i know the students will go shouting n screaming because i will give them homework right from the first day…but mmmm i enjoy making them energetic and hyper heheheh
hw secod semester.doc
Of course they will Moza especially , as I see ,the H.W is a writing task.It is the worst for them.Good luck and happy 2nd term.
.Thank you very much for this nice worksheet
يسلمو اختي على موضوع الرائع
لاتحرمينا من جديدك الروعـــــهـ
مشكووووووووووووورة اختي
والله ماقصرتي أختي مشكووووووووووووووووور
A very interesting compostion sheet
Keep up the good work
مشكوووووووووووووووووووووووورة ما قصرت