الصف الثاني عشر

Watch the suffix

Hello everyone

i have a qustion in regard to the use of suffix

especially the "ly" .. i know from a previous knowldge that it is identified as an adverb suffix but i was surprised to find out that it is an adjective suffix or it can be used for both

i’m really confuzed as sometimes i can’t tell the differnce or the meaning of each suffix

i seek help in this matter

you can go back to page 11 in the CEPA book ex. 1.7

another thing is that the answer key does not inculed the suffix -ious

help help help asap please

Hi brother … i wanna say that suffix "ly" is used as adverb only … but there are some or rare of adjectives ends with ly like lovly …
السلام عليكم
Actually there four ways to form adverbs
1- By adding _ly to the adjective
EX: Quick ……………….. Quickly
2- The same word can be used as an adjective or adverb .
EX: fast,hard ,late……………. fast ,hard,late
3- The adjective is completely different from the adverb .
EX: good ………………………well
4- The adjectives that end in _ly.
friendly ,fatherly ……………….in a friendly /fatherly way .
I hope you can get it easily now .
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة السنجهاوى الشارقة
السلام عليكم
Actually there four ways to form adverbs
1- By adding _ly to the adjective
EX: Quick ……………….. Quickly
2- The same word can be used as an adjective or adverb .
EX: fast,hard ,late……………. fast ,hard,late
3- The adjective is completely different from the adverb .
EX: good ………………………well
4- The adjectives that end in _ly.
friendly ,fatherly ……………….in a friendly /fatherly way .
I hope you can get it easily now .

Thank you very much my brother

i used to have problems with "good turning to be well" but you clearly showed me

if there is any extra information anyone would like to add

i would appreciate it

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