الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية


In this world there is kind of friends u cant*
make them but u can feel them by heart
and know them by soul’s cant make them
but u will have to find them for sure

Life is a candle use it or lose it for ever *

For will gone and never come back to u*
Word u said, bullet u shoot, chance
you lose, Poem not written u will
forgot it forever

The hardest thing in this world to see a star *
u like fallen on earth alone. And u can’t do any
thing for it

I used to forgive the sins, Cause one*
day I will be the mistaken

Women is a sensitive string if u know*
how to play on it you will make the most
beautiful song in this world

Learn to love as far as u wish to be loved*

I can hide my feelings, I can be good actor in the life theater, But I failed in front of women eyes

The funniest thing in love that the man wants to be the first one knocks the door. While the women wants to be the last one open it & " keep the key"

thanks alot 4 these precious pieces of widom. keeping them in mind would surely make it better. especially they r taken from a woman about women thanks alot on behalf of my wife.
you are welcomed
thanks for responding