الصف الثاني عشر

تقرير عن Stress الملخص في صفحة واحدة

Stress: Everybody knows what stress is .It is a combination of physical, mental, and emotional feelings of having too many problems or too much to do .
A lot of people are not aware of being under stress. Some are frequently under so much stress that they assume the feeling is normal.
Nowadays the symptoms of stress are well known. When the human body is under stress Adrenaline is poured into the
bloodstream. As a result of that the pulse quickens, the blood pressure raises
and the muscle tension increases. Furthermore you may feel more criticized by others, become more pessimistic, cynical, or resentful than usual. Things you normally look forward to may seem like a burden, that why when most people hears the word stress people think of something unpleasant and bad.
There is two side of stress a good side and a bad one . First the good side, its makes a lot of people like student and athletic people work better, faster, creative and more effective under stress. On the other hand , Stress is bad for your health! A lot of people react to stress with
aggressiveness, competitiveness, and self-imposed pressure to get things done. This behavior has been linked to increased rates of heart attack, high blood pressure and other diseases. Stress can also affect the immune system, causing the body to be less resistant to a wide range of other health problems.
Most people can’t think clear under stress. They make false decision and work superficial. Stress causes reduced concentration ability.
Stress doesn’t only affect you; it also has an effect on your environment.
If you’re under stress and nervous, your (school/work) friends automatically become like you.
There are three basic strategies for dealing with stress. The first strategy is altering situations to make them less stressful. Avoiding stressful situations is the next strategy. Accepting stressful situations is the other basic strategy in dealing with stress at the source.

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الموضوع يخص اللغة الانجليزية … وليس مادة التاريخ
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