الصف الحادي عشر

أريد معاني كلمات الوحدة الرابعة ضروري

السلام عليكم
لو سمحتوا ماعليكم أمر
بغيت معاني كلمات الوحدة الرابعة

إللي عنده ويقدر يوفره لي له مني أكبر شكر بليز ضروري اليوم

أنت عطني الكلمات بالنجليزي و أنا بعطيك بالعربي و ومعانيهم بالنجليزي إذا تباالشارقة
تفضلي المعاني و لاتنسونا بالدعاء

surf / امواج صادرة من الانترنت

assignment / تكليف

download / تحميل

cyberspace / الأنظمة الإلكترونية

ببدألج من اليسآر لين اليمين وما بكتب الكلمة سيدة المعنى :
* يسيئ الاستخدام
* يساعد على الادمان
*يؤثر على
*شخص عدواني
* العدوانية
* واجب
* توازن
*مادة الكافين
*تجويف – حمره في الاسنان
*شد عضلي
*الفضاء الالكتروني
* beast of like
*دور في الرأس
* تنزيل وتحميل

العمود الي على اليمين

*التعب الشديد
*غير قانوني
*غير محتمل
*يتعارض او يتداخل
* وقت الفراغ
*يحافظ على
*غير خيالي
*زيادة في الاكل
*زيادة في الاستخدام
*يقلع عن
*مخاطره (خطر
*قاطرة المقطورة
*غير مشهور
*الاغلبية العضمى

مع إضافة هذه الكلمة
* addected to .. يدمن على

يسلموو نييشن خيتوو

ويزااج الله خير ..


تسلم الايادي
الصف الحادي عشر

ابغي صــ 59 الورك بوكـ

لو سمحتووووووووا ابغي حل صــ 59 work book .. بلييييييييييييييز .. الشارقة
وانا كمان 59 و60 ألي حاللها يفيدنا بلييييييييييز
بعدنا ماوصلنا ليـ هالصفحات..^^
مي تو انا ابغي ها الاسبوع بيجيكوون ع الكتاب لازم احل الصفحتين
اقول بصرااحه هذا وااايد كيف تبغيني اكتبه لج وااايد بصراااحه عااادي تبغين ما عندي مااانع
اناااا بعد ابغي صفحة 65 رقم(8-9-10-11) ضروري ابغي حق بااااااجر بلييييييييييييز
وينكم ابغي ضروري
للاسف كتاب عن عند الابله ^^
الصف الحادي عشر

اريد موضوع انجليزي،،،،

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

لــــو سمحتوا اريد موضوع عن( تطوير الشيخ زايد بن سلطان ال نهيان)في المجتمع،
رحمه الله ((اللهم ادخله جنات الفردوس))آمييين….

Abu Dhabi’s people place a large emphasis on the family and community. Before 1960, the only settlements were small towns and villages, however since then oil wealth has fuelled extensive modernization.

The commercial production of oil funded a general improvement in diet, healthcare and living standards, all of which played a role in the growth of the local population. Abu Dhabi’s total population increased dramatically with the introduction of a foreign, predominantly male, labour force. The dependence on expatriate labour has played an integral role in Abu Dhabi’s development into a multi-ethnic society, with UAE nationals accounting for approximately 20 per cent of the population.

In the past four decades, Abu Dhabi has attracted the full spectrum of nationalities and cultures from around the world. This influx, particularly in the past 15 years, has been accompanied by the introduction of corporate, social and entertainment options to cater for the population’s diversity. Restaurants offer a wide variety of ethnic foods, catering to a new, multicultural population.

Today, Abu Dhabi is home to a multicultural, modern and ambitious population. Towns have been transformed from mud-walled communities into commercial hubs that are increasingly integrating into the global economy, and reflect a modern, sophisticated approach to local residential and business accommodation.

Sorouh is proud to be contributing to the future of Abu Dhabi, catering to the different needs of families and businesses as they seek to make Abu Dhabi their new home. As a member of the wider Abu Dhabi family, Sorouh places the needs of the community at the very heart of all its projects, by creating places in which people want to live, making people and their wellbeing the central focus of its business and acting as an integral member of the community in which it operates.

Abu Dhabi’s infrastructure development has been impressive. The welfare system has become a conduit for the rulers to distribute the benefits of the Emirate’s oil resources. It provides comprehensive state services for all nationals, and includes quality healthcare, education to the tertiary level, social security, family allowances, subsided electricity and water, and housing for low-income groups. The growing international community benefits from Abu Dhabi’s focus and commitment to all its residents, especially regarding the provision of medical care.

Please visit Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority for further information.

Sorouh’s active participation in the key aspects of Abu Dhabi life, guided by an integrated approach to real estate development, offers a sustainable balance between the needs of residents and the need to protect the environment. By achieving its own internal goals, Sorouh also makes a valuable contribution to the economy and overall welfare of the people of Abu Dhabi.

السموحة ع القصور

بالحل …
مشكوره حبيبتي
العفو .. هذا وآجبي الغالية
الصف الحادي عشر

طلبي يخص food chain

السلام عليكم والرحمه الله وبركاته ، ..

شحالكم ، عساكم بخير ؟

كل عام وانتوا بخير ، وعسى هالسنه تكون أفضل وأحسن من السنوات اللي طافت > بدت تتفلسف ~!


بغيت معلومه صغيره عن موضوع [ Food chain ] ..


وأتمنى أحصل رد اليوم لآني أبيه حق باجر ، ..

والسموحه منكم ، ..

امممممممممم اوك بروح ادور ولي عوده
The Marine Food Chain

Phytoplankton is the first level of our food chain, followed by the zooplankton, which feeds on the phytoplankton. The zooplankton are then eaten by krill, fish and other crustaceans, which all go on to be eaten by big fish, penguins, seals, walruses and whales. The food chain continues when these are eaten by mammals like polar bears.(Vegas)

If you think about the food chain logically it is easy to understand how, without plankton, all of the oceans animals would die. Without phytoplankton, zooplankton would not have food and die. Without zooplankton, krill, smaller fish and other crustaceans would have nothing to eat and they would die, etc, etc. Until finally you get all the way out to large mammals like whales, dolphins, and manatees. All animals in the ocean depend on plankton for survival.

Although humans don’t currently feed off polar bears and fish as their entire diet, at one time we did. Hunter-gatherers relied on meat and fish as part of their daily diet. Without plankton they would not have had access to many kinds of meat and fish. Meaning, hunter-gatherers would have had to rely solely on the food that they gathered, rather than caught and killed; these include roots, and berries and nuts. These foods would eventually have become so sparse that large groups of hunter-gatherers would have starved to death.(Pearson) Seafood has played an important role throughout history and still does today.

سوري ها الي حصلته بس
ثانكس ^^

ربي يعطيج العافيه ، ..

والله اني هم اريده
و الله اني بعد اريده
the food chan is vary bad ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
شكراُ ع الطرح النايس
يسلموااااااااااا اختي وما تقصري
الشارقةالشارقةمشكوورة اخية وماقصرتي
وتسلم ايدج والله هذا ايكفي ويوفي بعد
who saied food chain is verry bad hhh thats verry verry easy


thats my name

<div tag="1|80|” >مشكووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووورة


The food chain comprises all living things and is a true reflection of their interdependence and the complex balance of life. If one animal’s source of food disappears, such as from over-fishing or hunting, many other animals in the food chain are impacted and may die.
Breaking one link on the chain means all of the organisms above that link are in threat of extinction (like the domino effect). Since the food chain provides energy that all living things must have in order to survive, it is imperative that we protect it.
Why should I be aware of this?
A significant portion of the Pacific Ocean, twice the size of Texas, is full of plastic. Some of these minuscule pieces of plastic are so small that they are barely visible to the eye. As they swirl in the seas and oceans, they resemble fish food and are eaten by the small fish. The plastic thus enters the food chain.
Evidences of plastic’s entry into the food chain were seen when dead bodies of a large number of seabirds that had been washed ashore were found to contain plastic: things like bottle caps, cigarette lighters, tampon applicators, and colored scraps. Apparently these resemble baitfish to the seabird. Scientists say these toxins cause obesity, infertility and other problems amongst humans.

How does this affect me?
In recent times, directly or indirectly man has caused the maximum damage to the food chain. He has hunted animals, razed forest for farming and development, and wreaked havoc everywhere. This adverse impact on the food chain might affect our health, the environment and our planet.
When we spray pesticides, we not only put the food chain in danger, but also affect out health by introducing chemicals in our food.
All about food chain
The food chain consists of four main parts:
• Sun — The sun is the source of energy for all activities on the earth.
• Producers — This includes all plants, which harness the energy of the sun and make their own food.
• Consumers – These include all organisms that cannot manufacture their own food and eat food manufactured by something else. While herbivores are primary consumers and the second largest biomass in an ecosystem, carnivores or animals that eat the herbivores make up the third largest biomass, and are also known as secondary consumers. Consumers include
• herbivores –animals that eat plants.
• carnivores — animals that eat other animals.
• parasites –animals that live off of other organisms by harming it.
• scavengers — animals that eat dead animal carcasses.
• Decomposers: These mainly comprise bacteria and fungi that convert dead matter into gases such as carbon and nitrogen to be released back into the air, soil, or water. Without decomposers, the earth would be covered in trash. Decomposers also recycle the nutrients so that it can be used again by producers.
Both the sea and the land have a complex food chain.

On Sea
All sea creatures rely on other sea creatures for food. At the bottom of the food chain here are the sea plants, krill and plankton. These are eaten by many types of fish and animals such as the snail, shrimp, jellyfish, and sea star. These small animals and fish in turn become food for larger fish, such as the tuna and mackerel, which are then eaten by larger fish and

animals, such as the shark and dolphin. Sharks are much needed to maintain the balance of the marine ecosystem. However, they are killed for food and other things.

On Land
On the land plants or bugs are eaten by smaller animals who in turn are eaten by larger animals. At the top of the food chain on land are humans who eat many of the plants and animals on earth. A break in the food chain can impact everyone, humans also. To understand the food chain in the wild, take the example of the zebra and the grass. The zebra eats the grass. Larger predators like the lion eat the zebra.
Food chain and the environment
Air Pollution
Human activity cause air pollution and lead to global warming. Apart from increasing the sea levels, rise in earth’s temperatures can cause other alterations in the ecology, including modifying the quantity and pattern of rainfall — which can have its own ramification on the food chain.
Lower agricultural outputs, glacier melting, lesser summer stream flows, genus extinctions and rise in the ranges of disease vectors are likely to be the other consequences. Global warming has already made species like golden toad, harlequin frog of Costa Rica extinct and a number of species are threatened with extinction.
The rise of carbon dioxide emissions and the resultant climate warming from the burning of fossil fuels are making oceans warmer and more acidic which in tuen are damaging coral reefs, the world’s most diverse marine ecosystem.
Plastic pollution
The plastic pollution is not just a cause of alarm because it is not biodegradable but it is also making its way into the food chain. Its obvious victims include dead seabirds that have been found on shores, their stomachs full of small plastic items such as bottled water caps, cigarette lighters, tampon applicators, and colored scraps that, to a foraging bird, resemble baitfish. These small plastic waste items are not just affecting sea birds but the entire marine foodchain from whales down to zooplankton. There is a growing and disturbing proof that we are ingesting plastic toxins constantly, and that even slight doses of these substances can severely disrupt gene activity.

By hunting animals nearly to extinction, everything above the animal in the food chain is put in danger. A ‘chain reaction’ in the food chain can be perilous!
As overfishing depletes prized species like tuna, cod and swordfish, commercial fishermen are moving farther down oceanic food ***s in search of a catch, it has been observed. If this quest is pursued to its logical end, scientists warn, it will lead to a wholesale collapse of marine ecosystems.
A team of Canadian and American scientists say that the overfishing of large sharks has led to an explosion of small predators that are devastating populations of *****fish.
The steep drop in shark numbers along the U.S. Atlantic coast since 1970 has caused an increase in 12 of 13 species – rays, skates, and smaller sharks eaten mainly by large sharks.
The abundance of one of these species, the cownose ray, has increased 20 times and its prey – scallops, clams, oysters, and other *****fish – have been reduced. The loss of scallops has reduced water quality because scallops and other *****fish filter sea water. And the cownose ray is now feeding voraciously on other *****fish, like oysters and clams.
90 degrees
An iceberg more than four times the size of Greater London is damaging marine wildlife off the coast of Antarctica by blocking sunlight to a huge expanse of ocean, It has created a build-up of sea ice that has killed the tiny marine phytoplankton – a key element in the Antarctic food chain.
Phytoplankton turns sunlight into food for smaller marine life, notably the shrimp-like krill which is an important source of food for fish, which are in turn eaten by seals and penguins. Sea ice stops sunlight getting to the shallower depths of the sea where phytoplankton grow. The result is that the C-19 iceberg has created the *****alent of a desert.

Copper Bytes
• One sea animal dissected by Dutch researchers contained 1,603 pieces of plastics.
• One symptom of this practice of fishing down the food chain is that second-level creatures normally preyed upon by the fish at the top of the chain are increasingly appearing on restaurant menus.
• An iceberg more than four times the size of Greater London is damaging marine wildlife off the coast of Antarctica by blocking sunlight to a huge expanse of ocean. This build-up of sea ice has killed the tiny marine phytoplankton – a key element in the Antarctic food chain.
• Human activity is currently responsible for emitting 30 million tons of CO2 each year, 12 million tons of which accumulate in the

Conclusion :
Finally, food chain is important to protect animals and plants from extinction and it helps them to survive on this planet .

Resources :

هذا اللي عنـــدي والسمووحه على القصــور ^____^


The food chains is show how plants, animals, and human
Are living together and what is there food

First the sun is the main producer of the pour.

Then plants need the sun’s light to make there food

Animals eat meat from other animals or they eat the grass

Humans eat the cow, sheep or chickens.

Finally I know that sun and the plant important for the life. And we must thank the God for there givens>

The food chain comprises all living things and is a true reflection of their interdependence and the complex balance of life. If one animal’s source of food disappears, such as from over-fishing or hunting, many other animals in the food chain are impacted and may die.
Breaking one link on the chain means all of the organisms above that link are in threat of extinction (like the domino effect). Since the food chain provides energy that all living things must have in order to survive, it is imperative that we protect it.

Why should I be aware of this?
A significant portion of the Pacific Ocean, twice the size of Texas, is full of plastic. Some of these minuscule pieces of plastic are so small that they are barely visible to the eye. As they swirl in the seas and oceans, they resemble fish food and are eaten by the small fish. The plastic thus enters the food chain.
Evidences of plastic’s entry into the food chain were seen when dead bodies of a large number of seabirds that had been washed ashore were found to contain plastic: things like bottle caps, cigarette lighters, tampon applicators, and colored scraps. Apparently these resemble baitfish to the seabird. Scientists say these toxins cause obesity, infertility and other problems amongst humans.
How does this affect me?
In recent times, directly or indirectly man has caused the maximum damage to the food chain. He has hunted animals, razed forest for farming and development, and wreaked havoc everywhere. This adverse impact on the food chain might affect our health, the environment and our planet.
When we spray pesticides, we not only put the food chain in danger, but also affect out health by introducing chemicals in our food.
Why we need the food ?
Do you like to play games? If you do, you will need energy. Every time you run or jump, you are using up energy in your body. How do you get the energy to play? You get energy from the food you eat. Similarly, all living things get energy from their food so that they can move and grow. As food passes
through the body, some of it is digested. This process of digestion releases energy.

All about food chain
The food chain consists of four main parts:
• Sun — The sun is the source of energy for all activities on the earth.
• Producers — This includes all plants, which harness the energy of the sun and make their own food.
• Consumers – These include all organisms that cannot manufacture their own food and eat food manufactured by something else. While herbivores are primary consumers and the second largest biomass in an ecosystem, carnivores or animals that eat the herbivores make up the third largest biomass, and are also known as secondary consumers. Consumers include
• herbivores –animals that eat plants.
• carnivores — animals that eat other animals.
• parasites –animals that live off of other organisms by harming it.
• scavengers — animals that eat dead animal carcasses.
• Decomposers: These mainly comprise bacteria and fungi that convert dead matter into gases such as carbon and nitrogen to be released back into the air, soil, or water. Without decomposers, the earth would be covered in trash. Decomposers also recycle the nutrients so that it can be used again by producers.
Both the sea and the land have a complex food chain.

On Sea
All sea creatures rely on other sea creatures for food. At the bottom of the food chain here are the sea plants, krill and plankton. These are eaten by many types of fish and animals such as the snail, shrimp, jellyfish, and sea star. These small animals and fish in turn become food for larger fish, such as the tuna and mackerel, which are then eaten by larger fish and animals, such as the shark and dolphin. Sharks are much needed to maintain the balance of the marine ecosystem. However, they are killed for food and other things.
What’s the kelp?
Kelp is a plant that does eat anything else. Mackerel is a fish that eats shrimps , squids , and small fish such as anchovies . The actopus eats shrimps , crabs , snails , fish and sometimes even turtles . The killer whale eats fish , squids , seals and sea lions . Red algae is a type of seaweed and it doesn’t eat anything . krills are ting shrimps that eat plankton , squids , fish , shrimps . Tuna eats fish in clnding mackerel . Anchovies are small fish that eat planktons

Marine Food Web

Plants and animals must have organic carbon to survive. Organic carbon has high-energy chemical bonds which are broken to provide ****bolic energy. For example, humans eat organic carbon in the form of green beans and chicken, but we couldn’t survive if we only had diamonds to eat. Diamonds are made from carbon, but it is the wrong kind – inorganic carbon. Just like humans, plants and animals in the ocean require organic carbon.
How do they get it? There are only two ways. They either produce their own or make use of organic carbon produced by others. Species that make their own organic carbon are called "primary producers". They are the base of the marine food web because all other species depend on their productivity either directly or indirectly to survive. In most parts of the ocean, primary producers are marine plants, typically algae. These are the phytoplankton (phyto = plant; plankton = floating). They live in the sunlit portions of the ocean and use energy from the sun to convert inorganic carbon into organic carbon.

On Land
the land plants or bugs are eaten by smaller animals who in turn are eaten by larger animals. At the top of the food chain on land are humans who eat many of the plants and animals on earth. A break in the food chain can impact everyone, humans also. To understand the food chain in the wild, take the example of the zebra and the grass. The zebra eats the grass. Larger predators like the lion eat the zebra.
Do you know why there are more herbivores than carnivores?

In a food chain, energy is passed from one link to another. When a herbivore eats, only a fraction of the energy (that it gets from the plant food) becomes new body mass; the rest of the energy is lost as waste or used up by the herbivore to carry out its life processes (e.g., movement, digestion, reproduction). Therefore, when the herbivore is eaten by a carnivore, it passes only a small amount of total energy (that it has received) to the carnivore. Of the energy transferred from the herbivore to the carnivore, some energy will be "wasted" or "used up" by the carnivore. The carnivore then has to eat many herbivores to get enough energy to grow.

Because of the large amount of energy that is lost at each link, the amount of energy that is transferred gets lesser and lesser

Food chain and the environment
Air Pollution
Human activity cause air pollution and lead to global warming. Apart from increasing the sea levels, rise in earth’s temperatures can cause other alterations in the ecology, including modifying the quantity and pattern of rainfall — which can have its own ramification on the food chain.
Lower agricultural outputs, glacier melting, lesser summer stream flows, genus extinctions and rise in the ranges of disease vectors are likely to be the other consequences. Global warming has already made species like golden toad, harlequin frog of Costa Rica extinct and a number of species are threatened with extinction.
The rise of carbon dioxide emissions and the resultant climate warming from the burning of fossil fuels are making oceans warmer and more acidic which in tuen are damaging coral reefs, the world’s most diverse marine ecosystem.
Plastic pollution
The plastic pollution is not just a cause of alarm because it is not biodegradable but it is also making its way into the food chain. Its obvious victims include dead seabirds that have been found on shores, their stomachs full of small plastic items such as bottled water caps, cigarette lighters, tampon applicators, and colored scraps that, to a foraging bird, resemble baitfish. These small plastic waste items are not just affecting sea birds but the entire marine foodchain from whales down to zooplankton. There is a growing and disturbing proof that we are ingesting plastic toxins constantly, and that even slight doses of these substances can severely disrupt gene activity.

By hunting animals nearly to extinction, everything above the animal in the food chain is put in danger. A ‘chain reaction’ in the food chain can be perilous!

As overfishing depletes prized species like tuna, cod and swordfish, commercial fishermen are moving farther down oceanic food webs in search of a catch, it has been observed. If this quest is pursued to its logical end, scientists warn, it will lead to a wholesale collapse of marine ecosystems.
A team of Canadian and American scientists say that the overfishing of large sharks has led to an explosion of small predators that are devastating populations of shellfish.
The steep drop in shark numbers along the U.S. Atlantic coast since 1970 has caused an increase in 12 of 13 species – rays, skates, and smaller sharks eaten mainly by large sharks.
The abundance of one of these species, the cownose ray, has increased 20 times and its prey – scallops, clams, oysters, and other shellfish – have been reduced. The loss of scallops has reduced water quality because scallops and other shellfish filter sea water. And the cownose ray is now feeding voraciously on other shellfish, like oysters and clams.
Overfishing occurs when fish are caught faster than they can reproduce. Many marine scientists now believe that overfishing is the biggest human impact on the world’s oceans. A recent study in the prestigious journal Science showed that overfishing makes ocean ecosystems more vulnerable to harm from other human impacts like pollution.
Evidence of overfishing abounds throughout U.S. waters, including the near-disappearance of fish that were once abundant, and the shrinking sizes of average-sized fish. Today, many fish are caught before they are old enough to reproduce.
Overfishing probably contributes to declines of marine birds and mammals by reducing their food supplies. Depletion of fish populations is actually an accepted goal for most fishery managers. Fishermen are encouraged to achieve maximum exploitation by "fishing down" populations to about half their original size. Such goals ignore the role of fish as an integral part of marine food webs.
Numbers of Organisms:

In any food web, energy is lost each time one organism eats another. Because of this, there have to be many more plants than there are plant-eaters. There are more autotrophs than heterotrophs, and more plant-eaters than meat-eaters. Although there is intense competition between animals, there is also an interdependence. When one species goes extinct, it can affect an entire chain of other species and have unpredictable consequences.
As the number of carnivores in a community increases, they eat more and more of the herbivores, decreasing the herbivore population. It then becomes harder and harder for the carnivores to find herbivores to eat, and the population of carnivores decreases. In this way, the carnivores and herbivores stay in a relatively stable equilibrium, each limiting the other’s population. A similar equilibrium exists between plants and plant-eaters

90 degrees
An iceberg more than four times the size of Greater London is damaging marine wildlife off the coast of Antarctica by blocking sunlight to a huge expanse of ocean, It has created a build-up of sea ice that has killed the tiny marine phytoplankton – a key element in the Antarctic food chain.
Phytoplankton turns sunlight into food for smaller marine life, notably the shrimp-like krill which is an important source of food for fish, which are in turn eaten by seals and penguins. Sea ice stops sunlight getting to the shallower depths of the sea where phytoplankton grow. The result is that the C-19 iceberg has created the *****alent of a desert.
Copper Bytes
• One sea animal dissected by Dutch researchers contained 1,603 pieces of plastics.
• One symptom of this practice of fishing down the food chain is that second-level creatures normally preyed upon by the fish at the top of the chain are increasingly appearing on restaurant menus.
• An iceberg more than four times the size of Greater London is damaging marine wildlife off the coast of Antarctica by blocking sunlight to a huge expanse of ocean. This build-up of sea ice has killed the tiny marine phytoplankton – a key element in the Antarctic food chain.
• Human activity is currently responsible for emitting 30 million tons of CO2 each year, 12 million tons of which accumulate in the atmosphere.
Finally we find from this food chain that all animals are connecting with each other, and if one from this creature die out ,it will make a Dangerous effect in all creature in the food

and we find that all food chain in this world live by the jungle rules and it is the stronger eat the weaker

Copper wik

شكرا وم تقصؤين
والله يطول في عمرج
مشكووور اخويـ،ـ،
الله يعطيك الصحه وواعافيه
مشكوور وما قصرت وجزاك الله الف خير
الصف الحادي عشر

حل صفحات من كتاب الامتحانات .براجرافات

هذا موضوع تعبير عن الوحده الثاتنية من كتاب الاختبارات

نتمني التوفيق للجميع

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar _________.rar‏ (5.9 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 359)
جزااااك الله خيرا
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar _________.rar‏ (5.9 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 359)
U R Welcome
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar _________.rar‏ (5.9 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 359)
شكرا بس ممكن تحوله للوورد لان rar ما عندي فما يفتح
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar _________.rar‏ (5.9 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 359)
جزاك الله خيرا
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar _________.rar‏ (5.9 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 359)
شكرررررررررررررررررررا كثيرااااااااااااااااااا
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar _________.rar‏ (5.9 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 359)
الصف الحادي عشر

مجلة لغة انجليزية

السلام عليكم
أنا مطلوب مني مجلة عن الكوارث الطبيعية وأي شي موجود في الكتاب
فياريت تقولوا لي أفكار للمجلة
تقبلوا فائق الاحترام
ممكن براجراف على الكوارث الطبيعية لو سمحتم أو إسّاييييييييي
لا مو ممكن
الشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةs: e:z26الشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةs:e :z37الشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةs:e: z83الشارقةالشارقة
الصف الحادي عشر

الى كل الطالبات والطالبين والمدرسين والمدرسات ممكن تساعدوني عندي مشكلة

شكراا لانكم فتحتو موضوعيالشارقة

حبيت الشارقةاعرض لكم مشكلتي
يمكن تساعدونيالشارقة

انا مشكلتي بس بالانجليزي لاغير

مع ان اوكي فالمواد الثانية

عندي مشكلة يتكوين الجملة
مااعرف اكون جملة

واذا ماعرفت اكون جملة يعمي مااعرف اكون برقراف

ممكن تشروحو لي

كيف اكون جملة الشارقة

وشو الكلمات المهم لتكوين الجملة

واذا ساعدتوني
بدعي ليكم

وشكرا لانكم فتحتو كوضوعي

ملاحظة ممكن تعطوني تدريبات او بوربوينتات

الصف الحادي عشر

افرحوووووو يا طلاب الصف 11 علمي

الشارقةالشارقةافرحوو يا طلاب الصف 11 علمي
ماشي بروجكت و يلي تسمونه لروفيلو
خلاص لا تعبيو نفسكم على هاي الأشياء
يعني لغوووووووووووووو البروفيلوووووووووووو

و راحت عليهم يلي سووو برفيلووووووووووو

يا خي صدعونا بالبروفيلوو و أخر شي ما شي الشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقة

هيه والله
لا لا لا مب صحيييييييييح هالكلام

نحن حصلن تقسيمت وعندنا project من 30 بعد

مع تمنياتي لكم بالتووووووووووفيق والنجاح الشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقة

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مريوم 2022 الشارقة
لا لا لا مب صحيييييييييح هالكلام

نحن حصلن تقسيمت وعندنا project من 30 بعد

مع تمنياتي لكم بالتووووووووووفيق والنجاح الشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقةالشارقة

صح يا مريوم يوجد برتفيلوا ولكن يتكلم على healthy socity
وبدل البروجيكت فى ecart
هذا بالنسبة لمنطقة ابو ظبى

والله شفت موجه الانجليزي
والله أكبر خقاق و مب عارف وين الله حاطنه
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الاشواق الشارقة
والله شفت موجه الانجليزي
والله أكبر خقاق و مب عارف وين الله حاطنه

ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههالشارقةالشارقةs:e: z3الشارقة

شي بروجكت بس ماشي بورت فوليوو
إلى الآن لم يتم التحديد و لكنهم ازالوا درجات البورتفوليو و وضعوها للبروجكت و كنهم لم يقولوا بانهم لغوا البورتفوليو لذا انصحكم بعمل البورتفوليو و البروجكت و للعلم انا من مدرسة الخالدية بالمنطقة الشرقية
انتوا غلطانين المفروض نزعل
حتي البروجيكت مقسم على ثلاث فصول إضافة انوا البورد فليوا اتقسمت في الأمتحان
يا جماعة البروتوفيليو اتلغى بس البروجكت موجود وعليه 30 علامة وربنا البروتوفيليو مكنش بياخد تحضيره 10 دقائق . عاوزينه يرجع تاني ده علييه علامات بالعبيط
اسمع وسطح..
حتى الادبي ما عندهم بروفايل مب بس العلمي لان كلهم نفس الشي فالانجليزي
ههه شو هالحرب الي قايمه ع البوتفوليو !
شي بورتفوليو بلسس برووجيكت
في بروجكت نحن عندنا من 30 بالعكس نضمن درجات يا اذكياء
الصف الحادي عشر

أرجوكم يا شباب أحتاج الكلمات

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته….

يا شباب لو سمحتم الي عنده كلمات الفصل الأول و الثالث خله يفيدنا و يحطها هني و الله يجزيه الخير

بلييييييييز شبااااااااااااااااااب الشارقةالشارقةالشارقة

الصف الحادي عشر

كلمات انجليزي مفيدة وسهلة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


كلمات انجليزي سهلة وجميلة للصف 11 و يفيدوك في 12 ويساعدوك ايضا في كتابة مواضيع والبراجرافات والخ


طريقة التحميل :

تنتظر 5 ثواني فوق وبعدها تعمل skip ad بعدين تفتح رابط ميديا فاير وتحمل الشارقة

يعطيك العافيه
أشكــرك ،،،،
شكرااااا جزيلاااااا