الصف التاسع

مواضيع التعبير للصف التاسع لغة انجليزية

مواضيع التعبير للصف التاسع لغة انجليزية



أضن أنهن من موقع منقول
شكرا رحتني من الكتابة والتدوير
يسلموووو ع المواضيع ..

بس ما أظن أن بس مآآل أضرار النت

أظن فيهـ أكثر ..

ع العموم مشكووور ..

والسمووحهـ ..

صح خيتو اماراتية في بعد
personal profile _an architect_schoo council
مشكووور ..
صحيح كلامكم ………… ما عليه ……… شكرا اخوي على الفقرة

الشارقة الشارقة الشارقة الشارقة

مشكور بس مال الفصل الاول
الصف التاسع

الى أحبتي وأخواني الاعزاء أتمنى مساعدتي ."؟

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

ممكـن حل صفحة 80 تدريب c

أرجوكم أحتاجه جدا جدا جدا الشارقة

الـwork book


الصف التاسع

بوربوينت للقواعد

هيفيدكم موت انتظر الردود
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)
عفوا جزاكي الله خير
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)
مشكورة شطورة تسلم الأيادي
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)
شكرا على المرور
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)
ها مال اي صفحة ؟؟؟
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)
جزالك الله خيرا
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)
مشكورة وما قصرتي …
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)
دي بتاعت صفحة الجرامر
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)

مشكووووووووورة وما قصرتي

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)

جزاكم الله خيراً

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)
شكرااااااااااا مرةةةةةةةة على الموضوع أنس الملك 0501821262
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)
اتصلي وما تترددي
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)
جزاكي الله خيرا ………………………….
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)
مشكورة على المشاركة الطيبة
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)

موضوع كتييييييييييييييييييييييير حلو



الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar yes no ques.rar‏ (131.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 661)
الصف التاسع

طلب برجرافاااات الامتحااااااان باجر ؟؟

السلام عليكم ابي المواضيييع الييي داخله باجر في الامتحان (براجرافاااااااات) ياريت حد يفيدني

لااني رااااااااااااسب وابي انجح خخخخخ

حتى انا ابا
برجراف عن location
– Safety in the community
Every one in this life looks for safety which means freedom from danger. The most important person who gives safety to the community is the police officer. He keeps the country peaceful and puts the country’s laws into action. He also stops crimes from happening in the first place and investigates crimes. A police officer is allowed to do certain things to help him do his job. Every police officer must promise to be fair and honest .some police officers work in the streets while others become detectives .so , one of the main jobs that the police do is to investigate crime to reach to the truth. Then send the criminal to the court for sentence.
4- Safety in the home
Safety is very important for all of us. Every one needs safety every where in the community. Our home is a part of our safety, so we must keep it safe. In order to do that, we should take care of the following things: kitchen tools and hot food should not be within the reach of children. Medicine should also be kept away from children. Electric wires should be covered and three-pin plugs should be used .Never leave the iron switched on .Gas stoves should be kept out side and it would be too dangerous if we left matches for children to play with. Generally, home safety needs much attention and care.
5- Accident
One day when we were about four or five, we were in the street outside my house, my neighbors and me. We made a little fire and put grass and stones and small pieces of wood on it. Then when the fire finished, we started fighting— play fighting. .The other boys picked up some stones from the ground to throw at us. So I picked up a piece of metal and a black stone from the fire, one in each hand. Of course, they were very hot, and I didn’t feel it at first, but they burnt my hands. I’ve got a little scar on my left hand now. My mother came and took me home and put my hands in cold water. I stayed at home after that I didn’t see a doctor because it wasn’t bleeding or broken. But it hurt a lot
—. — . . — t_._ ..y: — –
\Trjte three sentences about
What does a scientist do?
1. He works in a laboratory.
2. He tests things to find facts.
3. He puts facts in a table or a graph.
The location and weather of your country
1. It is located in the Middle East.
2. It is bordered by Oman and Saudi Arabia.
3. The weather is cold and pleasant in winter but it’s hot in summer.
The location and weather of your hometown
1. My home town is Dhaid.
2. It is located in Sharjah.
3. The weather is cold and pleasant in winter but it’s hot in summer.
Things you should do to keep Safety in the home.
1. You should keep medicine away from children.
2. You should be careful with hot food.
3. You should tell someone if you smell gas.
Things you should not do to keep Safety in the home.
1. You shouldn’t leave wires plugged into the wall.
2. You shouldn’t play with knives or matches.
3. You shouldn’t leave the iron switched on.
فديتكم والله تسلمون!!
ركز على البرجراف مال السعودية و بيي مثله عن الامارات


الي يتكلم عن دولة معينة و يطلب منك



capital and mean cities


كل التوفيق لكم

الصف التاسع

الله يخليكم دخلوااااااا

لو سمحتوا ابا موضوع عن الانترنت لا تبخلومعاكم الحماديالشارقة
ماااا عندي
الشارقةالشارقة وين البوربوينت
الصف التاسع

بوبونيت انجليزي صفحة 28

سلام عليكم …

اشــ ح ــالكم؟؟ عساااكم بخير

اممم لووسمحتوو ابااا حد يسوولي بوبوونيت صفحة 28

ليت انكم تخصلوونهاا سريع

والسمووحه منكم


اهئ اهئ والله محد سووالي

ثاانكس وربي يعاافيكم

خلااااااااااااااااااااااااااص ماااااااااااباااااااااااااا

والله نكم مذله

والله انا معتمد عليكم والله يعني حااط ف باالي انه ف واحد بيسوويلي

واخرر شيء والله محد يسوولي وربي يساامحكم

مسشين محد سوا لك
الصراحة أنا بسوي بس المشكلة انك عيناوي وأنا ماأحب العين أبد
والسمووووووووووووووحة على الكلام إذا زعلك أو شيء………
i donT hove =hhh


أنا أبغي بعد بليز
أنا أبغي بعد بليز
وحتى انا والله
جزاكم الله خيرا
جزاكم الله خيرا
والله لو عندي جان عطيتك
شو ها اونه انته عيناوي ما بسويلك
الكل سواسيه حتى انا عيناوية شو يعني
والله قهرر
أنا بدددددددي
يلللللللللللللا بسرعةأبغيه ضرررروري
الصف التاسع

نداء للاساتذه الكرام

:اساتذتى الكرام تحيه طيبه وبعد اشكر لكم جهودكم الطيبه واتمنى ان توافونا بملخصات وامتحانات الفصل الثانى لستغلال الاجازه بشكل جيد
وفى الختام لكم منى اعطر التحايا
إنشاللة قريب بحط إلكم
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة شيخة الحلويين الشارقة
:اساتذتى الكرام تحيه طيبه وبعد اشكر لكم جهودكم الطيبه واتمنى ان توافونا بملخصات وامتحانات الفصل الثانى لستغلال الاجازه بشكل جيد
وفى الختام لكم منى اعطر التحايا

تم وضع كلمات الفصل الدراسي الثاني اليوم والباقي قريبا ان شاء الله

الصف التاسع

صـ91 الاستيودنت بوك

ممكن تعطوني حل كتاب الاستيودنت بوك صـ91
]دخييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييلكمs :e:z65
colder than
the coldest

colder coldest
dark darker darkest
large larger largest
late later latest
dry drier driest
happy happier happiest
hot hotter hottest
big bigger biggest

how for
how high
ihope it helps you

أريد حل الصفحة 97 من كياب البيوبلز بوك
حل كتاب الورك بك
الصف التاسع

p p grade 9 theme 6

الشارقة اتمنى للجميع الإستفادة و اتمنى ان لا تنسوني من صالح دعائكم وأرجو شاكرة حفظ الحقوق وان لاننسب ألينا عمل غيرنا
هذا هو الرابط http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=6…4e75f6e8ebb871
سلمتي ختييه ع الموضووع .!
ربي يعطييج الف عافيه و ربي يفوقج في دراستج و حيــاتج ..!
اتمنى لج كل خير انشــأء الله ..!
مـــــــــــــــــــــــــشـــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــكــــــــــــــــــــــــــورة
شكرا عيناووية و دمعة شوق ع الردود و اتمنى لو كل من يمر و يحمل المواضيع يقول و لو حتى كلمة شكرا و بالمناسبة انا معلمة لغة انجليزية و ليست طالبة , تمنياتي للجميع بالنجاح
thanx so0o0o0o0o0o0o0o much
يعطيك العافية وبالتوفيق
thanks so much
Thanks alot

شكرا الك جزاك الله خيرا،، ويعطيك العافية بس ها مو مال صف تاسع ها مال صف سابع

Thank u very much
مـــــــــــــــــــــــــشـــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــكــــــــــــــــــــــــــورة
مشكوره يالغاليه^_^
الصف التاسع

الفزعه باجر عليا امتحان

الشارقةالسلام عليكم ابغي ضروري برجراف عن futur careerوعليه علامات بدعيله بالجنه يلي يكتبه لي
دور بتحصل مابيك جاهز
لو اعرف ماقصرت بك انا ابروحي ادور اساله
السلام عيكم أنا أسف بس على عدم الترتيب بس ما في وقت

It is not easy building a career which has to last for 20 to 30 years. But incidentally, much of your future depends on how well you prepare yourself now. And to give you an idea of how complicated this has become, nobody predicted 20 years ago that software engineering would become such a big employment generator; it all happened so fast!
The other notable point of importance is that many semi-skilled jobs that were either labor intensive or routine in nature have moved to countries like India. These were jobs that were draining corporations of their vital resources (read: money) and which, when moved to outsourcing mode, caught many Americans off-guard. Future jobs are such that they can’t be easily outsourced. These are the jobs of the future. They are based on knowledge and skill and need to be onshore.


Preparing for a career is a serious business, and the wrong choice can be costly. You don’t want to graduate after several years’ work only to find that your industry has relocated to China. Technology has affected labor markets in two ways: First, companies jumped on labor-saving devices and processes that allowed them to increase productivity while decreasing labor requirements–that’s why the only typesetters and telephone operators you see these days are in the movies. Second, unskilled jobs that were more difficult to automate have been moved overseas.
So what will tomorrow’s in-demand jobs be–and which jobs are on their way out?
Not hot: data entry, customer service, and collections
As companies look for ways to save on labor costs, more of them are off-shoring entry-level "knowledge worker" jobs such as customer service, collections, and data entry. Many of these jobs can be handled remotely from countries like India, where English is widely spoken and the educational system is good. The trend is for English-speaking countries with low labor costs to pull these formerly lucrative jobs out of North America.


My Future Job-Career Essay

As soon as I get my driver’s license I would like to work at Del Taco. I believe this would be a good job for me because I like making food and I really like Del Taco. There is a store near my house and I would not have to drive too far. The salary is good enough for my needs, as a new driver. With the money I make I will be fixing up my car. I will also use this job for spending money for my activities with friends. Del Taco offers a minimum wage salary with extensive food benefits. It is only a part time job so I will not have to devote an entire day to my work, and this allows time for school and home. I believe that this job at Del Taco meets all my needs and expectations for an avid teenage life.
After graduating form high school I will be attending a four-year college. I will be majoring in Computer science and minoring in Software engineering. I would prefer a job in the computer field perhaps in hardware or software engineering. Working as a software engineer for the EDR company would suit me quite well. It would require little change in location since it is located right here in the central valley. I would be designing and developing software under direction. I would be working with others as a team, and the software applications we develop could be used in the real world. I would get all the requirements that I needed from college and other schools. The yearly salary is very flexible and starts at $65,000, with extensive benefits. With this amount of money I could earn enough to start my own dependent life



Future Career Every person thinks a lot about his future and admits that hard work lies ahead. "Mother to Son…"Young people claim that they are willing to make the sacrifices needed to reach their goals. "If you don’t think about your future, you cannot have one.""Hold fast to dreams"So it is vital to hitch your wagon to a star. In order to reach our goals, we should be persistent, optimistic, hard working, imaginative, creative… and so on, but and down to Earth. So, most young people place a high priority on education. If you think about your future career it is worth mentioning the fact, that the future expectations of every man are connected with acquiring (getting) quality education which in its turn includes

السلام عيكم أنا أسف بس على عدم الترتيب بس ما في وقت

It is not easy building a career which has to last for 20 to 30 years. But incidentally, much of your future depends on how well you prepare yourself now. And to give you an idea of how complicated this has become, nobody predicted 20 years ago that software engineering would become such a big employment generator; it all happened so fast!
The other notable point of importance is that many semi-skilled jobs that were either labor intensive or routine in nature have moved to countries like India. These were jobs that were draining corporations of their vital resources (read: money) and which, when moved to outsourcing mode, caught many Americans off-guard. Future jobs are such that they can’t be easily outsourced. These are the jobs of the future. They are based on knowledge and skill and need to be onshore.


Preparing for a career is a serious business, and the wrong choice can be costly. You don’t want to graduate after several years’ work only to find that your industry has relocated to China. Technology has affected labor markets in two ways: First, companies jumped on labor-saving devices and processes that allowed them to increase productivity while decreasing labor requirements–that’s why the only typesetters and telephone operators you see these days are in the movies. Second, unskilled jobs that were more difficult to automate have been moved overseas.
So what will tomorrow’s in-demand jobs be–and which jobs are on their way out?
Not hot: data entry, customer service, and collections
As companies look for ways to save on labor costs, more of them are off-shoring entry-level "knowledge worker" jobs such as customer service, collections, and data entry. Many of these jobs can be handled remotely from countries like India, where English is widely spoken and the educational system is good. The trend is for English-speaking countries with low labor costs to pull these formerly lucrative jobs out of North America.


My Future Job-Career Essay

As soon as I get my driver’s license I would like to work at Del Taco. I believe this would be a good job for me because I like making food and I really like Del Taco. There is a store near my house and I would not have to drive too far. The salary is good enough for my needs, as a new driver. With the money I make I will be fixing up my car. I will also use this job for spending money for my activities with friends. Del Taco offers a minimum wage salary with extensive food benefits. It is only a part time job so I will not have to devote an entire day to my work, and this allows time for school and home. I believe that this job at Del Taco meets all my needs and expectations for an avid teenage life.
After graduating form high school I will be attending a four-year college. I will be majoring in Computer science and minoring in Software engineering. I would prefer a job in the computer field perhaps in hardware or software engineering. Working as a software engineer for the EDR company would suit me quite well. It would require little change in location since it is located right here in the central valley. I would be designing and developing software under direction. I would be working with others as a team, and the software applications we develop could be used in the real world. I would get all the requirements that I needed from college and other schools. The yearly salary is very flexible and starts at $65,000, with extensive benefits. With this amount of money I could earn enough to start my own dependent life


Future Career Every person thinks a lot about his future and admits that hard work lies ahead. "Mother to Son…"Young people claim that they are willing to make the sacrifices needed to reach their goals. "If you don’t think about your future, you cannot have one.""Hold fast to dreams"So it is vital to hitch your wagon to a star. In order to reach our goals, we should be persistent, optimistic, hard working, imaginative, creative… and so on, but and down to Earth. So, most young people place a high priority on education. If you think about your future career it is worth mentioning the fact, that the future expectations of every man are connected with acquiring (getting) quality education which in its turn includes

سلامي ..

تسلم اخوي يزاااك الله خيراا