الصف الثاني عشر

Life in the past and in the present

Life in the past and in the present

As long as there have been people, there has been technology. Technology and inventiors have been a powerfull force in the development of civilization. We use technology and inventions to try to change the world to suit us better. I have not the slightest doubt that life has changed and it is completly different than in the past. Life has become much easier but whether better? Let’s go back to the long-ago times – not necessarily to the antiquity but it would be enough – hundred years. How did the life look then like?

First of all, people were not able to travel in such degree as nowadays. Long ago, life had been difficult and hard. Peple didn’t know neither fast cars nor planes. They used to travel by first vehicles which were very slow and uncomfortable. Trips had been long, hard and dangerous and people had travelled on foot or by animals. So their journeys were taking long time.
Futhermore, they must have been working very hard without any instruments (or they were primitive). Besides, the conditions of living were tiring. What I mean is that, for instance, there weren’t bathrooms in many houses (they were outside) and people couldn’t afford different facilities. Another thing is that there wasn’t universal connection to the education. Very few people had prospects of going to the school. Although, not everybody who had this luck to go to school finished it.

Every important invetion has been discovered in the 20th and the 21st centuries. The 20th century is often called the century of inventors and scientist. People had died in many plagues and diseases. Letters had been only the means communication. During the 20th and the 21st centuries a living standard increased becouse Alexander Bell invented phone, Thomas Edison invented bulb. It has been invented aeroplans, cars and others means of transport. People can communicate using an Internet, telephones, mobile phones. There are many modern medicines and vaccinations.
All this invention made our life easier, safier and better. Todays living standard is very high. People use computers, television, go to cinemas. They travel a lot because modern means of transportation make trip short, safe and comfortable. Taking everyting into account, life in the past was very hard and difficult. On the other hand, I think it was a little better than today. It was better in such meaning that it was safer and more carefree. I may be wrong but it is my opinion. And now let’s back again to the present. We are surrounded by countless achievements of science and technology. There are so many inventions which make our lives easier – from household supplies through means of transport. But at the same time, we are liable to perils – there are so many accidents, crimes and hatred. To sum up this all above, life is better today but not in every respect. With every day new inventions are devised to simplify our commonplaceness. Unfortunately, we can change this sentence and say: with every day new inventions are devised to make life more dangerous[/LEFT].
ملاحظه: تحتاج الكتابة لبعض التصحيح والتعديل.

كل الشكر


مشكووووووووور ماتقصر
حل الكتاب العربي للفصل الثاني
Life in the past and in the present
As long as there have been people, there has been technology. Technology and inventors have been a powerfully force in the development of civilization. We use technology and inventions to try to change the world to suit us better. I have not the slightest doubt that life has changed and it is completely different than in the past. Life has become much easier but whether better? Let’s go back to the long-ago times – not necessarily to the antiquity but it would be enough – hundred years. How did the life look then like?

First of all, people were not able to travel in such degree as nowadays. Long ago, life had been difficult and hard. People knew neither fast cars nor planes. They used to travel by first vehicles which were very slow and uncomfortable. Trips had been long, hard and dangerous and people had travelled on foot or by animals. So their journeys were taking long time.
Furthermore, they must have been working very hard without any instruments (or they were primitive). Besides, the conditions of living were tiring. What I mean is that, for instance, there weren’t bathrooms in many houses (they were outside) and people couldn’t afford different facilities. Another thing is that there wasn’t universal connection to the education. Very few people had prospects of going to the school.

Every important invention has been discovered in the 20th and the 21st centuries. The 20th century is often called the century of inventors and scientist. People had died in many plagues and diseases. Letters had been only the means communication. During the 20th and the 21st centuries a living standard increased because Alexander Bell invented phone, Thomas Edison invented bulb. It has been invented aero plans, cars and others means of transport. People can communicate using an Internet, telephones, and mobile phones. There are many modern medicines and vaccinations.
All this invention made our life easier, safer and better. Today’s living standard is very high. People use computers, television, go to cinemas. They travel a lot because modern means of transportation make trip short, safe and comfortable. Taking everything into account, life in the past was very hard and difficult. On the other hand, I think it was a little better than today. It was better in such meaning that it was safer and more carefree. I may be wrong but it is my opinion. And now let’s back again to the present. We are surrounded by countless achievements of science and technology. There are so many inventions which make our lives easier – from household supplies through means of transport. But at the same time, we are liable to perils – there are so many accidents, crimes and hatred. To sum up this all above, life is better today but not in every respect. With every day new inventions are devised to simplify our commonplaceness. Unfortunately, we can change this sentence and say: with every day new inventions are devised to make life more dangerous

كل الشكر خيتو والله لا هانج …
الصف الثاني عشر

essay sample; The UAE; Past and Present

قد يفيد البعض كعينة لا اكثر…على الطالب تنقيح اللغة وتصحيح الاخطاء.

The UAE; Past and Present

The whole world is developing. There are some countries which are developed faster than the others. The UAE was one of these countries which showed a recognizable development in the last thirty years. In this essay I’m going to compare and contrast life in the UAE in the past and in the present.
There are many aspects which are similar between the two periods. The first similarity is that in both periods the same Arabic people are using the same language. In the past the number of educated people was lower than the present which is reaching 90% of the UAE citizens. The students are going to schools and colleges to study as opposed to the past where they used to go to the mosques, but in both situations people are/were willing to learn as much as they can/could.
Although there are many similarities between the two ages, there are some identifiable differences between them. One of the differences is that people used to live in extended families, whereas nowadays nuclear families are more common. People used to live in houses built with clay and stones, but nowadays they are living in high-rise buildings and villas.
As we can see, there are obvious similarities as well as differences between the past and the present. In my opinion, the present is much better than the past. I really hope that my country will keep developing, so my kids will get a better style of living.

كاتبه الاصلي خالد العبيدي
ملاحظه: تحتاج الكتابة لبعض التصحيح والتعديل.
قد تجد ما يفيد في هذا الموضوع هنا http://www.architecturelist.com/2008/03/05/351/

جزاك الله خير اخي

ما تقصر

[COLOR="Magenta"]اريد موضوع عن schools in uae in the past[/COLOR]
اريد موضوع عن schools in uae in the past بسرعة
education in uae in the past

It is no secret that there was little development anywhere in the Arabian peninsula prior to the discovery of oil. The reason is simple: there was no money for it. The economy in those days was a simple one, based upon pearl diving, fishing, coastal trade and the most rudimentary agriculture.
In 1962 when oil production began in Abu Dhabi the country lacked virtually everything: schools, hospitals, airports, seaports, a dependable supply of safe drinking water, electricity plants and, most importantly, proper housing for the majority of the people. Indeed in the whole country there was not a single kilometre of tarmac road. There had been peace, but a peace without prosperity.
In 1962 there were only 20 schools in the country with less than 4000 students — and most of those boys. By the time the UAE was established in 1971, there were still less than 28,000 students and education was pretty well confined to the towns. Today there are over 290,000 children at government schools all over the country. Each village has its primary school for young children and in the towns, secondary schools with boarding facilities mean that students of $$$$ sexes can complete their secondary education.
In the past, post-secondary education was government-financed and of course meant going abroad to other Arab countries or even to Britain or America. At present, however, the UAE can offer higher education at home. In 1977 the Emirates University was set up in Al Ain. Since that time there have been some 14,500 graduates with half of them women. Hundreds of new graduates are turned out each year.
Courses offered include the traditional university subjects as well as various kinds of engineering, agriculture, various scientific disciplines and a highly-rated Faculty of Medicine which is recognized by Britain’s prestigious Royal College of Surgeons. Overseas scholarships are still available for higher degrees and are still financed by the government.
Early on, the government realized the importance of technical and vocational training for its citizens — $$$$ male and female — so that they could help in meeting the demands of the local job market.
To help meet these demands, in 1988 a system of Higher Colleges of Technology was set up. These offer a more technically oriented course of study. As in the university and the government schools, tuition at the Colleges is free and curriculum has been produced in consultation with potential employers such as banks, airlines and the local oil industry. In 1992 when the first group of students graduated, they had little or no difficulty in finding jobs.
A new Certificate and Diploma programme is being introduced in 1995-96 which will offer a year-long course of basic studies for those who lack adequate preparation to enter the four year Higher Colleges course.
Additional technical education and training is also available in institutions such as the Dubai Aviation College, the Emirates Banking Training Institute or the Career Development Centre of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.
Outside the government sector, there exists a wide range of private schools with an enrolment of some 150,000 students. A number of these teach in the language of one of the expatriate communities living in the UAE and follow the curriculum of their countries. For example, there are English, French, German and Urdu schools preparing children for life in their home countries.
In the last few years, a number of universities and colleges from overseas have begun to offer partial or full degree courses through affiliates in the UAE. This means that a full range of education is available for $$$$ citizens and expatriates.
The President of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed, has said: "Youth is the real wealth of the nation" and if the income from oil can be used to create an academically and technically qualified citizenry, there can be no doubt of the wisdom of the immense expenditure.

منقول عن http://www.jalaan.com/book/show.php?…_the_past.html

education in uae in the past

It is no secret that there was little development anywhere in the Arabian peninsula prior to the discovery of oil. The reason is simple: there was no money for it. The economy in those days was a simple one, based upon pearl diving, fishing, coastal trade and the most rudimentary agriculture.
In 1962 when oil production began in Abu Dhabi the country lacked virtually everything: schools, hospitals, airports, seaports, a dependable supply of safe drinking water, electricity plants and, most importantly, proper housing for the majority of the people. Indeed in the whole country there was not a single kilometre of tarmac road. There had been peace, but a peace without prosperity.
In 1962 there were only 20 schools in the country with less than 4000 students — and most of those boys. By the time the UAE was established in 1971, there were still less than 28,000 students and education was pretty well confined to the towns. Today there are over 290,000 children at government schools all over the country. Each village has its primary school for young children and in the towns, secondary schools with boarding facilities mean that students of $$$$ sexes can complete their secondary education.
In the past, post-secondary education was government-financed and of course meant going abroad to other Arab countries or even to Britain or America. At present, however, the UAE can offer higher education at home. In 1977 the Emirates University was set up in Al Ain. Since that time there have been some 14,500 graduates with half of them women. Hundreds of new graduates are turned out each year.
Courses offered include the traditional university subjects as well as various kinds of engineering, agriculture, various scientific disciplines and a highly-rated Faculty of Medicine which is recognized by Britain’s prestigious Royal College of Surgeons. Overseas scholarships are still available for higher degrees and are still financed by the government.
Early on, the government realized the importance of technical and vocational training for its citizens — $$$$ male and female — so that they could help in meeting the demands of the local job market.
To help meet these demands, in 1988 a system of Higher Colleges of Technology was set up. These offer a more technically oriented course of study. As in the university and the government schools, tuition at the Colleges is free and curriculum has been produced in consultation with potential employers such as banks, airlines and the local oil industry. In 1992 when the first group of students graduated, they had little or no difficulty in finding jobs.
A new Certificate and Diploma programme is being introduced in 1995-96 which will offer a year-long course of basic studies for those who lack adequate preparation to enter the four year Higher Colleges course.
Additional technical education and training is also available in institutions such as the Dubai Aviation College, the Emirates Banking Training Institute or the Career Development Centre of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.
Outside the government sector, there exists a wide range of private schools with an enrolment of some 150,000 students. A number of these teach in the language of one of the expatriate communities living in the UAE and follow the curriculum of their countries. For example, there are English, French, German and Urdu schools preparing children for life in their home countries.
In the last few years, a number of universities and colleges from overseas have begun to offer partial or full degree courses through affiliates in the UAE. This means that a full range of education is available for $$$$ citizens and expatriates.
The President of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed, has said: "Youth is the real wealth of the nation" and if the income from oil can be used to create an academically and technically qualified citizenry, there can be no doubt of the wisdom of the immense expenditure.

منقول عن http://www.jalaan.com/book/show.php?…_the_past.html

i want narrative story in the past and in the present
الشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةs: e:z85الشارقةالشارقة
شكرا واااااااااااااااااااااااايد
مشكور وجزاك الله خيرا
السلام عليكم أبا موضوع عن الامارات في الماضي مع الصور بسرعه قبل الأربعاء لازم ايكون جاهز[quote[/quote]
السلام عليكم بدي اسال عن اجابة كتاب الوورك بوك الوحده الاولى و الثانيه
الصف السادس

Past Continuous

A Worksheet For The Past Continuous

past con11.doc

مشكووووووووووورة الغاليه
.Thank you for the contribution but I think the simple past of shine is shone
u r truly right …oppps got that wrong ..thanx alot
شكرا لك لقد كانت الورقة جميلة
يـــــــــــسلمو قلبوووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو
ولاتحرمنيا من مواضيعج طـر
مشكووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو وووووووووووووووووووووورة
جزااااااااااااكم الله خيرا الشارقة
جزاكم الله خيرًا
الصف الثامن

عرض تقديمي عن past continuous

تســلم يمناج يا الغالية ع العرض الرووووووعة

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
شكراً على البوربوينت الجميل جداً
لكن جاء في وقت متأخر قليلاً

روعة وايد حلو الله يخليج

Emczul this offer provides us with beautiful
Welcome this offer provides us with beautiful
تسلمين أختي

والله انج ما تقصرين

ابى وؤقة عمل صف ثامن ضروري
thanks the sheet work is good
thank yoy very much


عمرك ما جصرين

الله ايوفقج ان شاء الله اختية
بس اصل محب انجليزي
مب طايع يفتح
مشكوووووره و الله صدقتيي وايد روعه و أشكرج و لج جزيل الشكر ( ثاننكس )
ويييييييييييين العرض الحلو وروعة بصراحة ماشي أي عرض
حفظ العرض حقج وخليه
ثـآآآآنكس ^^" وآآآآيــــِـِـِـِـِـِـِـِـِـِــــد روووع ــهـ
شكرا عالبوربوينت و جزاكم الله ألف خير
شكرا ع البوربوينت وجزاج الف خير
تسلميين خيتو … والله انه طرطريشن
البرنامج وايد حلو
يسلمووووو ع ـلى العرض
شكرا على كتاب المعلم كان وااااايد مفيد لي (((((( مشمش ))
الصف التاسع

Present Simple to Past Simple- a paper

changing the verbs into the past simple

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc Present Simple to Past Simple2.doc‏ (33.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 332)
مشكورين الله يوفقكم …………………m
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc Present Simple to Past Simple2.doc‏ (33.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 332)
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عيون المحبه الشارقة
مشكورين الله يوفقكم …………………m

شكرا على المرور.
أبو الناصر

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc Present Simple to Past Simple2.doc‏ (33.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 332)
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc Present Simple to Past Simple2.doc‏ (33.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 332)
الصف الحادي عشر

UAE in the past and nowadays

UAE in the past
I think that UAE in the past had many things different nowadays. In the past our ancestors had just learnt about arithmetic because when they wants to buy some of their camels or sell they should know about arithmetic. Also they learnt how to read holy Quran and how to write. The man who learnt them called “ MOTAWWA “ and he learnt them in mosque. In addition the learning system was simple.

However, the health system was simple too. The personal who treat sick people called “ AL – DDAYAH” and this personal either man or woman. Also not condition this personal is man. If anybody be ill there was a few of medicine to treat him and some of them died because “ AL – DDAYAH “ did not have good qualifications, which help him her to save their lives and he she treat the sick people in their own houses because there was not hospital or if we assume our ancestors have hospital, it was not equipped with necessary tools or not provided with equipment.

People in the past depended basically on hunting
a fish and especially people who live close to coast, so they lives through income of hunting fish and
the selled pearl. Although people who lived in
desert like liwa oasis depended on commerce and agriculture. Our ancestors ate dates and camel meat.
On the other hand, they lived in small houses and it was not safe them from strong rain.

UAE nowadays:

Nevertheless, I believe that UAE has developed and there are plenty of features make UAE one of the best countries in the world for example, We have high educational system like Abu Dhabi education council, which always hopes to be unique educational council and that is fact through bringing foreign teachers, who will has impact in progress of education and ADEC gives good students opportunity to learn ENGLISH in different countries like AUSTRALIA, AMERICA …. Through scholarship, which acquire students knowledge and experiences and learn them life skills such as, how to solve problems or how to depend with yourself.

Regardless, We have various jobs, which earn us high salary for instance, a doctor, an engineer, businessman and lawyer etc…
theses jobs contribute in increasing quality of life and improving living standard to Emirati community.
In additions, we deduce that fossil fuels plays a big role in make UAE from desert to green havent,but fossil fuels danger for life in Earth planet!!!. Also we should not forget that all this development come back to what H.H Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan did with us of benefaction. He is great leader.

Environmental problems:
If we talk about UAE nowadays we should talk about environmental problems such as, global warming and pollution.
Global warming means that the rising of releasing
CO2 with increasing temperature. It is cause from
burning fossil fuels in factories and using petrol ( one
of fossil fuels ) to moving private cars. Both of private cars and factories releasing CO2 into atmosphere.
Actually there are many things happen from global warming such as, If we send CO2 emissions into atmosphere this will melting ice of pole and a result of this the standard of sea will rises, so a lot of cities close to sea and coast will sink and the people, plants and animals will die.

Pollution means everything we do make our environment dirty and bad. There are many kinds of pollution such as, air pollution which comes from smoking and CO2 which send into atmosphere. Water pollution comes from sewage water and petrol which make black color of sea. Also from throwing a big amount of wastes into oceans,seas,lakes and rivers. Soil pollution comes from spraying pesticides and put chemical fertilizers, which spoil the land, stop trees from growing and insect will die.


In fact, we can solve environmental issues if
follow these steps:
1- Using public transports such as; bus, train instead of private car.
2- Reducing of smoking, which has a big effect on environment.
3- Put a rubbish basket in every region, which help
to make our environment clean.
4- Avoid pollute our environment, but we should
keep our environment tidy and clean.
5- Using green energy such as, solar energy, wind energy and water energy instead of burning fossil
fuels ( coals, petrol and gas ) and this way I means using green energy it will be my topic in next slides.

types of energy:

UAE wants to keep the environment clean and suitable to live in, so our government decided to follow the way they think it is the best to stay alive and be friendly with environment. It is ( USING GREEN ENERGY ). As we know that there are two main types of energy. 1- Energy still until determined time and it is finish with time such as; fossil fuels ( coal, petrol and gas). 2- Energy always still and never finish such as; water energy, wind energy and solar energy

using green energy

As we said before, energy always still and never finish. It is very cheap, so it is not expensive and anybody can uses whether is has a little of money or has much of many. Also it is keep our environment clean and tidy. No just this, it is prevents our environment from pollution. However, there are three main types of pollution such as; water energy from seas, lakes, oceans and rivers. It is use by the countries, which close to coast or it is using by the countries, which has a rivers like Jordan has DEJLA river, which help Jordan to save much of money.
Solar energy : It is depend basically on sun, so we take the energy from sun by putting big plate organized. These plates take lights and energy from sun and reflex it to different things such as; cars and houses. For example, UAE is the first country in the middle east, which did this way because it is recognize that in the future fossil fuels will finish and we need energy, so they thought that if they can from now prepare for bitterness future to new generation, it will male them live easily. Also our government learn new generation they should not depends only on oil, but we should work hard now to live easily.

Everyone thought that there is no factual work, just we talk, so it is not expected from any Arabs country do this way and depends basically on green energy.UAE decided to be one of the cleanest country in the world, so they suggested that we should do small city in Abu Dhabi called “ MASDAR CITY “ which be friendly with the environment.

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة القحـــــــطاني الشارقة
UAE in the past
I think that UAE in the past had many things different nowadays. In the past our ancestors had just learnt about arithmetic because when they wants to buy some of their camels or sell they should know about arithmetic. Also they learnt how to read holy Quran and how to write. The man who learnt them called “ MOTAWWA “ and he learnt them in mosque. In addition the learning system was simple.

However, the health system was simple too. The personal who treat sick people called “ AL – DDAYAH” and this personal either man or woman. Also not condition this personal is man. If anybody be ill there was a few of medicine to treat him and some of them died because “ AL – DDAYAH “ did not have good qualifications, which help him her to save their lives and he she treat the sick people in their own houses because there was not hospital or if we assume our ancestors have hospital, it was not equipped with necessary tools or not provided with equipment.

People in the past depended basically on hunting
a fish and especially people who live close to coast, so they lives through income of hunting fish and
the selled pearl. Although people who lived in
desert like liwa oasis depended on commerce and agriculture. Our ancestors ate dates and camel meat.
On the other hand, they lived in small houses and it was not safe them from strong rain.

UAE nowadays:

Nevertheless, I believe that UAE has developed and there are plenty of features make UAE one of the best countries in the world for example, We have high educational system like Abu Dhabi education council, which always hopes to be unique educational council and that is fact through bringing foreign teachers, who will has impact in progress of education and ADEC gives good students opportunity to learn ENGLISH in different countries like AUSTRALIA, AMERICA …. Through scholarship, which acquire students knowledge and experiences and learn them life skills such as, how to solve problems or how to depend with yourself.

Regardless, We have various jobs, which earn us high salary for instance, a doctor, an engineer, businessman and lawyer etc…
theses jobs contribute in increasing quality of life and improving living standard to Emirati community.
In additions, we deduce that fossil fuels plays a big role in make UAE from desert to green havent,but fossil fuels danger for life in Earth planet!!!. Also we should not forget that all this development come back to what H.H Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan did with us of benefaction. He is great leader.

Environmental problems:
If we talk about UAE nowadays we should talk about environmental problems such as, global warming and pollution.
Global warming means that the rising of releasing
CO2 with increasing temperature. It is cause from
burning fossil fuels in factories and using petrol ( one
of fossil fuels ) to moving private cars. Both of private cars and factories releasing CO2 into atmosphere.
Actually there are many things happen from global warming such as, If we send CO2 emissions into atmosphere this will melting ice of pole and a result of this the standard of sea will rises, so a lot of cities close to sea and coast will sink and the people, plants and animals will die.

Pollution means everything we do make our environment dirty and bad. There are many kinds of pollution such as, air pollution which comes from smoking and CO2 which send into atmosphere. Water pollution comes from sewage water and petrol which make black color of sea. Also from throwing a big amount of wastes into oceans,seas,lakes and rivers. Soil pollution comes from spraying pesticides and put chemical fertilizers, which spoil the land, stop trees from growing and insect will die.


In fact, we can solve environmental issues if
follow these steps:
1- Using public transports such as; bus, train instead of private car.
2- Reducing of smoking, which has a big effect on environment.
3- Put a rubbish basket in every region, which help
to make our environment clean.
4- Avoid pollute our environment, but we should
keep our environment tidy and clean.
5- Using green energy such as, solar energy, wind energy and water energy instead of burning fossil
fuels ( coals, petrol and gas ) and this way I means using green energy it will be my topic in next slides.

types of energy:

UAE wants to keep the environment clean and suitable to live in, so our government decided to follow the way they think it is the best to stay alive and be friendly with environment. It is ( USING GREEN ENERGY ). As we know that there are two main types of energy. 1- Energy still until determined time and it is finish with time such as; fossil fuels ( coal, petrol and gas). 2- Energy always still and never finish such as; water energy, wind energy and solar energy

using green energy

As we said before, energy always still and never finish. It is very cheap, so it is not expensive and anybody can uses whether is has a little of money or has much of many. Also it is keep our environment clean and tidy. No just this, it is prevents our environment from pollution. However, there are three main types of pollution such as; water energy from seas, lakes, oceans and rivers. It is use by the countries, which close to coast or it is using by the countries, which has a rivers like Jordan has DEJLA river, which help Jordan to save much of money.
Solar energy : It is depend basically on sun, so we take the energy from sun by putting big plate organized. These plates take lights and energy from sun and reflex it to different things such as; cars and houses. For example, UAE is the first country in the middle east, which did this way because it is recognize that in the future fossil fuels will finish and we need energy, so they thought that if they can from now prepare for bitterness future to new generation, it will male them live easily. Also our government learn new generation they should not depends only on oil, but we should work hard now to live easily.

Everyone thought that there is no factual work, just we talk, so it is not expected from any Arabs country do this way and depends basically on green energy.UAE decided to be one of the cleanest country in the world, so they suggested that we should do small city in Abu Dhabi called “ MASDAR CITY “ which be friendly with the environment.

شكرا جزيلا