ابا قصة بانجليزي عن كرة السلة
ابا ضروري اليوم لوسمحتو
قال كونان المتحري : سوري ما عندي قصة بالغة الانجليزية ..
فتعاقبت توتو الجميلة من مدرستها و ذهبت و ضربت كونان المتحري ..
فغضب كونان و ضربها
و انتهت القصة المحزنة
هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه هههههههههههههه
A brave Sailor
Once upon a time an old sailor called Salim was sailing from Dubai to Oman in the Arabian Gulf. Some good sailors were with Salim. They were carrying goods to sell .
Suddenly a strong storm blew and hit the ship . the anchor fell down to the bottom of the Gulf . It hung to something. The ship stopped and couldn’t move.The sailors didn’t know what to do . Salim decided to dive and free the anchor though the weather was still bad.Salim took a knife with him. He found the anchor hung in coral reefs.
Salim freed the anchor out of the coral reefs. Salim returned safely to the ship. His friends met him happily and called him" the brave sailor". They continued their way to Oman and sold the goods. Bravery is a wonderful merit in Human.
مع تحبات ألأستاذ/ حسام عثمان