الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

Days of the Week

Days of the Week

Everybody knows that there are 7 "days of the week"

But do you know that there are only 5 "weekdays"

And of course there are 2 days at the "weekend"

The days of the week come from the Names of mythical figures
so the first letter of each day must be a CAPITAL letter
Days of the Week
Monday = associated with the Moon
Tuesday = from the god Tiw, associated with Mars
Wednesday = from Germanic god Odin
Thursday = from Germanic god of thunder Thor
Friday = from Germanic goddess Frigga associated with Venus
Saturday = associated with Saturn
Sunday = associated with the Sun

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Saturday, Sunday

Here are the abbreviations

Mo., Mon
Tu., Tue., Tues
We., Wed
Th., Thu., Thur., Thurs
Fr., Fri
Sa., Sat

Su., Sun.[/CENTER[/LEFT]]

معلومة جديدة اشكرك عليها
you are welcome sir

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