الصف الثالث

Unit Six – School Days in Spain

This worksheet is based on the story in unit 6.
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc teresa.doc‏ (24.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 743)
سلللللمت يدااااك
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc teresa.doc‏ (24.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 743)
جزاك الله الخير كله

في ميزان حسناتك إن شاء الله

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc teresa.doc‏ (24.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 743)
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc teresa.doc‏ (24.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 743)
الصف السابع

مطلوب برجراف at school

يارب يخليكو اللي عنده اوتجراف عن الدرس الاول يرسله محتاجه ضروروي

at schoolالشارقة

سووووووووووري ماعندي
هذى برقراف لقيته في النت و أرجو الإستفادة منه

, my school, is one of the most important places for me; it’s my home. It’s important to me because besides that it’s been my school since I was 3 years old (now I’m 12), I might as well call it my home. I entered this school when at Three-Year Program and I’ve traveled to 7th grade, Middle School. It is also very important to me because it’s students. My school has taught me many things, it has taught me, not only general subjects (Math the source of all my friendships, with teachers, with janitors, with bus drivers and with fellow, English, Social Studies, etc.), but it has also taught me aiding facts for my future (going to help old ladies and going babysitting), and I can thank my school for that. I would never forgive my parents if they ever take me out of my substitute home.
و أتمنى ان ينال إعجابكم
منقول >__<

school in the u.a.e start on Sunday . school close on thursday after noon . the week end is on frieday and Saturday . the administrative offices don’t open at week end . the classes open at 7:15 it ends on 1:30 .the canteen opens at 10 :30 it ends on 11:00 . the clups start from 2:00 they finish at 3:00

ولا تنسو الردود الشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةs :e:z20

مش حلو موووول
الله يفق الجميع
واللي عنده عن الوحده 2 بليييز يحطـه


اباه ضروري

بليييييز ابغي برجراف عن الوحدة الثانية .
خدو هاد كتيير حلو يمكن ينفعكو

my school, is one of the most important places for me; it’s my home. It’s important to me because besides that it’s been my school since I was 3 years old (now I’m 12), I might as well call it my home. I entered this school when at Three-Year Program and I’ve traveled to 7th grade, Middle School. It is also very important to me because it’s students. My school has taught me many things, it has taught me, not only general subjects (Math the source of all my friendships, with teachers, with janitors, with bus drivers and with fellow, English, Social Studies, etc.), but it has also taught me aiding facts for my future (going to help old ladies and going babysitting), and I can thank my school for that. I would never forgive my parents if they ever take me out of my substitute home.

وانشالله تستفيدو 3>

الشارقةmy school, is one of the most important places for me; it’s my home. It’s important to me because besides that it’s been my school since I was 3 years old (now I’m 12), I might as well call it my home. I entered this school when at Three-Year Program and I’ve traveled to 7th grade, Middle School. It is also very important to me because it’s students. My school has taught me many things, it has taught me, not only general subjects (Math the source of all my friendships, with teachers, with janitors, with bus drivers and with fellow, English, Social Studies, etc.), but it has also taught me aiding facts for my future (going to help old ladies and going babysitting), and I can thank my school for that. I would never forgive my parents if they ever take me out of my substitute home.

الشارقة الشارقة

رووعه البرجراف ششكرا استفدت منه واييد
ابا برجراف عن المدرسة بليز اكتبو واحد
ابي برقراف عن dangers you might find in your school بليزززززز الي عنه يحطه محتااايتنه ضروري
الصف التاسع

تعبير عن daily life in school

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


عساكم بخير


ممكن التعبير بليز باجر عليه امتحان القرامر والتعبير بلييييييييييييييييييييييييييز

افففففففففففف حرام عليكم باجر امتحاني
وينكم لول بصيح
مي تو …ما عندي

انا بعد باجر امتحاني ارجوكم ابغى حل هل من مساعدة

الصف التاسع

school day in china or canada

الله يخليكم ابغي برقراف بسرعه عن

school day in china or canada

يالله محد رد عليه



الصف التاسع

مشروع عن school rules قوانين المدرسة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
حصري وجديد تفضلوا المشروع


وايد حلو
وممكن تنزلون واحد ثاني لأنه بنات الصف كلهم مطلعن شراته
وأتمنى لك التوفيق
شكرا يا السوري
عفوا بس كيف عرفت اني سوري منو انت