swimming b. swam c. swims d. swim
6. Deserts are ————–than mountains.
a. hot b. hotter c. hottest d. more hot
7. ——————– your sister speak English? Yes, she does.
a. Is b Does c. Do d was
8. She should———— on time or we will leave without her.
a. comes b. came c. come d. coming
9. Where does —————-brother study?
a. you b. your c. yours d. you’re
10. Last week, we——————– take an exam.
a. didn’t b. doing c. does d. don’t
II. The weather is bad these days, but it will become————— soon.
a. good b. better c. best d. more good
12. I don’t———— up late..
a. get b. got c. getting d. gets
13. He is ——————now. Would you call him later?
a. sleep b. slept c. sleeping d. have slept
14. 1 couldn’t buy a new car—————- I hadn’t enough money.
a. but b. because c. so d. instead
D. Re-order to make meaningful sentences.
I. walks/ the/He/slowly/in/dark/ usually
2. people / Most watching / sunset. / like / the /
4 heavily/ rain /it/last/Did/night?
5. Math! have/ then/ IT/ We/.
6. 1 / visit/ grandparents/ Sometimes / at/ the / weekends my /.
C. Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d.
1. Salim was absent today, —————– he missed the exam.
a so b. but c. because d. and
2. Last year, she to London to learn English
a. travels b. travel c. traveled d. traveling
3 ———————you help your mother at home last weekend?
a. do b. did c. does d. doing
4 Do you pray everyday? Yes, I ——————.
a. did b. doing c. do d. does
5. The students like watching plays —————reading books.
a. so b. but c. because d. and
6. We go ———————every weekend.
a. shop b. shops c. shopped d. shopping
7. Everybody in class worked hard,————- they got high marks.
a. so b. but c. because d. sow
8. Some birds can not——————-
a. flies b. fly c. flew d. flying
9. Ahmad often————– to school by bus.
a. go b. going c. goes d. will go
10. Deserts are than coasts.
a. dry b. drier c. dryer d. more dry
11. The boys are—————- than the girls.
a. fast b. faster c. fastest d. fasts
12. We ——————-skiing now.
a. is b. am c. are d. was
13 We all enjoy—————– T.V.
a. watch b. watches c. watched d. watching
14. I —————— for school.
a never late am. b. late never am c. never am late d. am never late
15—————-pen do you want, the green or the black?
a. Which b. Who c. Where d. When
16. Hala————– her work by car.
a to always goes b. always to goes c. always goes to d. goes always
17. Does Ali——————- in the mosque?
a. prays b. prayed c. pray d. praying
18. Sometimes, my father ————to work by bus.
a. go b. going c. gone d. goes
19 Summer is ————-Spring.
a. hot b. hotter c. hottest d. hotter than
20. My teachers always—————— me at school.
a help b. helps c. helping d. were helped
21. We always—————- breakfast at 9:30 in our school.
a. have b. has c. having d. have had
22 Muslims never—————- Pork.
a. eats b. eating c. has eaten d. eat
Choose the right answer:
1- If I have enough apples, I —————an apple pie this afternoon.
a) bake b) will bake c) baked
2- I may fix your car if I ————- a screwdriver.
a) has b) will have c) have
3- If I study hard, I ——————the test.
a) will pass b) will passing c) will to pass
4How ____________ water do you drink every day?
a) many b) much
5- How ———- cartons of juice you want to buy?
a) many b) much
6) If you smoke, you ————terrible.
a) would smell b) will smells c) will smell
7) Research has —————– that apples can help stop cancer.
a) show b) shows c) shown
8We know that ——— vegetables are good for our health.
a) a b) an c) the d) __
9) Eat ——-a day.
a) an b) an c) the d) ___
10) Dark chocolate may ———- cancer.
a) prevented b) prevents c) prevent
11- Don’t eat too ————–sweets.
a) many b) much
12- Don’t eat too —————salt.
a) many b) much
13- How _________ cans of cola did you buy for the party?
a. much b. often c. many d. far
14- How _________cola can you drink?
a. much b. often c. usually d. many
15 – I have ____ friends.
a. few b. little c. a little d. much
16- I saw ____ films at the weekend.
a. many b. little c. a little d. much
17– Hamad wants ____ , he is thirsty.
a. glass of water b. water glass c. water’s glass d. a glass of water
18 – My brother gave a ____ but it was empty.
a. bottle of milk b. milk bottle c. can of milk d. milk can
Write a paragraph about your favorite TV programmes
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Write a paragraph about the effects of bad TV programmes on Children:
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Write a paragraph about how to stay healthy and fit:
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ورقة عمل…doc (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 111) |
ورقة عمل…doc (24.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 111) |