إثراءات التوجيه التربوي

Global Connection Exchange Project

Global Connections & Exchange 2.0 Program

The Global Connections 2.0 program is an iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) initiative to build communication and mutual understanding between schools, teachers, and youth in the Middle East and North Africa and the U.S. through online, project-based collaboration. The program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and will run for two years from September 2022 through August 2022.
The program focuses on developing leadership and technology skills for teachers and youth to engage in cross-cultural dialogue and explore global issues online. The purpose of the program is to:
• Increase communication and understanding between youth
• Build technology, leadership, and job skills for youth
• Increase teachers skills for using technology in the classroom and integrating project-based learning

Teacher Participation in Global Connections 2.0:

A select group of teachers will receive guidance and training to prepare them for integrating online global collaboration and project work in their classroom including:
• An in-person introductory workshop with 15 teachers from around the country
• A 6-week online training course
• Ongoing collaboration and support from other teachers in the online Collaboration Centre

The trainings and courses will prepare teachers to conduct online, collaborative projects in their classrooms and share with teachers worldwide. Teachers will:
• Conduct projects in-class with their students
• Guide students in communicating online with other students around the world about their projects
• Share their class projects with their school, other teachers, and the community

E-mail : (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)

الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

for my project

first Assalam Alaikomالشارقةالشارقة
I wish from every to answer my question الشارقةالشارقة

Do you think that Bin majed is a hero or not? And whyالشارقةالشارقة?

يعني .. بغيت من الكل يجاوب ع سؤالي بس بالانجليزي .. و عادي بالعربي بعد .. السؤال يعني ..
هل تعتقد أن ابن ماجد بطل ام لأ ؟ و لماذا ؟ .. بشكل عام هل تعتقدون أنه بطل ؟؟

و شكرا.. الشارقةالشارقة

الصف الثامن


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته …
ممكن مسااعدة ..

أبا Project انجليزي عن الزلال والبراكين ….

ممكن …

الله يعينكم
مشكورةى سارونة .. ع ــالأقل حد رد أع ـرف أنه ما عندكمـ …
جو يخص البراكين وزلازل بمنهج صف ثامن بالأصل
أنا صندي بس seasons
خ ــتيــهـ بدور ترا هذا نظام مدارس الشراكة ..
ترا الزلازل والبراكين والاحتباس الحراري وغيره فالانجليزي ..
وهذا أصلا مال جغرافيـــا ..أو علــوومـ ..
والسموووحــــة ..
الصف العاشر

English Project

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركااته…

انشااءالله بخيير…

ماابطول عليكم بس اناا محتااية حد يسااعدنية في برووجيكت الانجليزي لانية حسيته شووي طوويل ويبااله شغل…

ياااليت اذاا كاان عندكم ماا تبخلوون علينااا…

وفميزاان حسنااتكم انشاءالله…

الغالية لؤبغيتي شي راسليني ع الخاص ؤبعطيج كل اللي تحتاجينه..~
مشكوورة الغالية انااا خلصته بس اترياا تصحيح المعلمة وعقب انشاء الله بنزله
متى بتنزلينه
الصف الحادي عشر

For my project

first Assalam Alaikom
I wish from every to answer my question

First. Do you think that Bin majed is a hero or not? And why?

[CENTER]يعني .. بغيت من الكل يجاوب ع سؤالي بس بالانجليزي .. و عادي بالعربي بعد .. السؤال يعني ..
هل تعتقد أن ابن ماجد بطل ام لأ ؟ و لماذا ؟ .. بشكل عام هل تعتقدون أنه بطل ؟؟

و شكرا.. [/CENTER]

هيه بطل …من رحلاته واكتشافاته اعتقد انه بطل وشجااع بعد ^_^
مااااااااااااااااااااااااافهمت لؤؤل
sure he is a hero becouse he did alot of usefull things

this is my opinion dear
ihope you found the answer

see you

thak you so mutch for your answer .. and your opinion i hope that i will found the perfect answer… finally thaaaanks again …
هيه اكيييييد بطل
أكيد بطل لو انو موبطل ما كان كتبو عليه وخلونا ندرس بعض من صفاتو ورحلتو

واتمني ان تقبلي مروري مزيونة الفجيره

I think he is hero for some people ^^ lool ..
but think that Bin majed is a hero fo me !
becouse he did alot of usefull things !

that is my opinion i hope you found the perfect answer !!

see yaa ^^ !

الصف الحادي عشر

English project

English project

Good mooring night .. every body

Hour are you

]Wish to be good [

I have English project

And I want from you to help me in this…

The name of Allah.

I want from ole of you to answers this question

Do you think you are a hero ?





because I do every thing that any one ask me to do even if it was difficult


Because one day l helped a lost girl to get back to her homeالشارقة

Yes, Because I help my sisters

and brothers to do their home work

I think I will be a hero if I control myself to do the right action , in the correct time and in the right place
الإدارة المدرسية

Global Connection exchange Project

Global Connections & Exchange 2.0 Program

The Global Connections 2.0 program is an iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) initiative to build communication and mutual understanding between schools, teachers, and youth in the Middle East and North Africa and the U.S. through online, project-based collaboration. The program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and will run for two years from September 2022 through August 2022.
The program focuses on developing leadership and technology skills for teachers and youth to engage in cross-cultural dialogue and explore global issues online. The purpose of the program is to:
• Increase communication and understanding between youth
• Build technology, leadership, and job skills for youth
• Increase teachers skills for using technology in the classroom and integrating project-based learning

Teacher Participation in Global Connections 2.0:

A select group of teachers will receive guidance and training to prepare them for integrating online global collaboration and project work in their classroom including:
• An in-person introductory workshop with 15 teachers from around the country
• A 6-week online training course
• Ongoing collaboration and support from other teachers in the online Collaboration Centre

The trainings and courses will prepare teachers to conduct online, collaborative projects in their classrooms and share with teachers worldwide. Teachers will:
• Conduct projects in-class with their students
• Guide students in communicating online with other students around the world about their projects
• Share their class projects with their school, other teachers, and the community

For More Information and To Apply:

Mobile : 00971508173958