الصف الثاني عشر

Tell Me About Ur Test

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهـ

كيف الحال ؟؟

إن شاء اله بخير..

أولـآ : مبـآركـ عليكم الإجـآزة و انتهـآء القصف الامتحـآني الثلاثي..الشارقة

ثـآنــيـآ :: بشرو’آآآ عسى خير ..

الامتحان عامل ايه ..

|| بالنسبة لي كان سهل ..

لكن في عندي سؤال في آخر اختياري في القطعة الثانية شاكك فيه

انا اختر b والاستاذ بيحكي c وما اقتنعت .. ||

أنـإآ شخصيا ولا ألتفت للانجليزي .!

بصراحة مادري أحل و انا مادري شو السالفه ><" ..

المهم خلصنا والحمدالله

مبرووووك يا جماعة وعقبال التفووووووق
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 11 ( الأعضاء 5 والزوار 6)
‏abureem, ‏حمدانوانو, ‏رملاوي, ‏هدى صلاح عبالمتعال, ‏واحة القرآن

تبـآركـ الرحمن ..

أنـإآ شخصيا ولا ألتفت للانجليزي .!

بصراحة مادري أحل و انا مادري شو السالفه ><" ..

المهم خلصنا والحمدالله


لا كيف هيكـ الانجليزي أساس الجـآمعة !!..

سؤال الWater
شو الاختيار
لا كيف هيكـ الانجليزي أساس الجـآمعة !!..

هيه عشان جي ما ألتفت لدرجات المدرسة ..

تأسيس الجامعة غير و الحمدالله

مبرووووك يا جماعة وعقبال التفووووووق

الله يباركـ فيكـ ولكـ وعليكـ

سؤال الWater
شو الاختيار


مـآء أقل

>> صــراحـه الإمتحــآن كان بين السهل و الصعــب .. والوقت ما كــآن في صــآالحنــآ <<

>> أتمـنى أنهن يرااعــون في التصحيــح .. لأنه في أسئلة ما حليتهم .. والموضوع ما كملته بسبب ضيق الوقت <<

>> ومبــــــــــــــــــروكـ للعلمــي .. <<

الحمدلله الامتحاان كاان متوقع إلى حــد ماآآ … بس بالنسبة للطلبة المتوسطين رح يوااجهوو صعووبة شوي بالقطعة ال 1 و ال 2 … لأنوو فيهاا كلماات اعلى من المستوى شـــوي ..
على العمووم الحمــــد لله <3 <3 <3
بس لاسف عندي داائغرة غلــط ههههه
الحمدلله الامتحاان كاان متوقع إلى حــد ماآآ … بس بالنسبة للطلبة المتوسطين رح يوااجهوو صعووبة شوي بالقطعة ال 1 و ال 2 … لأنوو فيهاا كلماات اعلى من المستوى شـــوي ..

أنا مستواي متوسط يعتبر ..
بس هالامتحان حسسني إني دون المستوى الضعيف صراحه .!

و الاجابات معظمها يعتمد ع الفهم العميق ..
انا فاهمه صح بس ماعرف شو اختار مثل سؤال الماي و شو الفايده اللي يشترك فيه الـ النباتي والثاني وماعرف شو
احس يعني كله يمشي .!

و معظم الاسئلة ما أعرف شو يبغي بالضبط وحتى الاختياري ما أفهمه ..
يلا يمدحون الـ " كودي بودي . . " !

طــأإأإف لاه .. المهم خلصنا

هـــلـآ وغــــــلـآ
أولـاً..مبـــروكـ لطلـآب وطآلبآت العلمـــــي,,

وثـآنيــاً.. بالنسبـة لــي الامتحــآن روعـــة وسـهــل وبالنسبــة للوقــت خلصـت علــى آخـر الوقت و كنت مرآجعة وخلصـه موضوع الكتآبــة ولله الحمـــد~

وإن شــآء الله تستآنســوا بالدرجآت والنســب الحلـــوة ^^
ومـآ عليـه يا الأدبــي شدوآ حيلكــم مآ بآقــي غـير يوميــن



سهل بس عندي سؤال
الاختياري الاول للقطعة الثانية شو جوابه مال معنى diet
ممممممممممم , الامتحان فوق مستوى المتوسط , يحتاج للتركيز والتفكير

سؤال الماء موجود حله في القطعة , مش نصا لكن عاملها parphrase (spray water …… ) بما نصو انو رش الماء على الاسفنجة مش فاكر صراحة لكن هي الاجابة d

واللي يتشارك فيه النباتي وغير النباتي هو absorbing calcuim لآنها الوحيدة المشتركة بين ال 2

أيــواإأإأ .. يعني فهم النص ..

خلاص عيل ما بلوم نفسي لأني ما افهم هههه

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة واحة القرآن الشارقة
أيــواإأإأ .. يعني فهم النص ..

خلاص عيل ما بلوم نفسي لأني ما افهم هههه

مــآ عليــه أختــي لآ تكدرين خآطرج

استــآنســي في الإجــآزة ولآ تفكروا فـي الامتحــآنْ~

إن شـآ الله تونسكــم النسبة النهآئيــة

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة abureem الشارقة
الله يباركـ فيكـ ولكـ وعليكـ


مـآء أقل

لا مب الماء الجواب

الجواب ( سعرات حراريه ) كالوري

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الفواغي الشارقة
سهل بس عندي سؤال
الاختياري الاول للقطعة الثانية شو جوابه مال معنى diet

الكلمة مش زي ما انت كاتبها , لكن برضو أول مرة تمر علي في حياتي اليوم صراحة

يعني والله الامتحان بقهر جدا , والله جبت 6.5 في الريدينج تبع الأيلتس وهو اللي أصعب من الوزاري ب عشرت المرات ومع هيك الله يستر من امتحان اليوم والبارجرافات المناسبة

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة القرآن نور حياتي الشارقة
لا مب الماء الجواب

الجواب ( سعرات حراريه ) كالوري

a little water !!!!

أنا مش فاهم شو دخل السعرات الحرارية في الموضوع !!

حتى انا مش فاكر انو في هيك خيار

شو عن dietary؟
وعن مكان زرع المشروم؟

الجواب a

لا مب الماء الجواب

الجواب ( سعرات حراريه ) كالوري

تقصد القطعة الاولى او الثانية ؟؟

أيــواإأإأ .. يعني فهم النص ..

خلاص عيل ما بلوم نفسي لأني ما افهم هههه

اذا ع هيكـ كلنا ما بنفهم ..^^

لانه انا شوبفهمني بزراعة وتغدية 😛 ..

بس بعد قراءة القطع عدة مرات فهمنـا

عقبال الأيلــس

أنا حطيت الجواب nutrurotional أو هيك كانت مش فاكر المهم a
متأكدين من الاجابات ولا؟
انا اقول diatery=typical
وعن اماكن الجمل؟
وعن مكان زرع المشروم؟

مكان زرع المشروم؟؟

تقصد الصفحة الثانية اول سؤال ..

الخيار c

dim = dark

cool ليست cold

الحمدالله امتحان تقريباً سهل

اختيارات اللي أنا إخترتهم ، أي ملاحظة في إختيارات من ممكن التوضيح
01 b
02 a
03 d
04 d
05 d
06 c
07 b
08 a
09 d
10 a
11 b
12 b
13 b
14 نسيت مادري شو اخترت
15 d
16 b
17 نسيت مادري شو اخترت
Kinldy 18
denths 19
20 meat


They are eating

The boyis taking some thay fron

The mather and father are eating

while the girl looking at the do

متأكدين من الاجابات ولا؟
انا اقول diatery=typical
وعن اماكن الجمل؟

الاجابة الصحيحة a ومتأكد

وبعدين جوابكـ شو علاقته بالتغذية ..

والكلمة اصلا مشتقة من كلمةdiet

الصف الرابع

Two worksheets about U5 story. Grade 4

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
hope you like my work


الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)

you are welcome my dear

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
Excellent work ,Thanks a lot
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة دمعة ندى الشارقة
excellent work ,thanks a lot
شكرا دمعة ندى ع المرور الطيب

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
well done and excellent worksheets
thanks alot for your great efforts my dear الشارقة
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة miss hope الشارقة
well done and excellent worksheets
thanks alot for your great efforts my dear الشارقة

I am glad you like it

and you’re welcome

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة @حصة@ الشارقة

welcome my dear

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
شكرا جزيلا جعل الله جهودك في ميزان حسناتك
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الأميرة الحزينة الشارقة
شكرا جزيلا جعل الله جهودك في ميزان حسناتك

شكرا لك لمرورك الطيب

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
بارك الله فيك وع مجهودك الطيب….
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ام محمد5757 الشارقة
بارك الله فيك وع مجهودك الطيب….

وفيك بارك ع المرور الطيب

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
جزاك الله خيرا
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
جزاك الله خيرا
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
شكرا على الموضوع
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc story U5 WSheet2.doc‏ (222.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 779)
نوع الملف: doc story u5.doc‏ (190.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 644)
الصف التاسع

About Personl Profile ~

جِيِفْ آلْحَـِـِـِآأإلْ
شُؤ آلعُلُـِـِـِؤمـْـ
عِسَـِـِـِآإأكُمـْـ "بْ" ـــخِيِرْ ؤ سِهَآلَهـْـ

آلْيُؤمـْــ يِبْتْلَكُمـْـ فَقَرَهـْـ عَنْ آلْـPersonl Profile


Personal Profile.doc

جذاك الله كل خير
شكرا وجزاك الله خيرا
تُسْلُمِؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤنْ ع ــآلْمُرُؤرْ

لَـٍـٍآأإ خِلَـٍـٍآإأ ؤ لــآأإ عِدَمـْـ

الصف الثاني عشر

Report about The Nubian Vulture

السلام عليكم ،،

اليوم طلبوا منا بالمدرسة
بروجكت عن : Nubian Vulture
و فيه مقدمه + الموضوع + خاتمة + مصادر والمراجع
و صور ؛ وكــ بوربوينت جاهز وكامل بسس تعدل عليه
وتحط اسممكك

واشتغلت عليه طووال 4 ساعاات توني خلصته قلت
خلني ارفعه لمنتديات منطقة الشارقة لتعم الفائدة للجميع

للتحميل من هالرابطط


وبالختاامم هالعمل لوجه الله تعالى لا نريد منكم جزاء ولا شكرا انما الشكر لله الشارقة

وبمناسبة عيد الاضحى المبارك كل عام وانتم بالف الف خخير.

فقط عند النقل اذكر المصدر

تحياتتي اخوكم بالله


مشكور و ما قصرت يا غالي
يسلمو دياتك
الصف الخامس

امتحان استماع للوحده الاولى all about us

اتمنى ان الامتحان ينال على رضاكم
مشكورة واايد
وين عاد امتحان الاستماع
نزلت الامتحان في موضوع فوق
نسيت انزله هنيه ولما رديت ما عرفت اسويه


الصف التاسع

about your best friend


السلامـ عليكــم ……

أقـــــــــــــــــــــــووول أبــــــــــااأأأ برجراف عن

about your best friend

بليز لا تردونـــــــــــــــــــــــي


My favourite person is my sister .she is 9 year old .she is student
in the Khor Fakkan school . she likes singing and dancing
.she is smart .she is kind
she is annoying and anarchism .she always make
voices and designed papers.she is very funny .she makes my
rarely lies .she usually tells the truth.
she is best sister in the world

2 )

each one have a person that he cant live without him , and MY favorite person is MY MOTHER .

she in an assistant in pre-school , which is very important job for her because she likes babies & children very much .she reads sometimes. she likes Fashion , that mean that she loves to wear different dress and hold wonderful bags.

she is honest , she never lie to me and always tell the truth . she is helpful , she likes to help people Specialty we , her children , also she is very moody , she usually stay angry for a long time . she likes to tell a joke that mean that she is funny sometimes . and the most important personality for her that she is patient . she is never give up . and what I like about her that she praise me if I do something right and never criticize me when I do bad thing , she just advise me . after all that I can say that her personality is interesting.

Finally , I would like to say , that I will love her what meter happen . because at the end she still my mother that I appreciate her !

شكرا وبارك الله فيكً
ساعتوني الشكر الجزيل لكم ولكل اصحاب المنتدي الجميل ((ما شاء الله ))
الصحة والطب الرياضي

paragraph about UAE

موضوع جميل و رائع و سهل للحفظ
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc paragraph about UAE.doc‏ (22.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 17)

جميل موضوعك يا بنوته من مصر

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc paragraph about UAE.doc‏ (22.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 17)
paragraph about uae
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc paragraph about UAE.doc‏ (22.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 17)
الشارقةمشكوره و جزاك الله خيراالشارقة
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc paragraph about UAE.doc‏ (22.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 17)
بليـــــــــــــــــــــز آريد برقراف عن الامارات ضروري اليوم باكر عليـــــــــــــــ آمتحان
بليز الله يخليكم اليوم
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc paragraph about UAE.doc‏ (22.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 17)
الصف الخامس

listening test : unit1 All about us

Hope you get benefit from it
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc Listening Test.doc‏ (80.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 775)
بـــــــــــــــارك الله فيك
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc Listening Test.doc‏ (80.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 775)
الصف التاسع

paragraph about favorite club

بليييييز الي عندة paragraph about favorite club يطلعه و شكرا ….
hghdj unbrfyrkrnfb ijrbgiurnbnnrtjv hgghjkdi unfiufijvbr ubf9rthjbvur ubfrougr0inrf fjvnrfviknfrvihjfb fihfbvhfums;lxmoKCgbs dojfbcosdxcnasplxnchdxc kdfh kijjfbif 0ouhfuojfuyjob ihbfyjob ihbfivgfkjym ijbfuvufb ibfyifj ifooslslspzl dsomkxncuffjdndjdyi ufbffvvbvbvfufhbcjdmsismxixmdismsixmsksxsmsksskcms ocnosdncodncodjnscondocndwgydfgbwhhvfryejcbrfyuhfr yuhfurhewifchbeoigheourfjhvpfdksmnvpsinfeknavidhqm fnwsgkrmvslj.
[QUOTE][IMG][URL="http://الامارات دبي الاكمات"]ht[COLOR="Blue"][COLOR="blue"]

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الشارقةSemester 1 Revision / Grade 9
Reading Comprehension
Passage 1 Samples
Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
Last week Rashid was driving to Al-Ain to visit his relatives. He got angry because a small green car began to run very close behind him. He drove faster to leave the car behind. But whenever he slowed down, the little car caught up with him. The driver was waving to Rashid but he didn’t notice him. Again Rashid began to drive faster, but the little car caught up with him. “Perhaps I’m doing something wrong.” Rashid thought. He checked the doors, but they were in order. He drove off very fast leaving the car behind. When he stopped at a petrol station, the small car caught up with him. The driver came out of the car and said, “Your car number plate fell off about fifteen miles back, I tried to tell you but you didn’t notice.”
A) Read and mark () OR (X):
1 – Rashid was driving very slowly. { }
2- The driver was waving to Rashid. { }
3- Rashid didn’t check the doors. { }
B) Complete the following table:

Name Was driving to When? Why?

C) Answer the following questions:
1– What was the colour of the small car?
a- black b- blue
c- green d- white
2– Where did Rashid stop?
a- At a super market b- At a police station
c- At a petrol station d- At a work shop

Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
I enjoy my free time. I like to do interesting activities such as drawing pictures of trees and children playing. Playing videogames is the best part of my free time. Watching cartoons on television is my Also I like to play basket ball with my older brother Ahmed. He is a good basket ball player
I think that playing soccer, playing music, using computer and cooking are very boring activities. I do not know why people spend much time using computer instead of reading a good book.
A) Read and mark () OR (X):
1- Disney cartoons are funny. ( )
2-Ali is a good basketball player. ( )
B) Complete the following table:

Boring activities Interesting activities
1 1
2 2
3 3

C.) Choose the right word:-
1- Playing videogames is the best part of ——-.
a- activity b- time
c- free time d- children
2- Drawing picture of trees is——-.
a- interesting b- boring
c- funny d- good

Read the following passage then answer the questions below:

A) Read and mark () OR (X):
1- Gladys’ father and mother were very rich.
2- Gladys and Maisie went to the same school.
3- Maisie was Gladys ‘ sister.
B) Complete the following table:

Name Age Country Job /occupation

C.) Choose the right word:-
1-The girl was very ——-.
a- pale b- pretty
c- pile d- pine
2-The girl wanted to ——- a very rich man.
a- marry b- money
c- manner d- matter
3-The girl was ——- years old when she got married.
a- 42 b- 24
c- 22 d- 44

Passage 2 Samples
Read the following passage then answer the questions below:

Hassan was a poor boy. He lived with his poor family in a small village in Ajman .He was very clever, polite and honest. His father was a fisherman. His father died when he was sixteen years old. After his father died, he traveled to Dubai to look for work to help his family. He didn’t find any work and became very hungry and miserable. One day while he was walking in the street, he found a small brown bag. Hassan opened the bag and found a million dollars inside it. He went to the police station and gave the money to the police officer. The owner of the money thanked Hassan and gave him a lot of money as a reward because he was honest. Hassan began to do business with the money he had taken from the owner of the bag. A few years later Hassan became a very rich man.
A) Circle the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1- Hassan lived in a small ——- with his family.
a- village b- town
c- city d- villa
2- Hassan’s father was a ——-.
a- policeman b-merchant
c- fisherman d- businessman
B) What do the underlined words refer to?
1- “He “ line (2) refers to ………………………….….……
2- “it “ line ( 7 ) refers to ……………………………..…..

C) What do the underlined words mean?
1- " clever " line (2) means ……………
a- bad b- kind
c- intelligent d- polite
2- " miserable " line (5) means ……………
a- happy b- honest
c- pleased d- very sad
D) Answer the following questions:
1- Where did Hassan go to look for work?
a- To Ajman b- To Dubai
c- To Sharjah d- To Al Ain
2- What did the owner of the bag give Hassan?
a- food b- clothes
c- money d- water

Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
Arabic is one of the most important languages in the world. It is important because it is the language of the Holy Qur’aan. As a result most Muslims learn Arabic as their second language. It is a good thing that people who go for Haj of many different nationalities should be able to communicate with each other when they arrive to Mecca. Arabic was important, too, in Europe. Nine hundred years a go, the Europeans relied on Arab trade. It was important that they know some Arabic in order to buy and sell goods. Also, Europe needed Arabic science. Only by listening to Arabs could the Europeans learn about mathematics, medicine and engineering. When they needed new words to express new ideas they often use Arabic words such as e lemon, sugar, cotton and magazine. Other languages such as Spanish used more Arabic. Not only do millions of Muslims know Arabic; many non- Muslims also speak the language.
A) Circle the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1- The text is about ——-.
a- People who go for Haj b-Arabic science
c-Spanish Language d-Arabic Language
B- Choose the right answers:
1- Arabic is the language of ——-.
a- science b-the world
c-the Holy Qur’an d- Mecca
2- Lemon is ——- word.
a- an Arabic b- Spanish
c- European d- new

3- Europeans——- Arabic science.
a- listened to b- needed
c- relied d- could
C. What do the underlined words mean:
1- communicate (line 4 ) means ——-.
a- connect b- sell
c- send d- create
2- express ( line 8 ) means ——-.
a- realize b- cover
c- explain d- plan
D. Answer these questions:
1- When did the Europeans relied on Arabic?
The Europeans relied on Arab trade ——-.
a- 700 years ago b- 600 years ago
c- 800 years ago d- 900 years ago
2- How could the Europeans learn about medicine? By ——-.
a- reading b- travelling
c- listening d- selling

Read the following passage, and then answer the questions below:
Australia is a very large country. The capital is Canberra. It is in the Southeast of the country. It is near the coast. There are several mountain ranges in Australia. The main mountains are on the southeast coast. They are called the Australian Alps. There are also mountains on the east coast. They are called the Great Dividing Range.
In the southeast of the country, there are two rivers. The Murray comes from the Great Dividing Range. The Darling comes from the Australian Alps. The rivers join and flow to the coast in the south.
In the centre of the country, there is a large lake. It is called Eyre. A river flows into the lake from the Great Dividing Range.
There is a large island called Tasmania in the southeast. On the south coast, there is a city. It is called Hobart.

A- Circle the correct answer:

1. The passage is about ………. in Australia.
a. nature b. history
c. education d. science
B- Choose the right answers:
2. ………. is the capital of Australia.
a. Sydney b. Alps
c. Canberra d. Hobart
3. The Australian Alps are in the ……….
a. northeast b. northwest
c. southwest d. southeast

4. The Murray and the Darling join and flow to ………. in the south.
a. the coast b. the sea
c. the lagoon d. the lake

C. What do the underlined words mean:-

5. { main } paragraph 1, line 3 means ……….
a. small b. fast
c. important d. young
6. { join } paragraph 2, line 2 means ……….
a. meet b. run
c. add d. move

D. Answer the following questions:

7. Where does the Darling come from?
It comes from the Australian ……….
a. Coast b. Rivers
c. Alps d. Lakes

8. How many mountain ranges are there in Australia?
There are ……….
a. a little b. any
c. several d. very

Theme / 1
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1-The punishment of being kept at school for a time after other students have gone home is called a ——-.
a-semester b-bully
c-detention d-prefect
2- ——- is a problem in many schools.
a-Bullying b-subject
c-pupil d-hall
3- Teachers must keep a record of students’ ——- at school.
a-library b-attendances
c-head d-resource
4- If you want to pass your exams you’d better change your ——-!
a-semester b-corridor
c-attitude d-school council
5-The hat is part of the school ——- in Britain.
a-gym b-uniform
c-lab d-subject
6-The ——- is the person who is in charge of the school.
a-Principal b-resource centre
c-hall d-attitude
7-They were proud of their children’s ——- at school.
a-library b-achievements
c-pupil d-combination
8-A ——- is a student in a school helps the teacher.
a-monitor b-in charge of
c-punctuality d-subject
9-She’s our school ——- in Dubai.
a-attitude b-representative
c-semester d-assembly
10- The principal insists on regular attendance and ——-.
a-corridor b-punctuality
c-pupil d-resource
11- The patient should follow his doctor’s ——-.
a- pupil b-advice
c-club d-hall
12- The teachers and the students should attend the morning ——.
a-punishment b-attitude
c-assembly d-fact
13- Pupils can ——- books from the library at any time.
a- borrow b-index
c-lab d-website
14- The school magazine published a short ——- of the new principal.
a- encyclopedia b-profile
c-meet d-advise
15- The school has recently built a new——-.
a- problem b-attitude
c-gym d-monitor
16- Our friend Ali is on the school ——- .
a- address b-fill in
c-meet d-council
17- Your school library will be a useful ——- of information.
a- source b-achievement
c-vote d-bully
18-He is fond of reading sports ——-.
a-next of kin b-head
c-magazines d-think
19- Several pupils made ——- at school during the election .
a- speeches b-lab
c-borrow d-person
20-A ——- is a person in charge of or works in a library.
a-apply b-look up
c-librarian d-bullying
21-To be kept at school for a time after other students have gone home is called “——- “.
a-source b-detention
c-gym d-apply
22-I’ve done some ——- to find out the cheapest way of traveling.
a- research b-staff
c-elect d-vote
23- There were over 500 ——- for the job.
a-index b-semester
c-applicants d-webcam
24- In this street there is a ——- on local places of interest.
a- leaflet b-detention
c-meet d-contact
25-The ——- is the people who work at a school, college or university.
a-think b-fill in
c-head d-staff
26- He was ——- the factory after his father’s death.
a- in charge of b-form
c-pupil d-meet
27- Arabic is my favourite ——-.
a- library b-subject
c-look up d-hall
28-The principal insists on regular attendance and ——-.
a- punctuality b-advise
c-encyclopedia d-gym

29- I found this information on their ——-.
a-attendance b- website
c-responsible d-fill in
30- ——- is a problem in many schools.
a- Bullying b-magazine
c-subject d-contact
31-A ——- is a student in a school who helps the teacher.
a-website b-monitor
c-leaflet d-interests
32-The school or college year is divided into two ——-.
a-information b-apply
c-semesters d-research
33-The library contains many popular ——- books.
a-head b-reference
c-corridor d-bully
34-There are two science ——- in our school.
a- labs b-vote
c-look up d-contact
35-You must fill in this ——- form.
a-subject b-application
c-staff d-represent
36- The resource centre is along the ——-.
a- corridor b- apply
c-bullying d-semester
37- She ran into the ——- and up the stairs.
a-information b- hall
c-think d-elect
38- He was the school ’s ——- at the party.
a-website b-magazine
c-representative d-out of school

39-Some pupils have a serious ——- problem.
a-fill in b-gym
c-advise d-attitude
40- People can read, study or borrow books at a ——-.
a-vote b-library
c-subject d-think
41-We were friends and ——- for more than 20 years.
a-Colleagues b-service
c-employ d-website
42-I’ll ask my ——- if I can have the day off.
a-career b-boss
c- industry d-on the job
43- She got a job in ——-.
a-boss b-industry
c-letter d-qualification
44- Her ——- to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.
a-employ b-promotion
c- manager d-degree
45-You need a five-year ——- to work with us.
a-Manager b-employ
c- experience d-boss
4-I saw him running during the ——-.
a-Career b-profile
c-working hours d-result
47-He is a ——- manager.
a-qualified b-employ
c-achieve d-customer
48- The factory will make and ——- its own range of sportswear.
a- retail b-ability
c-advisor d-shift
49- We ——- AED 5.000 to the poor society.
a-clerical b- contribute
c-salon d-prize
50- The magazine published a short ——- of the new player.
a-colleague b-involve
c-manual d-profile
51- You can win a car in our grand ——- draw.
a-shy b-prize
c-manual d-society
52- She was always cheerful and ——-.
a-outgoing b-field
c-degree d-career
53- She’s very ——- she writes poetry and paints
a-shift b-creative
c-customer d-document
54-Do you have any previous ——- of this type of work?
a-experience b-freelance
c-lazy d-involve
55-Some training activities aim to make young people more ——-.
a-employable b-achieve
c-boss d-profile
56-She is famous in the ——- of music.
a-field b-service
c-manager d-promotion
57-Parents should ——- themselves in their child’s education.
a- result b-involve
c-creative d-shift
58-newspapers, magazines, radio and television are called ——-.
a-service b-mass media
c-profile d-prize
59-Don’t be——- come and say hello.
a-shy b-boss
c-manager d-exchange
60-What made you decide on a ——- as a teacher.
a-salon b-advisor
c-career d-abilities
61-She was awarded the Nobel Peace ——-.
a-industry b-prize
c-retail d-job title
62-Would you like to ——- to our stamp collection.
a-contribute b-achieve
c-clerical d-shy
63-This book is the ——- of 25 years of research.
a-degree b-achieve
c-result d-society
64-I work ——- from home.
a-freelance b-involve
c-field d-benefit
65-How many people does the company ——-?
a-lazy b-diploma
c-employ d-prize

B) Write the words in their correct column:

People Places School rules

B) Write the words in their correct column:

internet library School rules

B) Write the words in their correct column:

School council places School rules

B) Write the words in their correct column:

application places Person /people

A- Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1- My family likes ——- in cheap hotels.
a- stay b- staying
c- stayed d- stayed
2 – ——- he read English? Yes, he does.
a- Can b- Did
c- Does d- Will
3- People in the UAE are used ——- very hot weather.
a- for b- to
c- at d- in
4 – I like the rich man ——- helps the poor children.
a- which b- when
c- who d- where
5 – I ——- from the UAE.
a- am b- were
c- is d- have
6 – My friend wants to ——- a job in a hotel.
a- getting b- gets
c- got d- get
7 – ——- does Rashid live? In the UAE.
a- Why b- What
c- Where d- How
8 – She went to the doctor ——- she was ill.
a- so b- because
c- to d- but
9 – Ali ——- like science. He likes English.
a- don’t b- isn’t
c- didn’t d- doesn’t
10 – They ——- my teachers.
a- is b- am
c- are d- is not

11- Studying English means ——- hard.
a- works b- work
c- worked d- working
12- She often ——- me.
a- praise b- praises
c- praised d- praising
13- He makes fun ——- people.
a- of b- for
c- in d- at
14- He always ——- to classic music.
a- listening b- listens
c- listened d- listen
15- She ——- kind to her friends.
a- is b- are
c- am d- be
16. Are you …… English story?
a) writing b) write
c) writes d) wrote
17. Where …… they go last Wednesday?
a) do b) did
c) does d) has
18. My friends …… English test questions at this moment.
a) answer b) answering
c) is answering d) are answering
19. Hassan would like …… a good job.
a) to get b) getting
c) gets d) get
20. I …… about my future career.
a) thinks b) always think
c) thinking d) think always

21. To answer correctly, you …… the questions carefully.
a) must reading b) read
c) must read d) must reads
22. Oman is much …… than Kuwait.
a- hot b- hotter
c- the hotter d- hottest
23. She went to the doctor …… she was ill.
a- so b- because
c- to d- but
24. Let’s …… to the Mega Mall.
a- to go b- going
c- go d- went
25. They were responsible …… managing the whole company.
a- at b- for
c- of d- to
26. My brother goes to his work …… 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.
a) in b) at
c) through d) from
27. The exam is very difficult, …… I can answer it.
a- and b- so
c- but d- because
28. How long …… to go to Dubai?
a- it does take b- does it take
c-take it does d- does take
29. We always go to the park …… weekends.
a- in b- on
c- of d- at
30. We …… English very much.
a. like b. likes
c. liking d. are like

31. …… does the Sun rise in Doha? At 5:30.
a. Which b. What
c. When d. How high
32. …… time does it rise in Baghdad?
a. Which b. What
c. When d. How high
33. …… is Muscat from the Equator?
a. How long b. How much
c. How far d. How many
34. …… does Muscat get hotter than Damascus?
a. How long b. What
c. How far d. Why
35. Jeddah is on the coast, …… Riyadh is in the desert.
a. but b. whereas
c. and d. in addition
36. We should take care …… our grandparents.
a. in b. at
c. of d. on
37. You are responsible …… the exams result..
a. at b. for
c. of d. to
38. There are two things …… affect the temperature.
a- which b- who
c- why d- when
39. Oman is much …… than Kuwait.
a- hot b- hotter
c- hotter d- hottest
40. …… the Dubai temperature, for instance.
a- Bring b- Take
c- As d- For example

41. …… a student in grade 8 ? No , he isn’t.
a) was he b) he are
c) he is d) is he
42. Let’s …… to the mall.
a- to go b- going
c- go d- went
43. He …… to America next week.
a- travel b- will travel
c- travels d- traveled
44. Libya is next …… Egypt.
a. at b. on
c. for d. to
45. Scientists proved that plants can’t …… without sun light and water.
a- lives b- live
c- lived d-living
49. If you drive the car quickly, you …… an accident.
a) has b) having
c) will have d) have
50- If you get good degrees and qualifications , you will be ……
a- employ b- employable
c- employee d-employment
51- The nurse looks …… the patients .
a- after b- for
c- in d- off
52-There …… four types of job.
a- is b- be
c- has d- are
53- He has …… work .
a- a very hard b- an very
c- very d- very hard

54-I went to Abu Dhabi . I …… to Ajman .
a- went also b- also
c- also went d- am also

55- The exam is very difficult , …… I can answer it .
a- and b- so
c- but d- because
56-They will …… tomorrow morning .
a- come b- coming
c- comes d- came
57-What …… like to be after finishing your education ?
a- you would b- would you
c-you d- would
58- …… us like English.
a- Most b- Most of the
c- Most of d-Of most
59- He is going on a …… holiday.
a- two- weeks b- three- weeks
c- five-weeks d- two-week
60- The work is very hard …… boring .
a- but b- and
c- so d- because
61- You can work for one, two …… three months.
a- or b- for
c- but d- and
62- We always go to the park …… weekends .
a- in b- on
c- off d- at
63- The family need …… another house to live in.
a- find b- finding
c- to find d- finds

B) Rewrite the following jumbled words to form meaningful sentences:
1. is , science , upstairs , The , lab
2. question , to , a , You , ask , want , me
3. good , are , sources , Libraries , information , for
4. day , Our , at , school , 7:30 , starts
5. first , for , The , lasts , break , minutes , 15
6. at , Where , the reception , is , school , your ?
7. council , I’m , school , in , the
8. bullying , is , There , at , school
9. a place , things , to keep , Locker , your , in , is
10. the internet , index , is a kind , on , a search engine , of

VI – Paragraph Writing; ( 10 marks )
Write a paragraph about the school council. These words may
help you:
meeting staff once talk good things bad things
representative not easy interesting
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………
A) Spelling the missing letters: (2 marks)
1- We write subject and times in the plan—er.
2- please fill in this applicat—on form.
3- I would like to be a pref—ct in my school.
4- Miss Sheikha is responsible for the libr—ry .
B) Sentence Level: (3 marks)
Write three sentences about your regular events in your daily life:
الشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةs :e:z33الشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقة


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة امنيةحياتي الشارقة

الشارقةSemester 1 Revision / Grade 9
Reading Comprehension
Passage 1 Samples
Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
Last week Rashid was driving to Al-Ain to visit his relatives. He got angry because a small green car began to run very close behind him. He drove faster to leave the car behind. But whenever he slowed down, the little car caught up with him. The driver was waving to Rashid but he didn’t notice him. Again Rashid began to drive faster, but the little car caught up with him. “Perhaps I’m doing something wrong.” Rashid thought. He checked the doors, but they were in order. He drove off very fast leaving the car behind. When he stopped at a petrol station, the small car caught up with him. The driver came out of the car and said, “Your car number plate fell off about fifteen miles back, I tried to tell you but you didn’t notice.”
A) Read and mark () OR (X):
1 – Rashid was driving very slowly. { }
2- The driver was waving to Rashid. { }
3- Rashid didn’t check the doors. { }
B) Complete the following table:

Name Was driving to When? Why?

C) Answer the following questions:
1– What was the colour of the small car?
a- black b- blue
c- green d- white
2– Where did Rashid stop?
a- At a super market b- At a police station
c- At a petrol station d- At a work shop

Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
I enjoy my free time. I like to do interesting activities such as drawing pictures of trees and children playing. Playing videogames is the best part of my free time. Watching cartoons on television is my Also I like to play basket ball with my older brother Ahmed. He is a good basket ball player
I think that playing soccer, playing music, using computer and cooking are very boring activities. I do not know why people spend much time using computer instead of reading a good book.
A) Read and mark () OR (X):
1- Disney cartoons are funny. ( )
2-Ali is a good basketball player. ( )
B) Complete the following table:

Boring activities Interesting activities
1 1
2 2
3 3

C.) Choose the right word:-
1- Playing videogames is the best part of ——-.
a- activity b- time
c- free time d- children
2- Drawing picture of trees is——-.
a- interesting b- boring
c- funny d- good

Read the following passage then answer the questions below:

A) Read and mark () OR (X):
1- Gladys’ father and mother were very rich.
2- Gladys and Maisie went to the same school.
3- Maisie was Gladys ‘ sister.
B) Complete the following table:

Name Age Country Job /occupation

C.) Choose the right word:-
1-The girl was very ——-.
a- pale b- pretty
c- pile d- pine
2-The girl wanted to ——- a very rich man.
a- marry b- money
c- manner d- matter
3-The girl was ——- years old when she got married.
a- 42 b- 24
c- 22 d- 44

Passage 2 Samples
Read the following passage then answer the questions below:

Hassan was a poor boy. He lived with his poor family in a small village in Ajman .He was very clever, polite and honest. His father was a fisherman. His father died when he was sixteen years old. After his father died, he traveled to Dubai to look for work to help his family. He didn’t find any work and became very hungry and miserable. One day while he was walking in the street, he found a small brown bag. Hassan opened the bag and found a million dollars inside it. He went to the police station and gave the money to the police officer. The owner of the money thanked Hassan and gave him a lot of money as a reward because he was honest. Hassan began to do business with the money he had taken from the owner of the bag. A few years later Hassan became a very rich man.
A) Circle the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1- Hassan lived in a small ——- with his family.
a- village b- town
c- city d- villa
2- Hassan’s father was a ——-.
a- policeman b-merchant
c- fisherman d- businessman
B) What do the underlined words refer to?
1- “He “ line (2) refers to ………………………….….……
2- “it “ line ( 7 ) refers to ……………………………..…..

C) What do the underlined words mean?
1- " clever " line (2) means ……………
a- bad b- kind
c- intelligent d- polite
2- " miserable " line (5) means ……………
a- happy b- honest
c- pleased d- very sad
D) Answer the following questions:
1- Where did Hassan go to look for work?
a- To Ajman b- To Dubai
c- To Sharjah d- To Al Ain
2- What did the owner of the bag give Hassan?
a- food b- clothes
c- money d- water

Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
Arabic is one of the most important languages in the world. It is important because it is the language of the Holy Qur’aan. As a result most Muslims learn Arabic as their second language. It is a good thing that people who go for Haj of many different nationalities should be able to communicate with each other when they arrive to Mecca. Arabic was important, too, in Europe. Nine hundred years a go, the Europeans relied on Arab trade. It was important that they know some Arabic in order to buy and sell goods. Also, Europe needed Arabic science. Only by listening to Arabs could the Europeans learn about mathematics, medicine and engineering. When they needed new words to express new ideas they often use Arabic words such as e lemon, sugar, cotton and magazine. Other languages such as Spanish used more Arabic. Not only do millions of Muslims know Arabic; many non- Muslims also speak the language.
A) Circle the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1- The text is about ——-.
a- People who go for Haj b-Arabic science
c-Spanish Language d-Arabic Language
B- Choose the right answers:
1- Arabic is the language of ——-.
a- science b-the world
c-the Holy Qur’an d- Mecca
2- Lemon is ——- word.
a- an Arabic b- Spanish
c- European d- new

3- Europeans——- Arabic science.
a- listened to b- needed
c- relied d- could
C. What do the underlined words mean:
1- communicate (line 4 ) means ——-.
a- connect b- sell
c- send d- create
2- express ( line 8 ) means ——-.
a- realize b- cover
c- explain d- plan
D. Answer these questions:
1- When did the Europeans relied on Arabic?
The Europeans relied on Arab trade ——-.
a- 700 years ago b- 600 years ago
c- 800 years ago d- 900 years ago
2- How could the Europeans learn about medicine? By ——-.
a- reading b- travelling
c- listening d- selling

Read the following passage, and then answer the questions below:
Australia is a very large country. The capital is Canberra. It is in the Southeast of the country. It is near the coast. There are several mountain ranges in Australia. The main mountains are on the southeast coast. They are called the Australian Alps. There are also mountains on the east coast. They are called the Great Dividing Range.
In the southeast of the country, there are two rivers. The Murray comes from the Great Dividing Range. The Darling comes from the Australian Alps. The rivers join and flow to the coast in the south.
In the centre of the country, there is a large lake. It is called Eyre. A river flows into the lake from the Great Dividing Range.
There is a large island called Tasmania in the southeast. On the south coast, there is a city. It is called Hobart.

A- Circle the correct answer:

1. The passage is about ………. in Australia.
a. nature b. history
c. education d. science
B- Choose the right answers:
2. ………. is the capital of Australia.
a. Sydney b. Alps
c. Canberra d. Hobart
3. The Australian Alps are in the ……….
a. northeast b. northwest
c. southwest d. southeast

4. The Murray and the Darling join and flow to ………. in the south.
a. the coast b. the sea
c. the lagoon d. the lake

C. What do the underlined words mean:-

5. { main } paragraph 1, line 3 means ……….
a. small b. fast
c. important d. young
6. { join } paragraph 2, line 2 means ……….
a. meet b. run
c. add d. move

D. Answer the following questions:

7. Where does the Darling come from?
It comes from the Australian ……….
a. Coast b. Rivers
c. Alps d. Lakes

8. How many mountain ranges are there in Australia?
There are ……….
a. a little b. any
c. several d. very

Theme / 1
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1-The punishment of being kept at school for a time after other students have gone home is called a ——-.
a-semester b-bully
c-detention d-prefect
2- ——- is a problem in many schools.
a-Bullying b-subject
c-pupil d-hall
3- Teachers must keep a record of students’ ——- at school.
a-library b-attendances
c-head d-resource
4- If you want to pass your exams you’d better change your ——-!
a-semester b-corridor
c-attitude d-school council
5-The hat is part of the school ——- in Britain.
a-gym b-uniform
c-lab d-subject
6-The ——- is the person who is in charge of the school.
a-Principal b-resource centre
c-hall d-attitude
7-They were proud of their children’s ——- at school.
a-library b-achievements
c-pupil d-combination
8-A ——- is a student in a school helps the teacher.
a-monitor b-in charge of
c-punctuality d-subject
9-She’s our school ——- in Dubai.
a-attitude b-representative
c-semester d-assembly
10- The principal insists on regular attendance and ——-.
a-corridor b-punctuality
c-pupil d-resource
11- The patient should follow his doctor’s ——-.
a- pupil b-advice
c-club d-hall
12- The teachers and the students should attend the morning ——.
a-punishment b-attitude
c-assembly d-fact
13- Pupils can ——- books from the library at any time.
a- borrow b-index
c-lab d-website
14- The school magazine published a short ——- of the new principal.
a- encyclopedia b-profile
c-meet d-advise
15- The school has recently built a new——-.
a- problem b-attitude
c-gym d-monitor
16- Our friend Ali is on the school ——- .
a- address b-fill in
c-meet d-council
17- Your school library will be a useful ——- of information.
a- source b-achievement
c-vote d-bully
18-He is fond of reading sports ——-.
a-next of kin b-head
c-magazines d-think
19- Several pupils made ——- at school during the election .
a- speeches b-lab
c-borrow d-person
20-A ——- is a person in charge of or works in a library.
a-apply b-look up
c-librarian d-bullying
21-To be kept at school for a time after other students have gone home is called “——- “.
a-source b-detention
c-gym d-apply
22-I’ve done some ——- to find out the cheapest way of traveling.
a- research b-staff
c-elect d-vote
23- There were over 500 ——- for the job.
a-index b-semester
c-applicants d-webcam
24- In this street there is a ——- on local places of interest.
a- leaflet b-detention
c-meet d-contact
25-The ——- is the people who work at a school, college or university.
a-think b-fill in
c-head d-staff
26- He was ——- the factory after his father’s death.
a- in charge of b-form
c-pupil d-meet
27- Arabic is my favourite ——-.
a- library b-subject
c-look up d-hall
28-The principal insists on regular attendance and ——-.
a- punctuality b-advise
c-encyclopedia d-gym

29- I found this information on their ——-.
a-attendance b- website
c-responsible d-fill in
30- ——- is a problem in many schools.
a- Bullying b-magazine
c-subject d-contact
31-A ——- is a student in a school who helps the teacher.
a-website b-monitor
c-leaflet d-interests
32-The school or college year is divided into two ——-.
a-information b-apply
c-semesters d-research
33-The library contains many popular ——- books.
a-head b-reference
c-corridor d-bully
34-There are two science ——- in our school.
a- labs b-vote
c-look up d-contact
35-You must fill in this ——- form.
a-subject b-application
c-staff d-represent
36- The resource centre is along the ——-.
a- corridor b- apply
c-bullying d-semester
37- She ran into the ——- and up the stairs.
a-information b- hall
c-think d-elect
38- He was the school ’s ——- at the party.
a-website b-magazine
c-representative d-out of school

39-Some pupils have a serious ——- problem.
a-fill in b-gym
c-advise d-attitude
40- People can read, study or borrow books at a ——-.
a-vote b-library
c-subject d-think
41-We were friends and ——- for more than 20 years.
a-Colleagues b-service
c-employ d-website
42-I’ll ask my ——- if I can have the day off.
a-career b-boss
c- industry d-on the job
43- She got a job in ——-.
a-boss b-industry
c-letter d-qualification
44- Her ——- to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.
a-employ b-promotion
c- manager d-degree
45-You need a five-year ——- to work with us.
a-Manager b-employ
c- experience d-boss
4-I saw him running during the ——-.
a-Career b-profile
c-working hours d-result
47-He is a ——- manager.
a-qualified b-employ
c-achieve d-customer
48- The factory will make and ——- its own range of sportswear.
a- retail b-ability
c-advisor d-shift
49- We ——- AED 5.000 to the poor society.
a-clerical b- contribute
c-salon d-prize
50- The magazine published a short ——- of the new player.
a-colleague b-involve
c-manual d-profile
51- You can win a car in our grand ——- draw.
a-shy b-prize
c-manual d-society
52- She was always cheerful and ——-.
a-outgoing b-field
c-degree d-career
53- She’s very ——- she writes poetry and paints
a-shift b-creative
c-customer d-document
54-Do you have any previous ——- of this type of work?
a-experience b-freelance
c-lazy d-involve
55-Some training activities aim to make young people more ——-.
a-employable b-achieve
c-boss d-profile
56-She is famous in the ——- of music.
a-field b-service
c-manager d-promotion
57-Parents should ——- themselves in their child’s education.
a- result b-involve
c-creative d-shift
58-newspapers, magazines, radio and television are called ——-.
a-service b-mass media
c-profile d-prize
59-Don’t be——- come and say hello.
a-shy b-boss
c-manager d-exchange
60-What made you decide on a ——- as a teacher.
a-salon b-advisor
c-career d-abilities
61-She was awarded the Nobel Peace ——-.
a-industry b-prize
c-retail d-job title
62-Would you like to ——- to our stamp collection.
a-contribute b-achieve
c-clerical d-shy
63-This book is the ——- of 25 years of research.
a-degree b-achieve
c-result d-society
64-I work ——- from home.
a-freelance b-involve
c-field d-benefit
65-How many people does the company ——-?
a-lazy b-diploma
c-employ d-prize

B) Write the words in their correct column:

People Places School rules

B) Write the words in their correct column:

internet library School rules

B) Write the words in their correct column:

School council places School rules

B) Write the words in their correct column:

application places Person /people

A- Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1- My family likes ——- in cheap hotels.
a- stay b- staying
c- stayed d- stayed
2 – ——- he read English? Yes, he does.
a- Can b- Did
c- Does d- Will
3- People in the UAE are used ——- very hot weather.
a- for b- to
c- at d- in
4 – I like the rich man ——- helps the poor children.
a- which b- when
c- who d- where
5 – I ——- from the UAE.
a- am b- were
c- is d- have
6 – My friend wants to ——- a job in a hotel.
a- getting b- gets
c- got d- get
7 – ——- does Rashid live? In the UAE.
a- Why b- What
c- Where d- How
8 – She went to the doctor ——- she was ill.
a- so b- because
c- to d- but
9 – Ali ——- like science. He likes English.
a- don’t b- isn’t
c- didn’t d- doesn’t
10 – They ——- my teachers.
a- is b- am
c- are d- is not

11- Studying English means ——- hard.
a- works b- work
c- worked d- working
12- She often ——- me.
a- praise b- praises
c- praised d- praising
13- He makes fun ——- people.
a- of b- for
c- in d- at
14- He always ——- to classic music.
a- listening b- listens
c- listened d- listen
15- She ——- kind to her friends.
a- is b- are
c- am d- be
16. Are you …… English story?
a) writing b) write
c) writes d) wrote
17. Where …… they go last Wednesday?
a) do b) did
c) does d) has
18. My friends …… English test questions at this moment.
a) answer b) answering
c) is answering d) are answering
19. Hassan would like …… a good job.
a) to get b) getting
c) gets d) get
20. I …… about my future career.
a) thinks b) always think
c) thinking d) think always

21. To answer correctly, you …… the questions carefully.
a) must reading b) read
c) must read d) must reads
22. Oman is much …… than Kuwait.
a- hot b- hotter
c- the hotter d- hottest
23. She went to the doctor …… she was ill.
a- so b- because
c- to d- but
24. Let’s …… to the Mega Mall.
a- to go b- going
c- go d- went
25. They were responsible …… managing the whole company.
a- at b- for
c- of d- to
26. My brother goes to his work …… 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.
a) in b) at
c) through d) from
27. The exam is very difficult, …… I can answer it.
a- and b- so
c- but d- because
28. How long …… to go to Dubai?
a- it does take b- does it take
c-take it does d- does take
29. We always go to the park …… weekends.
a- in b- on
c- of d- at
30. We …… English very much.
a. like b. likes
c. liking d. are like

31. …… does the Sun rise in Doha? At 5:30.
a. Which b. What
c. When d. How high
32. …… time does it rise in Baghdad?
a. Which b. What
c. When d. How high
33. …… is Muscat from the Equator?
a. How long b. How much
c. How far d. How many
34. …… does Muscat get hotter than Damascus?
a. How long b. What
c. How far d. Why
35. Jeddah is on the coast, …… Riyadh is in the desert.
a. but b. whereas
c. and d. in addition
36. We should take care …… our grandparents.
a. in b. at
c. of d. on
37. You are responsible …… the exams result..
a. at b. for
c. of d. to
38. There are two things …… affect the temperature.
a- which b- who
c- why d- when
39. Oman is much …… than Kuwait.
a- hot b- hotter
c- hotter d- hottest
40. …… the Dubai temperature, for instance.
a- Bring b- Take
c- As d- For example

41. …… a student in grade 8 ? No , he isn’t.
a) was he b) he are
c) he is d) is he
42. Let’s …… to the mall.
a- to go b- going
c- go d- went
43. He …… to America next week.
a- travel b- will travel
c- travels d- traveled
44. Libya is next …… Egypt.
a. at b. on
c. for d. to
45. Scientists proved that plants can’t …… without sun light and water.
a- lives b- live
c- lived d-living
49. If you drive the car quickly, you …… an accident.
a) has b) having
c) will have d) have
50- If you get good degrees and qualifications , you will be ……
a- employ b- employable
c- employee d-employment
51- The nurse looks …… the patients .
a- after b- for
c- in d- off
52-There …… four types of job.
a- is b- be
c- has d- are
53- He has …… work .
a- a very hard b- an very
c- very d- very hard

54-I went to Abu Dhabi . I …… to Ajman .
a- went also b- also
c- also went d- am also

55- The exam is very difficult , …… I can answer it .
a- and b- so
c- but d- because
56-They will …… tomorrow morning .
a- come b- coming
c- comes d- came
57-What …… like to be after finishing your education ?
a- you would b- would you
c-you d- would
58- …… us like English.
a- Most b- Most of the
c- Most of d-Of most
59- He is going on a …… holiday.
a- two- weeks b- three- weeks
c- five-weeks d- two-week
60- The work is very hard …… boring .
a- but b- and
c- so d- because
61- You can work for one, two …… three months.
a- or b- for
c- but d- and
62- We always go to the park …… weekends .
a- in b- on
c- off d- at
63- The family need …… another house to live in.
a- find b- finding
c- to find d- finds

B) Rewrite the following jumbled words to form meaningful sentences:
1. is , science , upstairs , The , lab
2. question , to , a , You , ask , want , me
3. good , are , sources , Libraries , information , for
4. day , Our , at , school , 7:30 , starts
5. first , for , The , lasts , break , minutes , 15
6. at , Where , the reception , is , school , your ?
7. council , I’m , school , in , the
8. bullying , is , There , at , school
9. a place , things , to keep , Locker , your , in , is
10. the internet , index , is a kind , on , a search engine , of

VI – Paragraph Writing; ( 10 marks )
Write a paragraph about the school council. These words may
help you:
meeting staff once talk good things bad things
representative not easy interesting
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………
A) Spelling the missing letters: (2 marks)
1- We write subject and times in the plan—er.
2- please fill in this applicat—on form.
3- I would like to be a pref—ct in my school.
4- Miss Sheikha is responsible for the libr—ry .
B) Sentence Level: (3 marks)
Write three sentences about your regular events in your daily life:
الشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةs :e:z33الشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقة

Make questions for which the following would be reasonable answers. Ask about the words in bold type.
→ I saw Tom. Possible question Who did you see?
1. They went to New York.
2. It takes four hours to get there.
3 .I didn’t think much of it.
4. He earns a hundred pounds a week.
5 .He (Tom) was fined ten pounds.
6.It (my room) is twice as big as yours.
7.They left the country ten years ago.
8.They travelled by bus.
9. I’ve been here for two months.
10 . The students went to the museum yesterday.
11. It (the car) does fifty to the gallon.
12. He met her in a coffee bar.
13. The neighbours complained about the smell.
14. The clerk made him fill up a form.
15. The kids ate the apples .
16. He got in by climbing over the wall.
17. John bought the tickets .
18. The roads were very crowded.
19. My friend smokes forty (cigarettes) a day.
20. The hotel was awful.
21. the market is three blocks from here.
22. I’ve had this cough since the beginning of October.
23. He tried to blow up the building.
24. I’d like to speak to Mr Jones please.
25 . This is Tom’s.
26 . He stopped the train by pulling the communication cord.
27. I’ve been waiting for half an hour.
28 . She put it in the dustbin.
29. I threw it away because It was useless.
30. There are four hotels in the town.

الصف الخامس

all about us test

تجميع و تعديل بعض الإمتحانات في المنتدى
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc 1.doc‏ (32.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 33)
نوع الملف: doc Reading Comprehension.doc‏ (27.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 36)
نوع الملف: doc Look at the pictures and write.doc‏ (787.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 36)
ارجوكم يا جماعة شوفوا الاوراق ليش فارغة
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc 1.doc‏ (32.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 33)
نوع الملف: doc Reading Comprehension.doc‏ (27.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 36)
نوع الملف: doc Look at the pictures and write.doc‏ (787.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 36)
ما فيه شي الشارقة
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc 1.doc‏ (32.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 33)
نوع الملف: doc Reading Comprehension.doc‏ (27.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 36)
نوع الملف: doc Look at the pictures and write.doc‏ (787.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 36)
ارجوكو شوفو الاوراق ليش فارغة
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc 1.doc‏ (32.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 33)
نوع الملف: doc Reading Comprehension.doc‏ (27.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 36)
نوع الملف: doc Look at the pictures and write.doc‏ (787.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 36)
يا حرام خربت فرحتي كل بسبب الاوراق الفاضية
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc 1.doc‏ (32.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 33)
نوع الملف: doc Reading Comprehension.doc‏ (27.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 36)
نوع الملف: doc Look at the pictures and write.doc‏ (787.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 36)
الشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةs: e:z84الشارقةالشارقةالشارقة

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشق النيسان الشارقة
يا حرام خربت فرحتي كل بسبب الاوراق الفاضية

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc 1.doc‏ (32.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 33)
نوع الملف: doc Reading Comprehension.doc‏ (27.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 36)
نوع الملف: doc Look at the pictures and write.doc‏ (787.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 36)