الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

طلبتكم لا تردووني

بغيتكم اتحطوولي هالكلما في جمل















Living patterns

Social interaction






بليييييييييييييييييز بأسرع وقت
اليوووم اباااه و الأفظل يكووون الحييين


هذا الي قدرت عليه ..

He learned English to communicate with others

She shared photoes with me online

Water is important for human

The is new models in the mall

He is so telegent because of his knowledge

She is expressing her opinion

He is responding clearly

The new generation is better than the old one

عااد صح غلط ماعرف ..

كلها من تأليفي ..

والباقي ما عرفت معانيهن .

والسموحة .. ^_^



و يزااك الله الف خيير


الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية


لو سمحتو بغيت حل ص 34 في كتاب الانجلش ( صفحة القواعد )الشارقة
بليييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييي ييييييييييييييييييييييييييز
الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

إلى الحاااااااااااادي

ياليت لو اتحطون حلول للحادي
ابشـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــر
قلتوا ابشر ما اشووف شي
شوو بالضبط من الحلوول اي صفحهــ ..
الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

أوراق عمل للصف السادس – مدرسة ابن حزم للتعليم الأساسي والثانوي

تلخيص للوحدة الأولى
مشكور على هالموضوع

بس شكلك ما نزلته لأنه ما يفتح

excuse me but where is it???!!!!!
Thanx anyway for the thought
أخ اسماعيل بارك الله فيك ………أين أوراق العمل ؟؟؟؟!!!!!!!!

نحن بانتظارها…

لو سمحتوا بغيت grade six units : 1 &2
الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

مترجـم جوجل المجاني الفوري

وهذاا الرابـط
شـــرح :
أتمنــى يفيدكـــم..



الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

طلبتكم و لا تردوني { صف 11 }

مرحباااااااااااا السااااااااااع

لو سمحتوا أبغي بور بوربوينت عن How to make friends

بليييييييييييز ابغاااااااااااه يوم الثلاثاء آخر يوم للتسليم

هلب مي

ثااااااااانك الصرااااحة ما قصرتوا

ع العمووووووووم خلاص ما ابغيه سويته بروحي

اسمحيلي الغلا واللع توني شفت موضوعج

وانا تقرير عن good friendship

والسموحه الشارقة


الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

Modes of Thinking

I found this interesting article entitled ”Modes of thinking" in gulf news magazine so I wanted to share it with my colleagues
and students

Edward de Bono, has devised a concept called "lateral thinking" and is the author of the Six Thinking Hats


had an opportunity to learn a new approach to thinking during a two- day seminar with Maltese Psychologist and Physician Edward de Bono held by Bidaya, the Dh30 million education and leadership programme launched by Zabeel Investments and Nakheel

A new spin to thinking

Edward de Bono, one of the world’s leading authorities on the process of thought, has devised a concept called "lateral thinking" and is the author of the Six Thinking Hats in which individuals explore different perspectives of a complex situation or challenge, thus bringing about a unique blend of thoughts and ideas. His new modes of thinking are now taught in many schools all over the world and are used in many business firms as a method of problem solving, decision-making and idea generation

Students found Edward’s methods of thinking an excellent approach to easing the process of decision-making and idea generation

"These modes of thinking allow us to narrow down our goals and rearrange priorities to efficiently make effective decisions," said Abdullah Alnaqbi, student at Sharjah Medical College. "They will give us the skills and confidence needed to move on to the next level

Students also claimed that these new approaches to thinking enhance their creativity, allowing them to see certain characteristics of a situation in a different light

"Edward’s thinking hats allow us to ‘think outside the box’ and go to more untraditional thinking methods," said Abdul Aziz Al Zarouni, computer-engineering student at the American University of Sharjah. "This creates a sense of flexibility in our minds and allows us to make new associations between concepts and ideas

Notes had the chance to speak one-on-one to De Bono about his proposed modes of thinking and the impact they have had on thought throughout the world

What is lateral thinking

Many people believe creativity is a talent that either you have or you don’t. Lateral thinking, on the other hand, is a skill one can learn. Its foundation is in science and medicine and is based on the way nerves in the human brain work.

How do the six thinking hats work and how do they enhance one’s thinking abilities

Each thinking hat represents a colour, each one forming a different perspective for a specific situation. For example, white represents neutrality and the facts of the situation, red represents the emotions, green is all the possibilities, yellow represents optimism, blue for organisation, and black represents caution for any potential drawbacks. Individuals can look at a situation from all of these different perspectives and then combine them to generate ideas

How can students and future employees of business apply your concept of lateral thinking

Management is all about problem solving and being able to look at problematic situations from different angles. Lateral thinking and the concept of the six thinking hats allow employees to do so. Managers can save up to three quarters of their traditional "thinking" time to make decisions and rather use that time implementing them. Students could use these modes of thinking to increase productivity in their future careers

What role do you believe educators have to increase students’ thinking abilities

A class should be dedicated to thinking and the various methods of doing so. Students should be taught the various perspectives of looking at a situation to help enhance and develop their thinking skills

Fostering student development

This two-day seminar is only a small segment of the Bidaya initiative to nurture student ambition

"Bidaya teaches us how to be pro-active, confident leaders of tomorrow’s world," said Asma Al Zabi, computer-engineering student at Sharjah University. "They have helped us in two crucial areas of educational development – academics and leadership

The scholarship also supports students with projects external to their traditional curriculum to aid them in reaching their goals

"Bidaya is currently supporting me with an idea I’ve had for a long time — an Internet community website for talented and intelligent UAE nationals as a channel for intellectual expression," said Al Zarouni. "They [Bidaya] see our dreams and help make them come true

Thank u for the interesting subject.In fact I have had an idea abt the "Six Hats " approach since my colleague of last year tried to use this method when teaching one lesson with grade eight :" Reason For Season ".The lesson was not bad ,but I think it’s somewhat difficult to to use in classrooms .What do you think ?
Thanks for your interest to the post and your valuable addition , very surprised to see teachers using this technique because when I read the article it seemed to me that it was more theoretical than practical but since you were witness of that I believe in it and may be I’ll try to use it in my class hoping not to have a supervisor at that time because you know their opinions about innovations . isn’t it?
well concerning difficulty it may be difficult since it is new but if the students are accustomed to it things will be easier.
thank you once again for passing by Um Ahmed and happy to meet you here in this forum that I was very sorry to quit during the last period
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ارجو منك ياأستاذي الفاضل موضوع عن (your healthly) الوحدة الرابعة للصف الخامس ومطلوب منا غدا
ويجزيك ربنا كل الخير
استاذ فوزي يعطيك العافية ساعدني لان معلوماتي بالانجليزي ضعيفة وماعندي من يعرف الانجليزية
رجاء كرمك استاذي
اقول انت موجود معانا استاذي ؟
On the contrary when my colleague tried this method everyone was amazed ,even the supervisor (speciality Islamic Education) and she encouraged her to make another model lesson using this method in front of other supervisors.So ,I advise you to try it also .Why not .Miss your presence in the forum.
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الملكة سبأ الشارقة
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ارجو منك ياأستاذي الفاضل موضوع عن (your healthly) الوحدة الرابعة للصف الخامس ومطلوب منا غدا
ويجزيك ربنا كل الخير

آسف يا آنسة سبأ لكنني لا أدرس هذا الصف لكن إذا تكرمت وأعطيتنني أكثر تفاصيل عن الموضوع من الممكن المساعدة


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Mimi الشارقة
On the contrary when my colleague tried this method everyone was amazed ,even the supervisor (speciality Islamic Education) and she encouraged her to make another model lesson using this method in front of other supervisors.So ,I advise you to try it also .Why not .Miss your presence in the forum.

I’ll try it . Thank you for your hearty feeling

الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

تقرير انجليزي

ممكن تساعدوني بهالتقرير
the value of reading
اي حد بيعرف اي شي عن هلموضوع ينطيني اياه بأسرع وقت
والله دورت بل قوقل وما لقيت شي
بليييز يللي عنده اي شي يحطة باسرع وقت
ومشكورة الكم
أنا بعد ما حصلت
الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

ارجوووكم بليييز

لو سمحتوا اريد موضوع ضرررروري عن MY COUNTRY وايضا
daily life
* موضوع Daily life
موجود في الكتاب في صفحة 43
كتاب ( student’s book )
الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

مواقع مفيدة جدا

مـــــــــــــــــشكور و ما قصرت…
الموقع الاول وايد مفيد ^_^
مشكورة على المرور مع حترامي وتقديري