الصف التاسع

حل الوحدة السادسة

بغيييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييت حل صفحة 132و133 و 134و 135 لو سمحتمالشارقة
حل ص 132
<div tag="1|50|” >A

1 road not part of a car
2 police officer not a road user
3 car park not a place for travelling
4 forget doesn’t share the meaning of
focussed attention
5 pass not connected with speed
6 speed not a road sign

Answers B
4 1 Don’t get angry with people. = advice
4 2 Be ready for difficult situations. = advice
3 My brother’s driving test is next week. =
statement of fact
4 4 I love driving fast. = personal preference
5 I’m sure that one day I will have my own car.
= idea for the future
4 6 You MUST NOT try to read in the car. = advice
4 7 You should think: What are pedestrians and
cyclists going to do? = advice
4 8 Parking on the footpath causes problems for
pedestrians. = a piece of information perhaps
leading to advice

3 Possibly the following:
Keep off the footpath. = contrasts with the usual rule to
stay on the footpath
Expect the unexpected. = doesn’t seem to make sense
Switch it off. = unclear what this refers to
مشكووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو ووووووووووووووور
بغيت حل صـ135
وانا بعد
اباها بليييييييييييييز
مشكووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو ووووووووووووووور

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