الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

how to motivate students to speak

Teach Your Students to Speak Out in English

Principle 1: Positive Reinforcement
As a teacher, you should focus on your students successful attempts to use English. At first, reward ANY success however small. If students speak out loudly and clearly, but make a mistake, praise them just for speaking out or for pronouncing it well. As students improve, you can focus on the most outstanding successes. Whatever you encourage, students will continue to do. On the other hand, if you do not encourage them, they will likely become passive in class.

Principle 2: Clear Goals and Instructions

Students need to know exactly HOW an activity is done, otherwise they will be out of control when the activity starts. If necessary, write the instructions on the blackboard or overhead projector. Or, model the activity with one of your best students so everyone can see what they need to do.

Students also need to know WHY an activity is being done. Dictations are done to train the ear, so they will be more successful in learning in the future. Pair practice is a simulation of real-life conversation, so they should not show their questions to their partner. Without understanding why, many students think an activity is not important and give up or practice half-heartedly.

Be sure to include goals and instructions in your lesson plan. That way you will be sure to remember to do them, and if you do have any problems, you will easily see how to fix them in future lessons.

Principle 3: The Element of Surprise

Students usually know exactly what will happen in class and answer questions mechanically. By adding suprises to your lessons, students will be forced to think about meaning and will pay more careful attention. For example, you could ask students ordinary questions such as whether they like pizza, or if they like chocolate. Then ask them if they like chocolate pizza. You might ask students about their families, , or if they can drive a car. Students who are answering without thinking will say "yes" automatically. In such cases, their classmates will usually laugh at their mistake, and they will realize the importance of paying attention.

Of course, laughing is good in general, so saying anything strange will improve the class atmosphere.Whenever you have a list of questions or a lot of ******** to cover, add something funny or strange at the end of the lesson. Add some intentional mistakes to see who will find them. In a sense, this is a kind of listening exercise. If you do this often, then some day if you really do make a mistake, you can casually tell students it was just a test!

A variation of the Surprise Principle is called the "information gap". When students all use the same textbook, they already have the same information. But if you give only SOME students certain information, a text or picture for example, the other students must use English to find out what information they are missing. Successful pair practice and ******** games include "information gaps" to encourage students to discover what information they do not have.

Principle 4: Variety is the Spice of Life

Very often when teachers find a good technique, they use it more and more and come to depend on it. After some time, students become bored doing the same things, and this wonderful technique no longer looks very good. In reality the technique is still good, but variety is required to keep students’ attention. Various activities can be organized according to how communicative they are. Start with a simple, mechanical activity, then continue with something more meaningful, and finish with a communicative activity. When students do a variety of activities, classes are not dull for either students or teachers!

Principle 5: Competition

Competition automatically grabs students’ attention. The easiest way is to divide the class into two teams and play some kind of game. You could have the left side of the room against the right side, boys against girls, or each row against all the others. Competition can be used on an individual level as well, by giving points to students for their work. You can give points for any written work such as dictations or mini-quizzes. Students enjoy seeing their progress over time, keeping them motivated in the long term. You can also give points during the whole term, by giving points for all kinds of activities during your classes.


Apply these five principles to your teaching and see how your students change over time. Positive Reinforcement and having Clear Goals and Instructions can be used right from the beginning, in every class. Introduce Surprise, Variety and Competition to your lessons slowly, so as not to overwhelm your students. Make one or two small changes in every lesson, and pretty soon your students will call you "Super Teacher"!


thanx dear …really if teachers do that ..the students will be soooooooo fluent in english
thank you for these pieces of advice and I hope that every one will use these principles to improve their pupils’level
Ramadan Mubarek.
Great tips …..as a grade one teacher I’ll try to adopt them
الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

Intelligent Clothes

The concept

The concept behind the technology is not new. The first conference on smart clothing technology was held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in October 1997. Since then, the scientists and retailers have been exploring a range of possibilities

Technically speaking smart clothing or i-wear incorporates an array of conducting strands interwoven with ****ile yarn, which enables it to become sensory and provide useful information to the wearer. On the face of it, the clothing may not look drastically different from any other

From the electronics industry’s standpoint, a smart garment is an ideal interface medium between humans and electronic products due to its mobility, natural interaction and advanced technologies in microelectronics and the smart ****ile fields. The fashion industry views it as a good opportunity to incorporate new technologies, which helps it evolve. It is generally held that smart clothes must include intelligent functions and fashionable design.

Some implementations

Let’s look at some of the i-wear available or under development

Transparent coat: This will remind you of that famous novel by H.G. Wells, "The Invisible Man." The transparent coat is covered with tiny pieces of glass that effectively become a screen

A video camera is then used to record the scenery behind the wearer and the results are projected onto the clothes. It gives the effect of the wearer appearing transparent. One of the fields in which this can be used is surgery, allowing a surgeon to effectively see through his hands

Smart suit: The suit, designed at Finland’s Tampere University of Technology, consists of two-piece underwear, supporting vest and actual snowmobile jacket and trousers. It can give information about the wearer’s health, ******** and movements with the help of several integrated sensors. If the wearer has an accident or is in any abnormal situation, the suit will send a message to an emergency office. The message contains the current coordinates of the user’s position and data from physiological measurements. A Global Positioning System (GPS) is employed to acquire the current coordinates

Heated vest: The heated vest, designed by the Personal Electronics Group, includes heated clothing, a measurement unit, a power control unit and power source. The heated clothing is based on a vest with long sleeves, which contains digital temperature sensors and electrically heated carbon fabric panels

The temperature sensors measure the skin temperature of the wearer. The power control unit uses these measurements to control the heating power of the heating panels. The UI is implemented on a handheld, Via the UI, the user can regulate the heating

The best part is that the vest along with the sensors is machine washable. The printed circuit boards and the heating panels have to be detached before washing

Health-monitoring shirt: The LifeShirt system developed by VivoMetrics is a typical lifesaver as it collects pulmonary, cardiac and other physiological data and co-relates these over a period of time

The system gathers data during the subject’s daily routines, providing pharmaceuticals and academic researchers a continuous movie of the subject’s health in real-life situations (i.e., at college, while exercising, etc). It acts as a health monitor, communication system, just-in-time information system and an application that controls real-world applications

No-contact jacket: This would be music to all the females out there. The no-contact jacket’ is a wearable defensive jacket created to aid women in case of an assault. When activated by the wearer, 80,000 volts of low amperage electric current flows just below the surface ****l of the jacket. This electric armour thus shields the wearer from any unauthorised body contact

The future

The trends in smart clothing development suggest that technology will gradually become an integral part of fashion

The research is on to develop a 3D measuring system that can help one check the fit of a garment. Consumers can then view a selection of clothes on the internet and see how these look on their bodies by ‘trying them on’ in a virtual environment

The writer is a guru of tech who runs a trading company in Dubai

Very interesting .I like most of all the " No-contact jacket".It is very useful especially for women.Thank you for this amazing article
Don’t worry Miss Mimi you are living in a safe country
thanks for passing by

I invite you to visit my blog site and comment to any of my posts. You will be the first

Thank u for your invitation.In fact I made a quick look at your site and I have made a comment about the " easy and difficult " subject .I’ll visit your site next time because it seems there are many interesting subjects that need more concentration.Thanx
Thank you a million for your interest for my posts and your rapid replies
I hope together will make a change by posting useful subjects in the section of English and especially urging colleagues to use English just English for their posts.
thanx again
You’re welcome my brother .Inshallah
الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

بغيت منكم انكم اساعدوني بشي يكون مثلا معلومات صور من هل الاشياء عن درس my time للصف السادس

بغيته ضرووري حق باجر

واسفة ع الازعاج

لش ماتردون حرام عليكم
ما حد في الصف السادس كلنا فوق السموحه ما اقدر افيدج
الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

مفاجأة رائعة كتب لتعليم اللغة الإنجليزية لمختلف الأعمار والمستويات


مفاجأة رائعة لكل من ترغب في تحميل كتب تعليمية للغة الإنجليزية

لمختلف الأعمار (للكبار والصغار) والمستويات

لتطوير مهاراتها في هذه اللغة

وأيضا للطالبات اللاتي يردن تقوية مهارة السماع لهذه اللغة

يوجد كتب مخصصة لذلك مع ملفات صوتية

كل هذا في هذا الموقع


ملاحظة :إذا طلعت لغة الصفحة غريبة اختاري اللغة الإنجليزية

يوجد قائمة بأنواع الكتب الموجودة في الجهة اليمنى

يجب عليك التسجيل في الموقع كي تستطيعي التحميل

وختاما أسأل الله أن أكون أفدتكم

وجزاكم الله خيرا


جهد تشكرين عليه يا اختي الغالية
رقصت حروفي فرحا بمرورك
واشرقت صفحتي بنورك
وتعطرت مشاركتي بحضورك
لك جزيل شكري وامتناني
وفائق احترامي
مشاركـــــــــــــــــــــــة رائعــــــــــــة مشكورة أختي حلــــــــــــــوة المعانـــــــــــي
بريش الزهر تكتبين …
وفي الطبيعة الحالمة تسبحين..

فرشاة لونها .. من مداد الروح
تتبختر بين حروف مغردة
كل الروعة خلود

جزاك الله كل خير

سلمت يمناك

آسعدني تواجدك العذب في صفحتي المتواضعة

والله يعافيـك ولاحرمنــي الله ذلك التوآصل المشـرق

دمـت كما تحـب ،،

أكيد أنت تفيدينا دائما يا أختي النافعة و شكرا لك على جهودك المثمرة
حيـــاك الله في صفحتي المتواضعة

ولاحرمني الله مرورك الكريم

دمت بود ،،

مشكورة اختي ع الموضوع .. وجزاك الله ألف خيرا…
مشكورة الغالية على الموضوع الرائع و المتميز ..
دائماً أنتي في الطليعة في مواضيعـch ..
يزاch الله خير و عافيه ..

دمتي بود ..

مشكورة اختي ع الموضوع ..
لمروركم الجميل وردكم الرائع … بريق مميز وآ‘بداع ..

سلمتم على روعة مروركم وحروفكم الجميله


لاخلا ولاعدم من تواجدكم المميز وتواصلكم


لكم مني كل تقدير

مشكورة:::: يا حلوة المعاااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اFF0000
موقع رائع

جزاك الله خيراً و جعله في ميزان حسناتك

الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

هــآي طلــب :)




اشــلونــكم ؟شخبــآركم؟

انــآ عنــدي طلب عنــوني ابــي نمــوذج اختبــآر للغــه الانجليــزي الورقــه الثــآنيــه صــف 11

ومــاأدري احنــآ بالكــويت كتبــنــآ عن Uae

وبليــز اللي عنــدهـ خل يسـآعــدنــي لأني حيــل خايفــه




اممم نحنا يوم نمتحن يعطونا الاوراق عسب نشوف النتيجه

وعقب نردها يعني بحاااول اساعدج ان شاء الله

والسموحه الشارقة



ثــآنكــس حيــآتي

بــس انا بــآجر امتحــآني

ماتدريــن شنــو يــآلــج بالـ Summary & composition

فــديتـــج الشارقة



الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

حصة مشاهدة

حصة مشاهدة


مرحبا خواتي …بلييييز ساااعدوني …عندي ان شاءالله حصة مشاااهدة الأسبووع الياي …وابيكم اتساااعدوني …اتكلم عن وحدة job بليزز ابي افكار واشياااء للصف السادس ..مدرسة نموووذجية… اللغة الانجليزية

ok u need so many pictures for the jobs…first ask them who is this?where does he work?what does he do?
then tell the students to ask …then ask the students to make false sentences about the jobs…like the doctor works in a school n so on…then for the group work ask one group to make a dialogue between a patient and a doctor n another group an interview with a teacher …another group act a play about another job n so on…. there is a beautiful game too…u can have one girl standing infront of the others stick in her back any job n tell her to ask her friends about what job is that by saying( does she work in ….? does she wear white…and so on tell she guess the job…mmmm well i have lots of activities which will take pages hehehe any way hope these r useful
شو يعني حصة مشاهدة ؟
مشكووووووورة اختي موزة وما قصرتي ؟؟
حصة مشااهدة يعني تقديم الدرس مع وجود المديرة والموجهة وعدد من المدرسين
الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

MTB – Most Frequent Words of the Academic Word List by Subli

MTB – Most Frequent Words of the Academic Word List by Subli



بوركت جهودك الرائعه يا عزيزتي
الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

why is the word smiles the longest word in English

if you are smart you can find the anwser

why is the word smiles the longest word in English

B/c it has a " mile " in it.Right ?

you’re smart once again

الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

انجليزي تاسع"رسالة"

أريد أي أوراق عمل أو إمتحانات تقويم أو امتحان تجريبي من المنطقة لمنهج الصف التاسع اليديدبلييييز لا تردوني الشارقةالشارقة
ماظن يا خويه بتحصل لأنه المنهج يديد وهاي أول سنه له ….

السموحهـــ …

الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

موقع شامل متكامل رائع جدا

أهدي هذ الموقع إلى التلميذ الرائع
حمد العينة محمد مبارك على بن نشيرو العامري
وإلى كل طالب مجتهد

مواضيع الموقع أكثر من رائعة

يسلمو عل الموقع

الله يعطيك العافيه

يسلمووو عالموقعـ الحلووو وانشاللهـ نستفيد منهـ..
ويزاكـ اللهـ الف خير..^.^
مشــــــــــــــــكورين وما قصرتوا
انشالله يستفيد منه كل الأعضاء^_^
جهد طيب يستحق الثناء