word meaning
- meaning
- أسنان استعمال
- أسنان لبنية الم الأسنان
- أسنان دائمة المعجون
- الناب يبيض
- الأضراس تسقط
- القواطع يعتنى ب
- أضراس أمامية بلطف
- قطع التجاويف
- يمزق طول الحياة
- الازدحام طبيب الأسنان
- يطحن متاعب
- المينا الصيد
- اللب يضعف
- العصب جير على الأسنان
- الجذر حمض
- البندقية يبقى
- العاج يهاجم
- التركيب نتعلم
- طبيعى الأعواد
- الفرشاة العظام
- Theme 4: how teeth work
- 1- Put a (/) for true and a(x) for false.
- (a) The surface of tooth is harder than bones. ( )
- Reason ————————————————————————————–
- (b) Every time a tooth falls off, a new tooth grows in its place. ( )
- Reason ————————————————————————————–
- (c) All teeth can cut, grind and tear. ( )
- Reason ————————————————————————————–
- (d) Once cavities are formed in a tooth the tooth, has to be taken out. ( )
- Reason ————————————————————————————–
- (e) Once cavities are formed, germs start living in them. ( )
- Reason ————————————————————————————–
- (f) All teeth have the same shape. ( )
- Reason ————————————————————————————–
- 2- Name these:
- (a) Teeth that fall off and are replaced by new teeth. ————————–
- (b) Tearing teeth. ——————————
- (c) Paste like material that sticks to teeth if you do not brush. ———————–
- (d) The doctor who treats your teeth if you do not brush. —————————
- (e) Doctors can stop cavities by it. ———————————
- (f) The natural tooth brush. ———————————-
- 3- What is each of these useful for?
- Incisors —————————————————————————————-
- Canines —————————————————————————————-
- Premolars and molars ———————————————————————–
- 4- How do cavities develop in teeth?
- ————————————————————————————————–
- ————————————————————————————————–
- 5- Complete:
- (a) a child’s first set of teeth are————-.these fall off and are replaced by the ————————–teeth.
- (b) we have different kinds of teeth :———- for cutting,————- for tearing and———–and—————-for crushing and grinding food.
- (c) if teeth are not best kept clean , —————–can develop in them.
- (d) ————–is the best option for cleaning the teeth.
- (e) we should ———our teeth because no new teeth will appear in their place.
- 6- How to brush your teeth?
- ————————————————————————————————–
- 7- How are you taking care of teeth?
- —————————–,———————————-,———————————
- 8- What kinds of teeth?
- ————————,——————–,——————-,————————-
- 9- What causes problems in the teeth?
- ————————————————————————————————–
- 10- What is structure of a tooth?
- —————–,—————-,—————–,——————,—————-,———-
- 11- Write the steps of developing cavities: (how do cavities develop?)
- 1————————————————-,2———————————————
- 3————————————————,4———————————————-
- 12-what is the best time to clean up your teeth?
- ————————————————————————————————–
- 13- What is the natural brush? Where do we get it from?
- ————————————————————————————————–
- 14- The natural brush is useful for our teeth, how?
- ————————————————————————————————–
- 15- What the functions of the part? What the number? What the shapes?
- Incisors——————————————————, premolars———————
- Canines—————————————————–, molars————————–
- [/