الالعام لمادة اللغة الانجليزية


Hello there people got some questions for you if you got the answers PLEASE let me know.

-If a turtle doesn’t have a shell is it
homeless or naked?

-Would a fly without wings be called a

-Why is it that when you tell a man there
are 400 billion stars he will believe you, but
when you tell him there’s wet paint he has
to touch it?

-Why do you press harder on the
remote-control when you know the
battery is dead?

-Doesn’t expecting the unexpected make
the unexpected expected?

-The speed of light is 299 792 458 m / s
so What’s the speed of dark?

الصف التاسع

who is your best friend anh why????

يا ليت تعطوني هاد الموضوع … ويكون مميز شوي الشارقةالشارقة

وشكككككككرا الشارقة

8 مشاهدات
0 ردود >>> وبعد ردي.. صارو 1


My best friend is Maha. I like her because she is funny,
honest and interesting. She always tells me jokes
she has many interests and alwys tells truth, she never lies
<div tag="1|80|” >ok

<div tag="1|80|” >good


يسلموو ما قصــــــرتي

يعـطيــــــــج العافيــــــة ,,،،،’’’